shame on you, people who hate basso and yet eat meat and wear leather


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Hah! I'd know ~ fancy trading a few QI orientated insults for a bit of mutual titillation, huh?...:mysmilie_17:

dont tell me you too watch channels that are other than of the shopping variety? shh! :mysmilie_11: we will have to talk in code... gawd help us if they find out that it was a channel that doesnt even have adverts. Tell me do you keep the volume down very low and sit with your ear pressed to the speaker too?

anyway... HMM-HM NICE WEATHER WE ARE HAVING TODAY... VERY MILD (not looking in any way, shape or form suspicious)

My pink polenta... i love it!!! (best spanish accent)
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They may have Mrs J.

I doubt though that they have mentioned that MOST of his fur is “top-quality” lamb skin known as broadtail or astrakhan.

Fetal lamb to you and me. The mother is killed just before giving birth and her fetus is cut out. The pelts of the unborn lambs are prized in the fashion world for their silk-like sheen.

Surely that must be illegal, I feel quite ill and am ashamed to share a world with people who commit such acts, and all in the name of fashion :mysmilie_1236:
Very good point, I know they are used more than once, i.e. re-seeded but eventually they die or are killed, not to worry though cos they are a 'lower form of life'...

thanks for picking up on my on gives a sh*t about these creatures (mollusks)....loving all those Honora pearls etc.
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Very good point, I know they are used more than once, i.e. re-seeded but eventually they die or are killed, not to worry though cos they are a 'lower form of life'...

thanks for picking up on my on gives a sh*t about these creatures (mollusks)....loving all those Honora pearls etc.

Don't think for a moment that your post has been ignored,people are aware of this already or if not they may have made a mental note,it's just that this,along with the way gems are "harvested" and so forth will open another can of worms the size of Texas.'Folk' only care about lambs,etc

But yeah, talk about another thing which is bred like maggots,those poor mollusks indeed.
Imagine you're resting comfortably at home and someone is constantly inserting irritants into your gaff,so that you may be become a better and more aesthetically pleasing human-being.

Sounds like fun,eh?
As someone who is constantly having irritants inserted into me gaff, oooo, matron, I have every sympathy for the molluscs - it's an overrated pastime, especially when your pearls of wisdom fall on deaf ears.
As someone who is constantly having irritants inserted into me gaff, oooo, matron, I have every sympathy for the molluscs - it's an overrated pastime, especially when your pearls of wisdom fall on deaf ears.

:mysmilie_61: now that is funny
As someone who is constantly having irritants inserted into me gaff, oooo, matron, I have every sympathy for the molluscs - it's an overrated pastime, especially when your pearls of wisdom fall on deaf ears.

Yes and speaking of 'pearl necklaces'..........

Errrm,waiter.......cheque please!:mysmilie_1930:
Surely that must be illegal, I feel quite ill and am ashamed to share a world with people who commit such acts, and all in the name of fashion :mysmilie_1236: not singling you out its just i have read most of the posts regarding basso the beast..... i would like to add my 2p worth...
1st the broadtail lamb that seems to be worrying /distrsssing most of you.....ive found this.....

please take some time to read it maybe then the broadtail lamb wont upset you all AS MUCH......[ made me feel a little better anyway as i couldnt get my head round someone killing an animal to harvest the unborn baby /babies inside for a fashion item & no im not niave....]

next...many many years ago we had a very thriving mink farm where a lot of people found work [ back in the days when you could walk out of one job & find another before you went home]....anyway there a lot of my friends worked they were animal lovers........yet they choose to work there.....the mink had clean living quarters as dirt would ruin the pelts....when they were to meet their end they were gassed as someone has already stated BUT the meat , insides & all were parcelled up & sent to a meat processing place where it was turned into dog /cat meat ?????? not quite the waste of a life now as our tiddles & fido's were partaking of the mink [ which is classed as vermin]...
next we were lucky enough at our last home to rear our own meat....lamb beef & pork.........mainly evening as we had booked two in for slaughter we went a little early......only to find to our horror that a landrover parked up with the tail gates down & some pigs squeeeeeling their heads off + this coochy coouchy coouchy noise coming from the back..we were about to turn back when one of the brother said what had we turned up early for ??? we said may have took longer to load up but these ones had been good to load up......we peered into the back of the trailer & the brothers + added staff were all trying WITHOUT anything in their hands to coochy coo them into the lairage where the pens were clean & fresh bedding....we had a long chat with them....they said they like people to book in as they dont want the lastest batch to hear /smell the batch before them going through the killing process.....they explained that if the animals were rushed / bullied hassled in anyway the meat took on the taste of the fear [sorry ladies & gents its very late & i cant find the words adrenalin it...]...this 'hormone ' that tainted the meat & also made it tough no matter what the cut [ joint etc ]......those 2 brothers took pride in their work that they made a clean kill.....the animals didnt know what had hit it literally...they were stunned & stuck with a few seconds to the point of speed that made your eyes water....NOWADAYS the government has got involved & now closed down the small family buisness in favour of the large munisiple building that you hear of the slaughter men having races as to how many they can get through in an hour.....sometime they dont bother with the captive bolt as a quick knee in the back of the neck breaks it & they stick it & hoist the animal up whilst its still bleating for its not a basso fan so im not going down that route just theres more than one way to skin a cat BUT then again thats all down to the chinese to drop cats into vats of boiling water to take off the fur only to see that some come out of the dipping still alive..........horrendous. not just the basso chap.....theres horror all around us......
.hope some of that made sence.......
i eat meat [ not very tasty or tender as my meat from back home years ago ]...i wear leather as my feet sweat in man made...& halal meat isnt as bad as jewish.....sorry to anyway who [ is thats another whole other story ] is unkind to many animals...........i was a vet nurse & the amount of people who fetched in their beloved pet to " make it better i dont care what it costs" soon as you mention xray fido or tiddles often made a quick PTS [ put to sleep ]..many dogs bit children funnily enough in may -july /aug.....& then come sept back came a old vet got wise to that & started charging triple the price as these dogs often were PTS to save on kennel he made them pay through the nose.....then the poor OAP who couldnt afford the full amount of a beloved pet that had come to the end of natural life.....those were PTS at a much much cheaper rate...........sorry im rambling on.......night night all .I guess i shall not sleep easy in my bed tonight so much for coming on here to cheer myself up
Sorry, I won't be made to feel guilty for enjoying a steak buttie or a nice sunday roast. I am a human. My physical make up and evolution is to be a meat eater. I also won't be made to feel bad for taking medicine. What would you prefer, that I refuse it and die??? Not bloomin likely!!! I am no martyr!!

