shame on you, people who hate basso and yet eat meat and wear leather


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Here we go again....the *HUMAN LOVERS* are out in force pontificating in a thread that is about animal suffering. To all the pious preachers on here, fyi most animal lovers do have a strong social conscience and do have a great deal of sympathy for human suffering as well and believe it or not, we do give charitable contributions when natural disasters occur around the world, to childrens charities, the homeless etc etc etc. However, we also have a great deal of compassion for animals that are treated cruelly and exploited by the evil greedy bastards of this world like Butcher Basso and we will continue to bring awareness of his vile trade to more and more people on this site and in as many places as possible.

Exactly right. This is a thread about Basso and the fur trade in the QVC forum; human suffering can be discussed elsewhere.

"He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."

- Immanuel Kant
Excellent post. I'm not an animal lover and I find this constant Basso bashing tiresome. Look at the news coverage from Haiti, look at humans suffering, look at that orphanage there where the kids have no food at the moment. That's suffering, that's something to get upset about, not some cutie little animal who, if you died, would eat your flesh to stay alive.

Humans come first every time, not a popular opinion here but I don't care.

What makes you so sure that humans are more important than animals?
Humans are not at the top of the pecking order, we are at the bottom, if all the bees die we wont have food.

Animals locked in a cage have no voice, they rely on us to be kind to them and show them respect.
Humans have a choice, we either respect each other (which we don't) or we fight and treat each other with utter contempt (which we do).

You make a very point about Haiti, but the powers (humans) there have been fighting and killing each other and treating their people like they don't deserve to be on this planet many years?

The difference is: We have a choice of how to treat all living creatures, animals make a choice about who they can trust.

Wether you want to belive it or not, humans have and will always be at the bottom of the feeding order.
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To discuss basso is totally on topic as this is the QVC section of a ShoppingTelly Website.

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Thank You.

The human suffering belongs on its own thread, go to the VIP area and state your case. I say this each time this comes up on the Basso fur thread, people come on and scream about sweatshops etc. I say each time start a thread about it and no one does, they just jump in on the Brasso thread and expect us to change subject. Your upset and outrage about Hati etc cannot be that important if you cannot start a thread, does it not deserve its own thread?

Go on stand up and grow a pair for what you seem to believe is more important to you. And not tag it in on a thread about animal abuse.

Here we go again....the *HUMAN LOVERS* are out in force pontificating in a thread that is about animal suffering. To all the pious preachers on here, fyi most animal lovers do have a strong social conscience and do have a great deal of sympathy for human suffering as well and believe it or not, we do give charitable contributions when natural disasters occur around the world, to childrens charities, the homeless etc etc etc. However, we also have a great deal of compassion for animals that are treated cruelly and exploited by the evil greedy bastards of this world like Butcher Basso and we will continue to bring awareness of his vile trade to more and more people on this site and in as many places as possible.

Oh silly us for having an iota of concern for human beings,how very trite.:mysmilie_81:

The premise of THIS thread is the contrary opinion to the Ban Basso Brigade,therefore any opinion which is held here is a valid one.Notice I have gone NOWHERE near your thread or posted a protest comment of any kind because as far as I'm concerned you are entitled to your thread(s) and your opinions in that area,WITHOUT CHALLENGE,however anyone who dares to offer up an alternative view on here,is not extended this same courtesy.

