Luigi Tefloni
Registered Shopper
We all know that the presenters on shopping telly are basically influencers, trying to convince the viewer that there may be a friend or family member who desperately needs the product. On jewellery shows, how many times have we heard "maybe your sister would like this, or your mother, your daughter for her graduation, your wife as part of your apology for getting wasted last Friday and making a pass at her mother. Maybe even your mother-in-law. Perhaps this would make a lovely gift for Mother's Day, or her birthday, or Christmas. Maybe you're a man watching, and you're looking for a surprise gift for your mistress...." You know the type of thing. It causes Mrs T to have one of her bouts of late-onset Tourettes. This morning, however, the biscuit was well and truly taken. (Don't know if it was a Rich Tea, or Digestive, maybe even a Hob Nob.)
Abi Cleeve was talking incessantly about Ultrasun. She ran through the possible list of people who could benefit form using it, and every possible situation from popping out to hang a pair of socks on the line during a mild summer's day to walking through the Sahara for a fortnight without a hat in 50 degree heat. She then informed us that a farmer she knew used whatever product this was to ensure that the ears on his pig didn't get burned. Now personally, I like a bit of crackling, but isn't this taking things a little too far?
Abi Cleeve was talking incessantly about Ultrasun. She ran through the possible list of people who could benefit form using it, and every possible situation from popping out to hang a pair of socks on the line during a mild summer's day to walking through the Sahara for a fortnight without a hat in 50 degree heat. She then informed us that a farmer she knew used whatever product this was to ensure that the ears on his pig didn't get burned. Now personally, I like a bit of crackling, but isn't this taking things a little too far?