Alison Keenan


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Jan 15, 2012
The clue is in the username
I normally have a lot of time for Alison, considering all she has been through and how she has come out the other end with such positivity. (I know there are others out there that are suffering through cancer or other life-altering illnesses, again if this is you or someone you know I wish them 'GodSpeed'), of tack slightly, I was however watching her dimonique show last night and three things really irritated me

1) The fact that she indulged (yet again) in the fact her niece who lived in Australia had recently got engaged, we saw a picture of her intended and the ring she got etc..

2) The fact that she just glibly mentioned that she would be 'popping' over their to the wedding (I suppose this isn't really an annoyance as such, just a fleeting thing that I am letting the world go by and haven't even left 'England's green and pleasent land'. (I can't really blame this on Alison though as people do try and get to family weddings if they can and I know that she does earn the money etc...).

3) The true 2nd is how presenters (it was just that Alison did this last night so the 'axe' falls upon her to mention it. Is when presenters state that they should have got a particular product (curiously the one that is currently limited), because they didn't prepare themselves beforehand and purchase it. Now cynical me is (95%) is thinking that they are just doing this as a 'sales ploy', (5% only is giving them the benefit of the doubt). My point is this (yes there is usually a point to my ramblings, tis you have to meterphorically go on a 'Cleaveland Way' hike to get there), they prep the show, they are always telling us how quick it is to 'tap the app', therefore are you telling me that they are not able to spend 12 seconds (or however long), to purchase the item, rather than being 'on air' lamenting at what may have been.

I know for a fact Kathy Taylor and Chuntley and possibly Anne Dawson have purchased whilst live on-air, Micael (one day I will spell his name correctly), states that he 'never shops whilst working' (which is kind of a contradiction as his work, is to encourage others to 'waste' (sorry spend) their money purchasing 'tat' (sorry, carefully selected goods as sourced by the most excellent buyers)!

I will shut-up now as this cow wants some fodder!
there have been complaints about presenters actually buying whilst presenting live. Some one answered saying its a sales tactic to make the customer rush to buy as it must be so good. The presenters for years have done the, "I wish I had bought this before it went to air. Please leave me one to buy at the end of the show?" Again, perhaps a tactic to make the customer think, well it must be amazing, gorgeous etc if X really wants it.
They won't fool me but not everyone is so hard-faced ! I can see that tactic working very well with more 'vulnerable' viewers.

It really annoys me, they know what they are doing, I know they know what they are doing.
It is definitely a sales ploy. I am sure some viewers are delighted that they have the same taste, loose term, as their favourite
presenter in the way some children copy the cool ones at school. I would imagine there would be complaints if we were told "I bought this just before the show started, it's gorgeous" & then it sold out, never to appear again, leaving one viewer deprived of a much wanted item. I appreciate it when I am told their ring size so that I can judge if a particular design will suit me, both Alison & Julia have always done this & the rings I bought after listening to them are the ones I have kept. I have always liked Ali K from the days when she was on local radio in this area & when she was on This Morning with her late husband. She is a sunny personality & has always lived life, even more since her diagnosis, I know she can talk at a rapid pace but so can I!
They won't fool me but not everyone is so hard-faced ! I can see that tactic working very well with more 'vulnerable' viewers.

It really annoys me, they know what they are doing, I know they know what they are doing.

I agree, they must have memories like goldfish were they don't remember the times they go back stage and show you that the presenters see all the items laid out, or the rails of clothes they can choose from, before they go on air. In fact Charlie Brook even said it live on air once that they prep a few hours before going on air and the see everything that's coming up in their hours, so the deceit makes me like Alison Keenan, and any other presenter that tries this trick, even less than I did before, if that's possible when you don't like them to start with.
there have been complaints about presenters actually buying whilst presenting live. Some one answered saying its a sales tactic to make the customer rush to buy as it must be so good. The presenters for years have done the, "I wish I had bought this before it went to air. Please leave me one to buy at the end of the show?" Again, perhaps a tactic to make the customer think, well it must be amazing, gorgeous etc if X really wants it.

I tend to be very annoyed and it comes across (in my mind) like a 'stroppy teenager' who wants something that they know for a fact they can't have!
there have been complaints about presenters actually buying whilst presenting live. Some one answered saying its a sales tactic to make the customer rush to buy as it must be so good. The presenters for years have done the, "I wish I had bought this before it went to air. Please leave me one to buy at the end of the show?" Again, perhaps a tactic to make the customer think, well it must be amazing, gorgeous etc if X really wants it.