Again,I reiterate GET YOUR BANNER UP TOUTE SUITE!,organize your picketing of QVC towers when Basso is here again in March,continue to flood them with e-mails and snail mails,call them,T-call them,text.If everything that this man stands for enrages you so much,these are the things which need to be done.It seems to me that there are enough people on ST.COM who feel this way,so there's definitely strength in numbers,get on with it,instead of constantly having this same isolated verbal wa*nk!
There are, of course, different levels of suffering to humans and animals, but to me just because one is worse than another, it doesn't make any of them acceptable.
I stopped eating meat when I saw the news coverage of the scandal of live exports to Europe for slaughter in the early 90's. The fear in the animals' eyes upset me so much, I decided then and there not to eat them again, even though I do love the flavour. However well a slaughterhouse is controlled and regulated, the animals must feel fear and discomfort just being loaded onto the trucks, let alone their experience once they reach their destination. I can't understand any form of hunting or even fishing, so the fur trade is obviously also very upsetting to me.
I won't go to Canada because of the seal slaughter, I won't go to Norway or Japan because of their whaling, but I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg. I can't remember the last time I saw someone wearing real fur in the Uk, but if you go to many countries in Europe, you do see quite a lot of fur in winter, so where do I draw the line? I'm not saying I'm right or wrong, this is just how I feel.
The rest of my family all eat meat, so I'm certainly not criticising here, but I have at times wondered whether the people who attack Basso so strongly eat meat.
My daughter tells me I'm over-sensitive as I won't even watch wildlife programmes where animals hunt each other, so I probably don't offer a very representative opinion!
Oh silly us for having an iota of concern for human beings,how very trite.:mysmilie_81:
You always have to resort to sarcasm, are you really that unintelligent?? :rolleyes:

get on with it,instead of constantly having this same isolated verbal wa*nk!
You really are quite coomon and unpleasant aren't you?? :rolleyes:
You really are quite coomon and unpleasant aren't you?? :rolleyes:

No,I'm neither 'coomon',common or unpleasant,I'm just a realist and besides this comment is RICH coming from you,however,I won't go there.

The bottom line is this,either put up,or shut up.I guarantee you that Dennis does not give a toss about what any of you think-at the moment-,why? because you haven't hurt him in his pocket.And to do this, all of the above things I've mentioned have to be employed,the change you desire doesn't magic itself over- night because a few hundred people on the internet are frothing at the mouth.
Change takes sacrifice and until I see or read about a group of you going down to QVC to protest in March,I can't take any of this seriously.There are people who LIVE in London,vehemently anti-Basso who would not strap on a pair of balls and go down there,it's very easy to do all this protesting anonymously,people really committed to this cause,would sacrifice a days wage,travel out of their way,maybe even risk arrest.

But no,let's just keep going round in circles.Hows that working out for you?

Meanwhile Basso guffaws,snarfs endless canopes and laughs all the way to the bank.:mysmilie_697:
No,I'm neither 'coomon',common or unpleasant,I'm just a realist and besides this comment is RICH coming from you,however,I won't go there.

The bottom line is this,either put up,or shut up.I guarantee you that Dennis does not give a toss about what any of you think-at the moment-,why? because you haven't hurt him in his pocket.And to do this, all of the above things I've mentioned have to be employed,the change you desire doesn't magic itself over- night because a few hundred people on the internet are frothing at the mouth.
Change takes sacrifice and until I see or read about a group of you going down to QVC to protest in March,I can't take any of this seriously.There are people who LIVE in London,vehemently anti-Basso who would not strap on a pair of balls and go down there,it's very easy to do all this protesting anonymously,people really committed to this cause,would sacrifice a days wage,travel out of their way,maybe even risk arrest.

But no,let's just keep going round in circles.Hows that working out for you?

Meanwhile Basso guffaws,snarfs endless canopes and laughs all the way to the bank.:mysmilie_697:

To use someones spelling mistake in a reply is, how should I say, childish.

Well I am all up for heading to the QVC studios in March, it would be a long journey for me and poss a 2-3 night stay as well. Anyone want to go with me?
To use someones spelling mistake in a reply is, how should I say, childish.

Well I am all up for heading to the QVC studios in March, it would be a long journey for me and poss a 2-3 night stay as well. Anyone want to go with me?

Well to the pose the question of someone's intelligence and then go on to spell the word common incorrectly,is what??? However,I'm not one for splitting hairs.

I am glad to read that YOU are being proactive about this,I hope you get many others to join you and it would be handy to get some crafters on board as I'm sure they could make some excellent signs.

Good Luck
your hypocrisy knows no limits.

go visit an abbattoir - where your dinner is being prepared - then come back and tell me the difference.

