"The shopping channel bubble!"


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I know I'm partly to blame, but this is getting a bit silly now! Yes it is like a telly in that one can receive a moving image when plugging it in, but that's not what's in dispute - it's what you are able to pick up on it that's the problem and I don't reckon that a whole bunch of Chinese channels and a host of multicultural shopping channels with a huge number of slow loading ancient films etc even partly equates to having a subscription to sky or cable tv - sorry, but this product has been regularly touted a a way in which to enjoy the benefits of satellite tv whilst bypassing the hefty fee! So if you're hoping to catch up on a movie you missed last week, you'll be sadly disappointed!

Minor details like persistently asking how many channels do Sky and Virgin carry, and how much do you pay for them are completely irrelevant. It's much more fun to make a post that is high on rhetoric but completely lacking in any fact whatsoever :wink:

Unfortunately that dosen't go down too well with the ASA though. I understand they completely throw out complaints that are based on hyperbole :grin:
(last night) and the role of kiri bloore was played by none other than... peter simon

"just buy it, get more than one" haha
Caroline Lyndsay just said of Black Sexxy Shoo 'My Producer and I had to sell our souls to get this put into our show this morning'.

Somehow Caroline I think you sold that a long time ago :headbang:
I know I'm partly to blame, but this is getting a bit silly now! Yes it is like a telly in that one can receive a moving image when plugging it in, but that's not what's in dispute - it's what you are able to pick up on it that's the problem and I don't reckon that a whole bunch of Chinese channels and a host of multicultural shopping channels

Im sorry but the UK is a multicultural country. Chinese people, along with lots of other nationalities live here. and are ALLOWED to watch shopping TV. and BUY from shopping TV. to denigrate a product because it caters to a different culture, not just YOUR OWN. isnt very PC.

with a huge number of slow loading ancient films etc
It will work as quickly as your internet connection allows. i have rubbish internet but my netflix subscription allows perfect streaming. when i have watched them demo it on TV it looks perfectly smooth. and some people tefer to 'ancient' films as 'classics' although i notice they have HBO and FOX. not that ancient those channels.

even partly equates to having a subscription to sky or cable tv - sorry, but this product has been regularly touted a a way in which to enjoy the benefits of satellite tv whilst bypassing the hefty fee!

Is it as good as SKY? no, of course not. to be fair nothing is AS GOOD AS SKY. does it offer an alternative? well. judging by the reviews elsewhere AND ON HERE. of people who REALLY LOVE THIS PRODUCT. i think you have to say it does provide a legitimate alternative. if you got rid of your sky because it was expensive and wanted to watch MORE channels than your free view will allow then does this work? yes. absolutely it does.

So if you're hoping to catch up on a movie you missed last week, you'll be sadly disappointed!

not if you use the record function it doesn't.

Do any of you ACTUALLY OWN this product? as i get the feeling it is being commented on by people who have one little more than read a review on Amazon.
Caroline Lyndsay just said of Black Sexxy Shoo 'My Producer and I had to sell our souls to get this put into our show this morning'.

Somehow Caroline I think you sold that a long time ago :headbang:

i will say though that she was just shilling the vivitar cam for £8, but actually said she can get it to your door for £16. that's a rare statement on shopping telly.
i will say though that she was just shilling the vivitar cam for £8, but actually said she can get it to your door for £16. that's a rare statement on shopping telly.

It certainly is a rare statement in shopping telly that the P+P costs exactly the same as the item :giggle:
Minor details like persistently asking how many channels do Sky and Virgin carry, and how much do you pay for them are completely irrelevant.

what an utterly ludicrous statement. this may surprise you but BID are a RETAILER. their job is to SELL products. the dongle gives you access to TV channels. this is FACT. you may not want to admit it, but it does. lots of them too. 5000 i hear. yes im sure some are rubbish. but so are some channels on SKY. how can you possibly, with a straight face believe it is irrelevant to ask what the customer pays for sky or virgin, when offering them a product which ALSO gives access to TV? bonkers!

It's much more fun to make a post that is high on rhetoric but completely lacking in any fact whatsoever :wink:

I agree as this is EXACTLY what you are doing.

