Who would you send to train Q presenters in China and why?


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I`ve only just caught up with this thread and all I can say is b*llocks to anybody who doesn`t like the fact I dislike DF and and I`ll darned well say so and I don`t need to justify it to anybody just as much as I don`t need to justify disliking cauliflower either and tough t*tty if you think we speak as we find, good or bad because hey ho that`s what this forum is for. If someone doesn`t like it then there`s the door >>>>>> and don`t let us keep you because afterall only someone looking for trouble would stay where it obviously makes them so unhappy. That is of course, unless they`re just windup merchants, perish the thought !
I am sure wind up merchant is the right description in this case. However having said that I do hope this forum continues to allow debate, with opposing views rather than entire one sided threads. Even if that thread is about me. Oops sorry Debbie Flint. ; )
I`ve only just caught up with this thread and all I can say is b*llocks to anybody who doesn`t like the fact I dislike DF and and I`ll darned well say so and I don`t need to justify it to anybody just as much as I don`t need to justify disliking cauliflower either and tough t*tty if you think we speak as we find, good or bad because hey ho that`s what this forum is for. If someone doesn`t like it then there`s the door >>>>>> and don`t let us keep you because afterall only someone looking for trouble would stay where it obviously makes them so unhappy. That is of course, unless they`re just windup merchants, perish the thought !

Here! Here! :clapping:
I am sure wind up merchant is the right description in this case. However having said that I do hope this forum continues to allow debate, with opposing views rather than entire one sided threads. Even if that thread is about me. Oops sorry Debbie Flint. ; )

Of that you can be certain, we will always accept comments of all types, imo, if you appear on TV then you have put yourself innate spotlight so I am afraid have to to take the rough with the smooth.

The forum is not going to change just because one person wants it to, we are an honest open and unbiased forum, I know I am repeating myself but the QVC Facebook groups are so censored and in my opinion give a very false impression of what viewers think.
Of that you can be certain, we will always accept comments of all types, imo, if you appear on TV then you have put yourself innate spotlight so I am afraid have to to take the rough with the smooth.

The forum is not going to change just because one person wants it to, we are an honest open and unbiased forum, I know I am repeating myself but the QVC Facebook groups are so censored and in my opinion give a very false impression of what viewers think.

Well said - and we are here to counter that :clapping: We are NOT BTY or any of those crappy censored QVC love fests.
I`ve only just caught up with this thread and all I can say is b*llocks to anybody who doesn`t like the fact I dislike DF and and I`ll darned well say so and I don`t need to justify it to anybody just as much as I don`t need to justify disliking cauliflower either and tough t*tty if you think we speak as we find, good or bad because hey ho that`s what this forum is for. If someone doesn`t like it then there`s the door >>>>>> and don`t let us keep you because afterall only someone looking for trouble would stay where it obviously makes them so unhappy. That is of course, unless they`re just windup merchants, perish the thought !

I am so glad this wasn't deleted as inappropriate !!!!
Of that you can be certain, we will always accept comments of all types, imo, if you appear on TV then you have put yourself innate spotlight so I am afraid have to to take the rough with the smooth.

The forum is not going to change just because one person wants it to, we are an honest open and unbiased forum, I know I am repeating myself but the QVC Facebook groups are so censored and in my opinion give a very false impression of what viewers think.

Thanks for that, Graham. I get the feeling that person's agenda is to close down as many critical threads and provoke as many deletable replies as possible* so that this site becomes a saccharine-coated version of the QVC Fb group and all criticism is stifled. I welcome different points of view, but this is ridiculous. It's nothing about critical posters not being "nice" - we're all "nice" and "not nice" people, that's what people are - it's about freedom of speech. I don't appreciate posts telling me what I should and shouldn't be saying in order not to be "not nice". Like most people here, I appreciate honesty and one person being allowed to continue to get threads closed down and stifle honest debate would be a retrograde step.

Like I said before, pet, it's pointless replying to me but feel free to post if you must. I know what a thorn in your side we must be, though. Oh, and by the way, your writing style and turn of phrase evident in your lengthy posts give the game away. And "nice" is my understanding of some of the rationale, not an actual quoted word.

*that's what wind-up merchants do, after all. Many replies to this troll have been deleted.
Of that you can be certain, we will always accept comments of all types, imo, if you appear on TV then you have put yourself innate spotlight so I am afraid have to to take the rough with the smooth.

The forum is not going to change just because one person wants it to, we are an honest open and unbiased forum, I know I am repeating myself but the QVC Facebook groups are so censored and in my opinion give a very false impression of what viewers think.

