Random musings and general banter.


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Next.. Green Shield Timepieces Extravaganza. A brand new, old, heritage historically 21st century phantasmagorical smorgasbord of the much treasured Green Shield brand. The STAMP of quality and BOOKed to thrill… Collect 20 watches and qualify for a Westclox repeater alarm clock.
A bit like Green Shield Stamps were cigarette stamps.
My poor old Grandad used to smoke Embassy cigarettes for the gift stamps they came with. I remember seeing that one item in the catalogue was a car. You had to smoke so many cigarettes to get the car that your lungs would’ve been able to create the road to run it on, just from the tar in them.
I remember going with him to the Green Shield Stamp shop in Stockport as well - I guess Id’ve been about four, because it was the first time I’d ever been on a train. We got an electric blanket with the stamps, and I had some chicken in a cafe (chicken was always a food you had very rarely because it was so expensive).

I think of those days, and those people, all gone long ago, when I hear Peter Simon yelling to ‘just buy it’ or a shonky watch ‘expert’ selling a service station quality watch for hundreds of pounds. They seem, to me, to have no respect for their customers, or for the effort it takes to earn money. And that’s one if the things I dislike most about selly telly. If only they’d present the goods, explain what’s good about them, and do a proper demo.But especially in watches, the product just isn’t good enough for that…
I see Thursday they have 2 hours of Brother Embroidery and Sewing Machine, they are clearly, hoping Craft Viewers, will find Shop Extra to see the product and will carry on watching
I remember the auditors report at the end of IW mark 1. The one that listed creditors and the amounts owed that were unlikely to be repaid. Brother were a massive creditor, presumably likely to lose a lot of money. I wonder what can have possessed them to still trade with this ‘phoenix’ as it rose from the wreckage for the third time?
I remember the auditors report at the end of IW mark 1. The one that listed creditors and the amounts owed that were unlikely to be repaid. Brother were a massive creditor, presumably likely to lose a lot of money. I wonder what can have possessed them to still trade with this ‘phoenix’ as it rose from the wreckage for the third time?
They have always been on Create and craft
A bit like Green Shield Stamps were cigarette stamps.
My poor old Grandad used to smoke Embassy cigarettes for the gift stamps they came with. I remember seeing that one item in the catalogue was a car. You had to smoke so many cigarettes to get the car that your lungs would’ve been able to create the road to run it on, just from the tar in them.
I remember going with him to the Green Shield Stamp shop in Stockport as well - I guess Id’ve been about four, because it was the first time I’d ever been on a train. We got an electric blanket with the stamps, and I had some chicken in a cafe (chicken was always a food you had very rarely because it was so expensive).

I think of those days, and those people, all gone long ago, when I hear Peter Simon yelling to ‘just buy it’ or a shonky watch ‘expert’ selling a service station quality watch for hundreds of pounds. They seem, to me, to have no respect for their customers, or for the effort it takes to earn money. And that’s one if the things I dislike most about selly telly. If only they’d present the goods, explain what’s good about them, and do a proper demo.But especially in watches, the product just isn’t good enough for that…

Yeah the Embassy vouchers, remember them, when we were kids we tried to collect any we found or pinched out of our parents cig packets :whistle:, there was small shop in the city centre used buy all these types of vouchers/stamps etc of you. We used the money towards the skating or saturday morning pictures, didn't have much pocket money so every little help.
I remember the auditors report at the end of IW mark 1. The one that listed creditors and the amounts owed that were unlikely to be repaid. Brother were a massive creditor, presumably likely to lose a lot of money. I wonder what can have possessed them to still trade with this ‘phoenix’ as it rose from the wreckage for the third time?

About £450,000 lot of money to lose.

Maybe they figure it's Hochanda Global now so give them a chance, although the first Hochanda didn't last long either, but maybe they're doing it in smaller quantities to minimise any risk or pay invoices up front.
There was also another stamp that I remember – Pink Stamps. I remember going with my mum to a long gone supermarket chain shop - Fine Fare in Crouch End Broadway, and Mum always got those stamps from there. I can’t remember, though, where the showrooms were to get goods with those particular stamps? I also remember Embassy stamps as the Professor was so brilliantly
reminiscing about. Again, I don’t recall a showroom for as such for them - just the Green Shield ones, which turned into Argos ones in the end.
Bissel Bev! She never puts her name to a brand she doesn't believe in (or so she says).

She was Polti this and Polti that for years on IW, she would go on about how great Polti Steam generator Irons (with the tank) were and how plain steam Irons were useless and a waste of time, until IW got in some bog standard Steam irons (Swan or Tower) to sell then they were great again. She spouted a load of garbage most of the time, whatever was needed to make the product sound better than it was, well suited to IW.
David Anthony returns with Swan & Edgar garbage on Friday.

Tourbillon on the show, probably be £800-£1000 range with club price, same watch on Ali will set you back approx £390 max (tax & duty inc)

Dull as dishwater Davie boy thinks Peter is a Legend.

Thank goodness! I've been finding when wearing my Gamages out and about that less people are stopping me to ask about it (down from an average of 100 people per visit to Asda to 20). So I need something new to attract them back. The excellent offerings from S&E will do just that :)
David Anthony returns with Swan & Edgar garbage on Friday.

Tourbillon on the show, probably be £800-£1000 range with club price, same watch on Ali will set you back approx £390 max (tax & duty inc)

Dull as dishwater Davie boy thinks Peter is a Legend.

I think he was trying to mirror Frankie Howard at times

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