"The shopping channel bubble!"


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Exactly... Not 'a lot'.

I have seen many a programme including Watchdog when talking about shopping channels using the same description so it is not just my opinion. It is like the ones I know who are lonely, often old (you can tell from the people's names that come up during Peter Simons shifts) no of course and older persons name could be a young person and not old people are venerable but I stand by my comment. I have also seen others on here talk of people they know.

Talking about standing by things what's your opinion on your buddies legendary bass reflex test paper.

Most of the old people I know are not vulnerable at all, most of the today's 80 year olds are smarter than the 18-25 year age bracket in my opinion. I don't think people are sucked in to buy items, most people are just savvy enough to buy something they think is a good bargain.
Most of the old people I know are not vulnerable at all, most of the today's 80 year olds are smarter than the 18-25 year age bracket in my opinion. I don't think people are sucked in to buy items, most people are just savvy enough to buy something they think is a good bargain.

You are right. My grandparents died 20 years ago at 60 but look like 80 year olds do today but most savvy older people shop on Amazon not bid. Free delivery and not pretending tat is too notch.

Most of the old people I know are not vulnerable at all, most of the today's 80 year olds are smarter than the 18-25 year age bracket in my opinion. I don't think people are sucked in to buy items, most people are just savvy enough to buy something they think is a good bargain.

Sadly those phones were definitely not a good bargain. However, if people (of any age) decide to confirm long before even seeing the price i'm afraid they don't have a leg to stand on.

But why they take so long to show a price is rather suspicious.
To be fair though a lot of normal sensible people buy every day from bid.

Because they believe that they wouldn't be allowed to lie as badly as they do!

Why ASA can't make them broadcast the upheld complaints I don't know. I think offcom do.

To be fair though a lot of normal sensible people buy every day from bid.

Because they believe that they wouldn't be allowed to lie as badly as they do!

Why ASA can't make them broadcast the upheld complaints I don't know. I think offcom do.


I don't think it's within the ASA's remit but OFCOM can certainly order a broadcaster to make an on air apology as a result of Upheld ASA complaints, like this one :wink:

Has anyone noticed that they are really making it clear they cannot mention other brands when selling their own products? I think most of them were pretty good regarding that anyway but of course Dirty Peter liked nothing better than saying a cheap sack 'is not a Chloe'.

But I wonder if this new instruction will stretch to Mike Mason and his ludicrous comparisons to BSkyB and Virgin with the Dongle?
Most of the old people I know are not vulnerable at all, most of the today's 80 year olds are smarter than the 18-25 year age bracket in my opinion. I don't think people are sucked in to buy items, most people are just savvy enough to buy something they think is a good bargain.

shhhhhh you will ruin it for them.
Has anyone noticed that they are really making it clear they cannot mention other brands when selling their own products? I think most of them were pretty good regarding that anyway but of course Dirty Peter liked nothing better than saying a cheap sack 'is not a Chloe'.

But I wonder if this new instruction will stretch to Mike Mason and his ludicrous comparisons to BSkyB and Virgin with the Dongle?

I know. imagine comparing a devise which allows you to watch international TV with a device that allows you to watch international TV. the outrage!
I know. imagine comparing a devise which allows you to watch international TV with a device that allows you to watch international TV. the outrage!

Well actually Bingo he compares it to British Pay TV but as we all know you've never been one to bother too much with minor details, like facts :grin:
Well actually Bingo he compares it to British Pay TV but as we all know you've never been one to bother too much with minor details, like facts :grin:

Maybe he should comPare it to somEthing else in the home? You know, to make it relevant to the viewers? Maybe an oven? Hmmm, nope. That won't work. How about a duvet? Hmm nope, still not right. What about a toaster? Nah, not quite there. Let's think about this. What device do we have in the home that allows us to watch programmes? Not just UK programmes. International programmes.Films. Documentaries and comedy shows. Gosh this is tricky! My mind is a blank!
Maybe he should comPare it to somEthing else in the home? You know, to make it relevant to the viewers? Maybe an oven? Hmmm, nope. That won't work. How about a duvet? Hmm nope, still not right. What about a toaster? Nah, not quite there. Let's think about this. What device do we have in the home that allows us to watch programmes? Not just UK programmes. International programmes.Films. Documentaries and comedy shows. Gosh this is tricky! My mind is a blank!

Well I won't argue with that :grin:
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Maybe he should comPare it to somEthing else in the home? You know, to make it relevant to the viewers? Maybe an oven? Hmmm, nope. That won't work. How about a duvet? Hmm nope, still not right. What about a toaster? Nah, not quite there. Let's think about this. What device do we have in the home that allows us to watch programmes? Not just UK programmes. International programmes.Films. Documentaries and comedy shows. Gosh this is tricky! My mind is a blank!

Not a bad idea Bingo! It would be just as accurate. I say a bottle opener!
Actually you're quite right Bing.

A toaster is better.

What crazy ridiculous outragious associations will they make next? Maybe they will have the tenacity to liken a halogen oven with an ACTUAL oven? Or what if They have the cheek to compare a perfume with some sort of flower? Or worse still a watch with some kind of clock or something? I don't know how they get away with it I really don't!
What crazy ridiculous outragious associations will they make next? Maybe they will have the tenacity to liken a halogen oven with an ACTUAL oven? Or what if They have the cheek to compare a perfume with some sort of flower? Or worse still a watch with some kind of clock or something? I don't know how they get away with it I really don't!

I know I'm partly to blame, but this is getting a bit silly now! Yes it is like a telly in that one can receive a moving image when plugging it in, but that's not what's in dispute - it's what you are able to pick up on it that's the problem and I don't reckon that a whole bunch of Chinese channels and a host of multicultural shopping channels with a huge number of slow loading ancient films etc even partly equates to having a subscription to sky or cable tv - sorry, but this product has been regularly touted a a way in which to enjoy the benefits of satellite tv whilst bypassing the hefty fee! So if you're hoping to catch up on a movie you missed last week, you'll be sadly disappointed!
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