Unfortunately that dosen't go down too well with the ASA though. I understand they completely throw out complaints that are based on hyperbole :grin:

I think we have shown the ASA to be a petty and ridiculous nonsense of a quango. i have written several letters to OFCOM showing them how MOST of the complaints have come from THIS forum by members who have a GRUDGE. i have pointed to members posts who BRAG about complaints they have made and published pictures which BOAST about the complaints they have had upheld. all of which paints a clear picture of a group of people who have found common ground on an internet forum by twisting and bending the ASA rules against a channel for their own amusement. using volume of complaints, semantics and a pedantic eye to get their way. i have shown OFCOM complaints i have made against OTHER channels which have been dismissed by the ASA but contain the same issues as complaints which have been UPHELD against BID. there is no doubt in my mind that OFCOM will do little more than issue them a 'gesture' fine and behind closed doors bend the ASA'S ear about dedicating so much time to the whims of a minority with a vendetta.

I am braced for the relentless references to your 'trophy' ASA complaints which have been upheld and your passionate attempts to transform insignificant mole hills everywhere into mountains. :yawn:

I think we have shown the ASA to be a petty and ridiculous nonsense of a quango. i have written several letters to OFCOM showing them how MOST of the complaints have come from THIS forum by members who have a GRUDGE. i have pointed to members posts who BRAG about complaints they have made and published pictures which BOAST about the complaints they have had upheld. all of which paints a clear picture of a group of people who have found common ground on an internet forum by twisting and bending the ASA rules against a channel for their own amusement. using volume of complaints, semantics and a pedantic eye to get their way. i have shown OFCOM complaints i have made against OTHER channels which have been dismissed by the ASA but contain the same issues as complaints which have been UPHELD against BID. there is no doubt in my mind that OFCOM will do little more than issue them a 'gesture' fine and behind closed doors bend the ASA'S ear about dedicating so much time to the whims of a minority with a vendetta.

I am braced for the relentless references to your 'trophy' ASA complaints which have been upheld and your passionate attempts to transform insignificant mole hills everywhere into mountains. :yawn:

Great rhetoric again Bings.

But sadly, and yet again, no substance.

And as for trophy complaints, I would prefer to call them well considered, 100% factual complaints as opposed to your submissions. You submitted, seemingly hastily, 5 in row in just a couple of minutes about Gems TV that were almost certainly quite rightly thrown out by the ASA. This is not the accepted way to correspond with a Regulator.

You must get your facts right when attempting to involve yourself in such matters my lovely, I would be happy to teach you how as, with all due respect, one suspects you are somewhat out of your depth.
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Oh Wirral. Please don't resort to such petty jibes. It's just not like you at all. Lol
Oh Wirral. Please don't resort to such petty jibes. It's just not like you at all. Lol

I don't know where I get it from my love :wink:

Seriously though Bingo if you complain the way you post on here i'm not at all surprised the ASA dismissed your concerns. You rarely if ever provide any tangible evidence and seem to rely on humorous rhetoric to make a point that further serves your agenda. I honestly feel that at times you confuse opinion with fact.

As entertaining as your posts can be they often lack any discernible substance, but I still love you!
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Wirral not just the leader of this forum also a key cog in the asa wheel

Sure bid are quaking in there tommy and kate booties
Steve McDonald has just told a lovely story about the hot weather (he was selling cool pillows) He couldn't sleep because he was so hot so he got up, totally naked (or as he put it 'as god intended'), went to the kitchen and decided to sleep on the tiled floor as they were cool. Apologies everybody if that has caused you a mental scar!

He has a 'Seiko' Pulsar coming up later. It's funny he refers to it as such, he wasn't so keen to refer to a Polaroid Camera as a Vivitar Polaroid.

I can't think why :giggle:
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incase anyone was interested .. mark stewart (i think thats his name?) has said the jackpot june winner will be revealed at roughly 8:30pm on price drop.
incase anyone was interested .. mark stewart (i think thats his name?) has said the jackpot june winner will be revealed at roughly 8:30pm on price drop.

Ah yes Mr T, we have been wondering when that would happen.

I hope it isn't a Mrs McDonald from London.

Or a Mrs Ryes from Slough :giggle:
Nah, no interest whatsoever :smirk:

Momma how much did you end up spending on Price-Drop during June, I heard a rumour you made 17 purchases?

I made 9 purchases that only cost £4.05 (+£71.91 p+p and £13.77 in calls). I can't wait for the result :clapping:
I bought the dongle . At the time I believed the spiel. It is absolutely useless. A complete waste of money. This purchase is what put the nail in the coffin as far as buying from them.
I bought the dongle . At the time I believed the spiel. It is absolutely useless. A complete waste of money. This purchase is what put the nail in the coffin as far as buying from them.

Another satisfied customer.

Hopefully you didn't cancel your Pay TV subscription in anticipation of receiving it's fabulous 5000 TV Channels :wink:
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