IMO there are bigger and better things to get excited children being abused and killed by their relatives, like people killing themselves just because no one will listen to them, like all the people of this country who have lost a member of their family - a brave hero - in a war that our amazing boys and girls should never have been sent to in the first place. All problems that occur on your street, on your estate, in your town. Maybe we should take care of each other and once we have that hacked, look at other stuff.

....just my opinion. I don't doubt that there are a million and one people who disagree with it, and I respect that. Just don't try and guilt me into changine mine as it ain't gonna happen!

Excellent post. I'm not an animal lover and I find this constant Basso bashing tiresome. Look at the news coverage from Haiti, look at humans suffering, look at that orphanage there where the kids have no food at the moment. That's suffering, that's something to get upset about, not some cutie little animal who, if you died, would eat your flesh to stay alive.

Humans come first every time, not a popular opinion here but I don't care.
To discuss basso is totally on topic as this is the QVC section of a ShoppingTelly Website.

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your hypocrisy knows no limits.

go visit an abbattoir - where your dinner is being prepared - then come back and tell me the difference.

I don't eat meat but there is a difference. Little chinchillas, minks etc. are killed specifically for their fur whilst leather is a by product of the meat industry. If animals are going to be bred killed for their meat then the whole animal should be used.
Excellent post. I'm not an animal lover and I find this constant Basso bashing tiresome. Look at the news coverage from Haiti, look at humans suffering, look at that orphanage there where the kids have no food at the moment. That's suffering, that's something to get upset about, not some cutie little animal who, if you died, would eat your flesh to stay alive.

Humans come first every time, not a popular opinion here but I don't care.

Yes mimi, I you're right. And added to the suffering in Haiti are those who are held in bonded labour (slavery), those who are dying for want of food, sanitation, basic medicine etc in other parts of the Two Thirds World. There are around 1.3 biliion people who live on less than a dollar a day and, while poverty is relative, even in countries that have a much lower standard of living and per capita income than us in the developed world, this is a disgrace. I do not condone cruelty to animals but I'm a human lover first and frankly, I'm sick of the whole Basso-bashing affair. A handful people who are members here now know what he does but if knowledge of his practices is to become more widespread you'll have to take this campaign elsewhere.
The human suffering belongs on its own thread, go to the VIP area and state your case. I say this each time this comes up on the Basso fur thread, people come on and scream about sweatshops etc. I say each time start a thread about it and no one does, they just jump in on the Brasso thread and expect us to change subject. Your upset and outrage about Hati etc cannot be that important if you cannot start a thread, does it not deserve its own thread?

Go on stand up and grow a pair for what you seem to believe is more important to you. And not tag it in on a thread about animal abuse.
Excellent post. I'm not an animal lover and I find this constant Basso bashing tiresome. Look at the news coverage from Haiti, look at humans suffering, look at that orphanage there where the kids have no food at the moment. That's suffering, that's something to get upset about, not some cutie little animal who, if you died, would eat your flesh to stay alive.

Humans come first every time, not a popular opinion here but I don't care.

Pointless even replying to a comment like that.
Here we go again....the *HUMAN LOVERS* are out in force pontificating in a thread that is about animal suffering. To all the pious preachers on here, fyi most animal lovers do have a strong social conscience and do have a great deal of sympathy for human suffering as well and believe it or not, we do give charitable contributions when natural disasters occur around the world, to childrens charities, the homeless etc etc etc. However, we also have a great deal of compassion for animals that are treated cruelly and exploited by the evil greedy bastards of this world like Butcher Basso and we will continue to bring awareness of his vile trade to more and more people on this site and in as many places as possible.
Here we go again....the *HUMAN LOVERS* are out in force pontificating in a thread that is about animal suffering. To all the pious preachers on here, fyi most animal lovers do have a strong social conscience and do have a great deal of sympathy for human suffering as well and believe it or not, we do give charitable contributions when natural disasters occur around the world, to childrens charities, the homeless etc etc etc. However, we also have a great deal of compassion for animals that are treated cruelly and exploited by the evil greedy bastards of this world like Butcher Basso and we will continue to bring awareness of his vile trade to more and more people on this site and in as many places as possible.

Exactly, one does not exclude the other. Any living creature that is treated cruelly desrves our compassion. We all share this world and, unfortunately, it is human greed and stupidty that it making a mess of it.
I haven't eaten meat for years for my own reasons (which I don't have to explain should I choose not to), would never wear fur and don't buy from certain companies because of their animal testing policies. I feel sympathy for many causes and do have a social concsience but if you start to police your life completely it becomes very difficult. The current situation in Haiti or orphanages around the world have nothing to do with whether or not you feel that fur is ok but you can't ever bring the subject of animal rights up without being criticised and judged that you don't protest about every thing else in the world.

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