shame on you, people who hate basso and yet eat meat and wear leather


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The saddest thing about reading this thread is the 'bashing' from both sides. This is like a bunch of kids at junior school. References like the 'bloated queen' and 'ban basso brigade' don't contribute to the discussion.

We all have a choice to buy or not to buy, but it has to be an informed choice. Once you have made your choice you should not be critisized or lambasted for it.

I saw on QI that whenever the Nazi's arementioned in internet threads, that's the time it should close.....don't know if that qualifies!!

Godwin's law...:mysmilie_1057:
The saddest thing about reading this thread is the 'bashing' from both sides. This is like a bunch of kids at junior school. References like the 'bloated queen' and 'ban basso brigade' don't contribute to the discussion.

We all have a choice to buy or not to buy, but it has to be an informed choice. Once you have made your choice you should not be critisized or lambasted for it.

I saw on QI that whenever the Nazi's arementioned in internet threads, that's the time it should close.....don't know if that qualifies!!

Thankyou Swankeypants, you've just succinctly said what I was going to say.

Milburn, my mother is from farming stock in the North of Scotland and it's the hardest life. All the animals were treated well, though without sentimentality, and I had no compunction about eating meat though, in truth, we lived mainly on oats and root vegetables and dairy produce as we often couldn't afford to eat our own meat, apart from bacon. No-one should have to feel as they have to apologise, our farm had been passed down through the family for generations and farmers is what they were, and are.
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Swankypants;340211 We all have a choice to buy or not to buy said:
Were it not for threads like these I would still be in the dark about Basso and his furrier business. I bought a rain coat from him via qvc many years ago completely oblivious to his 'hidden' practises. (It quickly fell to bits btw) I agree it's up to each individual and their conscience what and whether to buy, but let's start with a fair playing field and have everything out in the open. It can only be an informed decision if we're let in on the secret.
I have a DB coat bought for me by my mother before we got a comp and found this forum and discovered what his other side is. I feel terrible cause I don't want to wear it yet I feel terrible cause if I don't wear it I am turning my back on a lovely coat that was given to me a a gift from my mum.

I have asthma and I am fully aware that animals are tested for my medication, I am very grateful that any living creature has given its life or most of its life for me to have a decent chance of breathing.

I eat meat, if I cannot afford decent meat I buy veggie items instead. Again I am very grateful to any living creature who has given its life for me to eat.
I am fully aware how animals can be and are treated.

If I lived in the arctic circle I would have no qualms about wearing fur but to wear it for fashion is disgusting.
The saddest thing about reading this thread is the 'bashing' from both sides. This is like a bunch of kids at junior school. References like the 'bloated queen' and 'ban basso brigade' don't contribute to the discussion.

We all have a choice to buy or not to buy, but it has to be an informed choice. Once you have made your choice you should not be critisized or lambasted for it.

I saw on QI that whenever the Nazi's arementioned in internet threads, that's the time it should close.....don't know if that qualifies!!
Who mentioned Nazis?? :rolleyes:

Were it not for threads like these I would still be in the dark about Basso and his furrier business. I bought a rain coat from him via qvc many years ago completely oblivious to his 'hidden' practises. (It quickly fell to bits btw) I agree it's up to each individual and their conscience what and whether to buy, but let's start with a fair playing field and have everything out in the open. It can only be an informed decision if we're let in on the secret.
Well said PP. And fyi Swankypants this site has a very fair minded owner and two very capable mods who would soon come down like a ton of bricks on anyone who they felt was stepping over the line of what is acceptable debate, so don't worry yourself about trying to moderate the site yourself.
now consider your wrist slapped Swanky!
calm words about choice? well really!!! what is the world coming to.