Graham, you have missed the point. I am an honest person and should be able to post my view without harassment, fear or favour. A handful of dominating people - who will not allow me to have my view - have got it into their heads that I am a troll, someone else in disguise, a wind-up merchant and a troublemaker and if you believe it too then you have allowed yourself be manipulated. I am not trying to close threads - it's not my posts that are deleted but theirs! But they don't get it! It is THEIR words which get their posts removed, not mine! But they blame me instead of taking responsibility for the fact that it is their words which have been removed as inappropriate. But they still keep on, and on ...... and allowed to go on ..... and on ...... baiting and goading ....... on and on ......

I am an ordinary lady, a QVC member and shopper, who joined this forum because I thought it would be interesting. I did not expect to see a Debbie Flint bitch fest and it shocked me! Perhaps I should have kept my opinion to myself but why shouldn't I be able to say what I think? This group of women - clearly a clique - will not allow me to have my view without attack and that is what is wrong here. They want to slag anyone off but they do not want criticising themselves! I have not posted since yesterday but yet they still keep on and on, baiting in an attempt to get me to respond. Now this definitely IS winding up and troll behaviour. Even when I ignore them they cannot leave it alone! As Administrator Graham, you should be ensuring that this sort of behaviour is stopped and it is regrettable that you continue to allow this to continue. If this is a honest and unbiased forum where people can say what they want then THAT INCLUDES ME and you should be defending my right. For the last time - I do not know Debbie Flint nor do I have any connection with QVC but I see nothing wrong with a nice forum, as opposed to one which has a handful of women who cannot accept that someone disagrees! This originally started because I defended Debbie Flint her right to run her forum according to QVC's own Facebook rules. That is all I said! But a handful of UNreasonable people attacked me for it and have been allowed to continue. It's absolutely ridiculous. If this handful of women are allowed to post criticising and judging, THEN SO AM I! They like all trolls have cleverly turned things round on me and I'm afraid that as Administrator Graham, you have let the lunatics take over the asylum.
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We all have strong, some not so strong views, and we've posted on here with alacrity and humour - for MANY YEARS, without issue, mainly because Graham has pulled up the reins wisely on those who have crossed the line.

I'm not a lunatic nor part of a clique - dipping in and out when the mood takes, and taken part in the banter that's had me chuckling.

I think now is the time for one of my 'dipping out' times, until 'issues' have been resolved.
Graham how on Earth have you managed to keep the forum going for so many years without someone telling you just how to do it ? Heavens above lad, you deserve a medal for supposedly not having a clue according to some people and yet still keeping going !
I take my hat off to you Sir ....
I'd probably send all of them and then we could have a whole new lot. There has to be better presenters out there, how hard can it be to find them?
Miss Ellie, I only read the first line, I've read shorter novels than your post, in answer to the first line, other people should be able to comment without harassment too, but you won't let them will you? Because as soon as someone posts something you don't agree with.........whoa betide! Like I say I didn't read all your comment because I can pretty much figure out were you're going. So put your violin away, the tunes getting really old.
We all have strong, some not so strong views, and we've posted on here with alacrity and humour - for MANY YEARS, without issue, mainly because Graham has pulled up the reins wisely on those who have crossed the line.

I'm not a lunatic nor part of a clique - dipping in and out when the mood takes, and taken part in the banter that's had me chuckling.

I think now is the time for one of my 'dipping out' times, until 'issues' have been resolved.

I'm not a lunatic or in a clique either, obviously name calling is acceptable behaviour, but honest comments made by like minded people aren't, must be where we're going wrong hey?.................who knew!? Please don't let one person with a warped sense of how to interact with people, someone who can't handle tongue in cheek comments or sense of humour force you away. There aren't any issues just one woman vigilante, please stay :mysmilie_499:
It's disturbing to think that long-standing regular posters feel driven away from this forum. That's just wrong. Nobody should feel they have to avoid this forum. Generally I find the views expressed here are credible, precisely because people are comfortable to express both positive and negative views about QVC products and presenters. I've learned a lot to my benefit simply by lurking until recently. I've also laughed like a drain at some of the humour. I still smile about the likening of AY to the Hamburgler because of her OTT "smokey eye" look on the Daniel Sandler show. For many of us, our QVC viewing is not necessarily something we can share with our RL friends, so it's nice to interact with like-minded individuals who indulge in a few hours of watching the Q.
Compared to the other selly-telly channels, I'd still say QVC is still head and shoulders above the others, and I'd hate for it to continue travelling down a road that will eventually make me switch off for good.
Forum members - stand back from the keyboards

Why? What have I missed?? I must have slept through something.

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