The Anti Ageing Beauty Bible


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May 13, 2010
Blimey, just seen that they're selling this for £10-odd, I bought mine last week in The Works for £4.99!!! £15.99 on the inside cover - and it's exactly the same 'updated version' as the one they're selling!
johas had a tidy up and i am not sure its due to eye cream... very well done too subtle!
Blimey, just seen that they're selling this for £10-odd, I bought mine last week in The Works for £4.99!!! £15.99 on the inside cover - and it's exactly the same 'updated version' as the one they're selling!

is there anything Q sells that's not cheaper on the dreaded high street?!
Ooo thanks for the heads up. I'm off to see my local shop has it. I fancied a read of it.
Quite a few members here have done testing for various editions of the BBible, it's fab way to try brands you've either never heard of or are too expensive to buy. I loved the £140 night cream I tried but nothing, not even a lottery win, would allow me to part with that sort of money for face cream!

My only criticism would be that the brands donate their products to be tested so it's not inclusive of other brands' products. Liz Earle (Jo Fairley's bezzy mate) must be gutted that her skin repair once won the best neck cream category but now it's Lulu's Time Bomb that won the Neck category!

Jude xx
I nipped on and bought it from The Works and it looks the same one as on QVC to me. The first edition had a pink cover. And for a fiver when I was already near the shop anyway it's a bargain.
I've never seen it but have wondered if it's worth reading. I'm thoroughly put off now that I know that Lulu won a best cream award. Ok, I haven't tried said neck cream but I have tried her other stuff which left me seriously unimpressed and find it hard to imagine she has come up with anything award winning. Can't help but feel the competition must be thin on the ground at the Beauty Bible. Also, couldn't understand how Liz's superskin was called the best anti ageing cream ever. I have tried that one and really wanted to love it but truthfully found it no better or worse than most.

What else do they recommend and are they really unbiased or is it just an extension of qvc?
I've left the book at work but I don't think Liz Earle was mentioned in best anti-ageing moisturiser. I know PCMC wasn't mentioned either. I'm pretty sure the winner was one I hadn't heard of. Immortelle was in the top five. And they have a list of the best budget ones too.
As far as I know it's nothing to do with QVC. A lot of the brands featured are nothing to do with QVC but some QVC brands feature ... Elemis, Decleor, New CID, Liz Earle etc.

Oddly there is one Liz Earle product that Jo Farley has never liked! Cleanse & Polish! Who knew?

Not sure about this one... I originally purchased one of the original ones (pink cover) and enjoyed reading it, however, a lot of the products in there were so expensive etc. Then (last year I think) I bought the green one from QVC but cannot say I was that impressed with that one either as they hardly had any 'green' products in it that I could get as most of the ones mentioned had already been discontinued... argh...
They only test on 10 people.

Hardly scientific.

Thinly disguised advertising.

Julius, I don't think even you would get away with packing this into your rucksack when you join the army...
They only test on 10 people.

Hardly scientific.

Thinly disguised advertising.

Julius, I don't think even you would get away with packing this into your rucksack when you join the army...
Only 10 people!? How can she really write a book based on the results of such a small study?
I bought the first Beauty Bible way back it was very interesting and had a great chapter by Roja Dove on perfumes. After that I discovered that they were just the same old same old with just perhaps a few new products making the top ten.

The under £10 version includes some Liz Earle products which cost more than the £10 limit. is good, as its real people who bought the products. You get a good mix of reviews and can make up your own mind about whether to try something or not.
I suspect that a proportion of testers are lenient in their reviews and marks out of ten because they haven't spent their own money on the products ( there is a handling fee paid by the tester, so not completely free). I'm the opposite (probably why I've never been quoted in the books!) and there's a final question on the lengthy questionnaires for each item which asks "would you repurchase? Y/N?" If a product is lovely and gives some improvement but costs >£100 I'll still say I won't repurchase. Given the wording "would you?" it's possible to answer this with a "yes, I would repurchase...if it were half the price" It's conditional question open to interpretation. IMHO the question should be "Will you buy it again?"

So i've read the green BB most recently and enjoy the explanation of the products and comments may tempt me to try something new, the marks out of 10 have less relevance as the groups are small, any extreme marks that deviate from the average can skew the results. It's still more interesting to read the contributors' reviews than just the opinion of Jo Fairley, Paula Begoun or other self-appointed expert.

Jude xx
I'm a fan of the Beauty Bible purely because I've tested for them a number of times :giggle: For a relatively small fee (about £30) I got a parcel of lovely products to try, often products which were far more expensive that what I'd pay myself. I too skip the authors blurb under each product and go straight to the reviewers comments when reading the book because the authors love everything (should work for QVC...). It is clear that they favour Liz Earle and often mention her products but saying that I find it a pleasant read, some nice tips and articles which don't flog any products at all (on yoga, keeping active, having a positive outlook etc). I bought one for my mum a few years back and she still dips into it now and again and really enjoys it.
I'd take it all with a very large pinch of salt. I've tried the Lulu neck cream - ok, but nothing special. Much prefer the one from Decleor, Elemis, Gatineau, Bliss......
I'd take it all with a very large pinch of salt. I've tried the Lulu neck cream - ok, but nothing special. Much prefer the one from Decleor, Elemis, Gatineau, Bliss......

Oh definitely! I mean, people feel great loyalty towards Jo & Sarah and so this might be reflected in the reviews of the products. I do know though that I completely slagged off some products and they didn't appear in the book (so clearly other testers didn't like them either) so although the group of testers is small you are reading about the products they liked best. If 8 out of ten of your friends recommended a product you would be at least curious! :smirk:

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