FYI swankypants I saw QI too and it was bril. 'don't mention the war!'
Needing animals for food, fuel and warmth are completely different issues to using endangered species or other animals purely for fashion. Please stop feeling you all have to justify how you choose to eat or live your lives to people who are well aware that this old argument is always used to induce guilt.
If anyone wants to let more people know of his practices why not phone in on a live show and see how they react??
He's back in March by the way!
Yep,abattoir's in the UK are the very essence of serenity and humane practices,as evidenced by this....

And this is one of the ORGANIC ones!.....and merely the tip of the iceberg I'm quite sure.

An unpleasant instance documented in the papers, doesn't make that the norm........!
By that same argument, would you then presumably be suggesting that, due to awful stories in the news in recent months / years, anybody who works in a childrens' care home or playgroup is likely to be a child molester, abuser or murderer or that the majority of Islamic families habitually murder their teenage daughters for any deviation from the accepted rules of behaviour?
Please don't judge an entire industry on one newspaper article & few unpleasant individuals!

p.s. 'Organic' doesn't necessarily mean 'more humane', just means they haven't wormed their animals half the time & some of the mankiest beasts seen in abattoirs come from organic farms & are so riddled with worm infestations etc. , the meat is condemned, so they kinda died in vain.......! 'Organic' doesn't always equal 'wonderful'!

Sorry but I refuse to be effectively compared to that Basso creature because I choose to eat meat & have the audacity to state that I know from personal experience that the average abattoir does not in fact resemble something akin to the seventh circle of hell!
An unpleasant instance documented in the papers, doesn't make that the norm........!
By that same argument, would you then presumably be suggesting that, due to awful stories in the news in recent months / years, anybody who works in a childrens' care home or playgroup is likely to be a child molester, abuser or murderer or that the majority of Islamic families habitually murder their teenage daughters for any deviation from the accepted rules of behaviour?
Please don't judge an entire industry on one newspaper article & few unpleasant individuals!

p.s. 'Organic' doesn't necessarily mean 'more humane', just means they haven't wormed their animals half the time & some of the mankiest beasts seen in abattoirs come from organic farms & are so riddled with worm infestations etc. , the meat is condemned, so they kinda died in vain.......! 'Organic' doesn't always equal 'wonderful'!

Sorry but I refuse to be effectively compared to that Basso creature because I choose to eat meat & have the audacity to state that I know from personal experience that the average abattoir does not in fact resemble something akin to the seventh circle of hell!

One instance??,OK.

Yep,no systemic abuse of animals in the meat industry at all,no bullying,intimidation,yes...this is just an isolated case....Ok,ok,ok:mysmilie_1057:

Any progress with that banner yet guys???
Thank you pink pussycat for quoting me but not actually reading what I had put. You proved my point. Of course there are moderators, where did I say there weren't? My point was that this thread contains some immature name calling as opposed to adult conversation.

I am against Dennis Basso but I respect that others have a different opposing view. Yes, I learnt what he does via this forum and am grateful for it. I have been informed so can make MY choice accordingly.

Apologies for mentioning the Nazi thing..if you did not see QI it won't make sense.

Now I shall move on. I bear [no pun intended] no ill will to anyone here whether you are pro or anti Basso.
I wonder what happens to the mollusks in pearl farming once they have been engineered to produce the cultured pearl?

Very good point, I know they are used more than once, i.e. re-seeded but eventually they die or are killed, not to worry though cos they are a 'lower form of life'.....................I suppose a bit like Basso.:mysmilie_34:
The saddest thing about reading this thread is the 'bashing' from both sides. This is like a bunch of kids at junior school. References like the 'bloated queen' and 'ban basso brigade' don't contribute to the discussion.

We all have a choice to buy or not to buy, but it has to be an informed choice. Once you have made your choice you should not be critisized or lambasted for it.

I saw on QI that whenever the Nazi's arementioned in internet threads, that's the time it should close.....don't know if that qualifies!!

"Ban Basso Brigade" is just my fondness for alliteration,"bloated queen"came from Ryan the 'enlightened vegetarian'.:mysmilie_1775:

Noone except for those quoting QI have mentioned the N word,so the thread is obviously not ready to close.