Totally agree. I have been vegetarian for approx 25 years and so do not, obviously, agree with eating anything for which the animal is killed to provide, or any animal product (some dairy products). I do understand, however, that some people believe that meat forms a healthy part of their diet, or just like meat and have no wish to become vegetarian. I can accept this; I don't agree with it.
Wearing fur, leather etc. is a preference. There are man made alternatives available. To buy a leather handbag or coat is plain vanity. Both can be purchased in a synthetic fabric.
These same people probably also buy products without knowing whether or not they are tested on animals. If you won't wear animal products, you certainly won't use products which have been tested on them.
This site has certainly been pivotal is letting the consumer know of Basso's abhorrent practices in supplying the animals for his genuine fur range and ought to be applauded. The fur of an animal is a wonderful, beautiful thing to behold, and we should be allowed to continue to admire it on it's owner, not on the back or shoulder of some narcissistic "I love me who do you love" female, or vain male.
Well to the pose the question of someone's intelligence and then go on to spell the word common incorrectly,is what??? However,I'm not one for splitting hairs.

I am glad to read that YOU are being proactive about this,I hope you get many others to join you and it would be handy to get some crafters on board as I'm sure they could make some excellent signs.

Good Luck

A simple speeling mistuke, witch ey am sure we huve ull madde at sum piontt. :mysmilie_17:
A simple speeling mistuke, witch ey am sure we huve ull madde at sum piontt. :mysmilie_17:
Yes of course, but one shouldn't perch so comfortably on their high horse throwing missiles unless they are prepared to have them thrown back.

Anyway,I should leave you as I'm sure your message box is crammed to capacity with messages of solidarity and meeting arrangements for March.
Well to the pose the question of someone's intelligence and then go on to spell the word common incorrectly,is what??? However,I'm not one for splitting hairs.
It was a simple typo but if that's the depth of comment you can make it just endorses my lack of intelligence theory. :rolleyes:
hey BFT i'm sick of all the Ban Basso threads too but what sticks in my throat more is your desire to wind people up and the obvious thrill you're getting from it !!! :confused:
It was a simple typo but if that's the depth of comment you can make it just endorses my lack of intelligence theory. :rolleyes:
The depth of my comment?:mysmilie_61:,quite telling what you choose to zoom in on of my last 3 posts,meanwhile thousands of your precious animals have just perished.
Do I need or require your approval,validation,do I care one scintilla whether you think I'm emphatic NO!!I know what and who I am and when the rubber meets the road,this is ALL that matters.KNOW THAT!

So back to the animals,the protests :)
hey BFT i'm sick of all the Ban Basso threads too but what sticks in my throat more is your desire to wind people up and the obvious thrill you're getting from it !!! :confused:

Oh you think this is a thrill for me?,to try and debate people who do not want to hear any other opinion than their own,you couldn't be more wrong.This is not about wind ups,if that were my intention,you'd know about it,trust me.

Yes,I will fight my corner and I will always fight it to the death,as I allow others to in their threads.

So please Mrs James,don't claim to know anything about me,because you clearly don't.
The depth of my comment?:mysmilie_61:,quite telling what you choose to zoom in on of my last 3 posts,meanwhile thousands of your precious animals have just perished.
Do I need or require your approval,validation,do I care one scintilla whether you think I'm emphatic NO!!I know what and who I am and when the rubber meets the road,this is ALL that matters.KNOW THAT!

So back to the animals,the protests :)

shouldnt that be chinchilla? hee hee

sorry :mysmilie_17:

look girls, have a ding-dong but lets not get personal with eachother eh? thats not what i wanted when i started the thread. i was just trying to balance the continual negative references to DB which, i'm sorry, do seem to me to be hypocritical unless youre going to go the whole way. my opinion, im entitled. lots of people have made very valid arguments on boths sides - thank you! now lets put our leather/manmade handbags down before the thread gets closed by a mod...?
Ahhhhhhh but some of us think we do,been here before have you ? :)

Yes,insofar as I've been reading this board since 2000 or maybe even 1999.So I am familiar with the cyclical armageddon which goes on here.Whatever else your Spidey-Senses may be picking up,I'm not sure.
BenFonTorres is a TROLL.

They only appear on threads to p*ss off and just love to be in the middle of a fight. If the said fight is going quiet they rush in with another comment to get it going again.

Some of us have been watching this behaviour for awhile and know the routine. Which by now boring and totall predictable.

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