The Anti Ageing Beauty Bible


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I don't suppose it's any more scientific than any other study thrown at us. But for a fiver, it's an interesting book to flick through if you're a beauty junkie. It's not just product reviews. I'm highly unlikely to rush out and buy any of the products recommended just because but I have been thinking about trying Immortelle instead of PCMC for a while and the good reviews for it do help. Will see if my trusty L'Occitane store will let me have some samples to try.

The make up bit is interesting too. I may be a skincare junkie but I rarely buy or try new make up.

It's not gospel but it's interesting ... to me.
Tinkerbelle, a friend in work bought the imortelle moisturiser because she likes their handcream and a couple of other L'Occitane things. She had read good reviews on it and curiosity got the better of her. Samples wern't available so she bought the jar after trying on back of hand from tester. However, she said it turned into an oil slick on her face even though she only used a tiny amount,it also started to cause a few spots. She is now using it up on her legs rather than throwing it out.
Oh god Chinagirl. Maybe I'll buy it from QVC. That way I can send it back if I hate it. It's too ****** expensive to put on my legs!!

I bought the creme mask from the same range after using samples and I love it. I don't think that's available from QVC.
. Will see if my trusty L'Occitane store will let me have some samples to try.

Re the immortel divine, QVC were doing it on 4 easy pay I think recently, Its well worth a try, I thought it was beautiful and made my skin look really nice- not an oil slick at all. Hope you can get a sample of it in your store.
Trying it from Qvc is a good idea, we are all different and what one person hates another may love. At least with Q you know you have the safety net of the 30 day mbg.
i think that when buying skincare its important to buy according to your skin type. if you have really good skin thats a bit oily or normal immortelle and divine wil be too rich for you, its like elemis pcmc i find that it makes my normal to oily skin very spotty and greasy as its made for ageing/dryer skins.even though keeley and alison says its ok for oily skin it makes yours skin very active which is good if its dry/lined nor so good if your younger or have olier skin
I always say my skin is like rhino hide because nothing really bothers it. But it's a lot drier than it used to be. Partly because of age and partly the side effects of some of the meds I have to take.

I'll try and get samples first but buying from QVC is a good idea as the MBG could be useful.

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