I was pleasantly surprised to wake up and find this thread NOT locked,thanks MODS:mysmilie_1460:,I think that's down to them and the mostly civilized debate taking place.
Thank you pink pussycat for quoting me but not actually reading what I had put. You proved my point.

My point was that this thread contains some immature name calling as opposed to adult conversation.
I disagree.

Apologies for mentioning the Nazi thing..if you did not see QI it won't make
As many others wouldn't have either it was a pointless observation to make on here.

Now I shall move on. I bear [no pun intended] no ill will to anyone here whether you are pro or anti Basso.
Very gracious.
Firstly, I don't feel strongly either way, I eat meat and I enjoy it, I also wear various forms of leather and suppose 'enjoy' that too.

I watched a very informative programme recently on Channel 4 where a journalist who loved fur went on a mission to check out either side of the arguement, it was very enlightening.

She went to a Mink farm in Norway (I think) the animals were there purely for a business, breeding them for a fantastic fur, they were killed by a gas which just sent them to sleep, so humanely. Every part of the Mink was used in some way or another, so their very existence was due to the farm.

She then went to America or Canada and obtained a license to hunt, she eventually found another hunter that was prepared to let her accompany him and film, this was a guy that set traps and caught mostly beavers, classed as vermin there, like a giant rat, he caught a few and explained that it was something very much akin to his ancestry, he was something like a fifth generation that had done this for a living, he skinned the animal and showed us the way it worked there. He also had a coat, handed down through generations and that was used because it was so cold there.

Then she was shown some barbaric video of animals being skinned alive, I think this was in China, it was awful and it made even me cry, not something that is easy to do :mysmilie_697:

Now here is my problem, I will be totally honest with you, I eat meat,,,like I said earlier I enjoy it, I wear leather....I would go so far as to say I enjoy that too, I don't really have a problem with the first two encounters the journalist had with the Mink farm and the generations of hunters, however all the pelts end up in the same place, the journo on Channel four went to an auction house in Europe (can't remember exactly, may have been Denmark) but basically, no matter how they were obtained they were grouped by colour, for example if you submitted a white fox fur (not sure if there is such a thing but bear with me) it would not matter wether it was skinned alive in China or from a humane farm in europe, it was put in one 'lot' and auctioned together. This is how you do not know what your buying.

So I expect Denis Basso just buys from an Auction house like this, along with many other designers, where do you draw a line.

Until something is done to differentiate between the furs and their origin I do not really see me being able to make a stance, I have avoided fur mainly due to other peoples reaction but have bought items from designers that use it as have some of you.
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oh good! as no one on here will know what on earth i am talking about i can safely drop a few masked insults (for my own titilation you understand) about 'entrants for the General Ingnorance round'.
I do believe this series is dedicated to the letter P. what timing!
Well RedDwarf,your post brings up another point.I'd be curious to know the conditions of the human beings assembling Basso's products in China,coz if you can find me a product not assembled in China these days,I will post pictures here of my pet unicorn and DoDo.

Bottom line is this, get the protest banner up on ST.COM,A.S.A.P,Basso is back in March apparently,you have over a month and half to assemble banners and what not to picket in front of QVC towers,flood QVC with e-mails and snail mail,make t-calls,flood them with texts{even though they won't be aired,they'll be read},put your money where your mouth is.Yes,it's a good start protesting on here in various threads,but it all just becomes a bit circular if there aren't concrete actions behind the gnashing of teeth.

If these things aren't done,well then to quote MacBeth..."it's all sound and fury signifying nothing"
oh good! as no one on here will know what on earth i am talking about i can safely drop a few masked insults (for my own titilation you understand) about 'entrants for the General Ingnorance round'.
I do believe this series is dedicated to the letter P. what timing!

Hah! I'd know ~ fancy trading a few QI orientated insults for a bit of mutual titillation, huh?...:mysmilie_17:

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