That's exactly right. One of the most sickening ones was from Charlie Brook (and other presenters have done it) is what he said about that solar light, just turned over and caught him saying "my mum leaves for work at 5am and with it getting dark now, I might get her one of these for her safety" well no Charlie, it's not just getting dark at 5am "now" it does it every year, and safety lights weren't just invented yesterday, they've been going since electricity was invented, so how come only now you're worried about your mums safety? Ahhh yes, it arises every safety TSV and every safety show they do, then disappears straight after, honestly they really must think viewers are thick as poop.
Yes, I have noticed other presenters using members of their family as a 'sales ploy' for selling. JR, stated that she would thought that a 'extra loud' doorbell that they were selling would be good for her 'elderly mother', yes it would have been, but did she buy it for her 'probably not' (I don't know whether she did or didn't obviously), but time and time again when things on safety, support and security are used in relation to an elderly (or otherwise), relative are used, it is seems to me to be very under-hand, selling ploy
They are all at it .They must have sheds or garages full of tat. Carla Lazlo seems to buy everything and stated she has a spare room full of clothes but they are also having an extension built, for more space. Simon Biaggi said in the morning show yesterday he ran up a pair of net curtains using the TSV scissors ,I mean who believes anything they say.

Aside from that I thought Alison looked very tired the other evening.
She overuses the word 'mighty' everything is mighty.

and presenters saying 'leave one for me' as mentioned above. What if everyone in the ordering process suddenly thought ' oh, I'd better leave one for her/him' and put down their phone, emptied their basket etc. :grin:
It's when they order on air and smugly announce "I think I got the very last one there". I just want to shove said item (hopefully a spade) where the sun don't shine.

I think the next new presenter should be unattached, childless, an orphan and be a Billy no mates so we don't have to listen to their s***e about family and friends and their buying habits.
QVC obviously encourages them to share all in their blogs and the presenters are under the misapprehension that we actually care about what exciting things they are up to. I blame the blogs!
They are all at it .They must have sheds or garages full of tat. Carla Lazlo seems to buy everything and stated she has a spare room full of clothes but they are also having an extension built, for more space. Simon Biaggi said in the morning show yesterday he ran up a pair of net curtains using the TSV scissors ,I mean who believes anything they say.

Aside from that I thought Alison looked very tired the other evening.

Gill Gauntlet also states that either her, or a member of her family has must of the stuff that she pushes, as she is on everything bar fashion and tech (well she does the RFID), then they collectively must have enough for several years worth of car-boot sales!
It's when they order on air and smugly announce "I think I got the very last one there". I just want to shove said item (hopefully a spade) where the sun don't shine.

I think the next new presenter should be unattached, childless, an orphan and be a Billy no mates so we don't have to listen to their s***e about family and friends and their buying habits.

Ah no, because CR is childless, but he goes on about his niece a lot, I think Miceal is childless, he certainly must be 'billy no-mates' the way he goes on!
I saw a clip of Alison Keenan from 20 years ago on one of the numerous Diana documentaries that have aired over the last few weeks. Did she used to be a presenter on one of those daytime TV shows? I've only known her from QVC and it was strange seeing her looking much younger.
I saw a clip of Alison Keenan from 20 years ago on one of the numerous Diana documentaries that have aired over the last few weeks. Did she used to be a presenter on one of those daytime TV shows? I've only known her from QVC and it was strange seeing her looking much younger.

She covered on This Morning with her ex-husband Steven Rhodes.
I was just googling Alison Keenan and couldn't believe it when I came across and a Youtube video of the wedding. Now that is just narcissistic, as if we are all gagging to know the full details.
I saw a clip of Alison Keenan from 20 years ago on one of the numerous Diana documentaries that have aired over the last few weeks. Did she used to be a presenter on one of those daytime TV shows? I've only known her from QVC and it was strange seeing her looking much younger.

I saw that. It was only a short clip but her voice is the same. I think she worked for the ITV morning show at that time
It's when they order on air and smugly announce "I think I got the very last one there". I just want to shove said item (hopefully a spade) where the sun don't shine.

I think the next new presenter should be unattached, childless, an orphan and be a Billy no mates so we don't have to listen to their s***e about family and friends and their buying habits.

I absolutely LOVE this post.

Every time I turn over I manage to catch a presenter - but particularly AK banging on about her granddaughter - talking ***** about friends and family. WHO BL**DY CARES?! SHUT THE F UP AND SELL THE BL**DY PRODUCTS! PROPERLY! If that's not bad enough we then have the cameras on them instead of whatever's on air. And then they talk over the guests :mysmilie_51:

I never buy off Q unless it's an excellent price (including the P&P obviously), or if it's something I'm very dubious out and would appreciate their MBG. So, when I buy something that has not been described properly and I then have wasted two lots of postage, I get very, very annoyed.

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