Random musings and general banter.


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"I want you to look at the box"

Fooking hell I wasn't going to buy it now I have seen a box with pictures on I am buying 10 Den

I don't think I have ever watched Den as much as this evening but I have noticed one thing the regulars probably picked up years ago, she doesn't actually actively listen to the guest/expert. She nods and looks like she is listening but it isn't a conversation it is all on her terms

I rarely watched IW during the week so I'm quite new to the beautiful, glamorous, queen of shopping TV too. Has she always talked this slo…w…l…y?
No, Harry, she doesn’t listen, does she. Or rather, like many poor and disinterested listeners, she temporarily stops opening her mouth, her eyes glaze over, and she then goes on with what she wanted to say about herself before they said what she never listened to in the first place. Talking about sticking your tool in, doing your nuts…and frozen Dachshunds now.. Has she done the I must order this item she wouldn’t give house room to routine yet?
No, Harry, she doesn’t listen, does she. Or rather, like many poor and disinterested listeners, she temporarily stops opening her mouth, her eyes glaze over, and she then goes on with what she wanted to say about herself before they said what she never listened to in the first place. Talking about sticking your tool in and frozen, doing your nuts…frozen Dachshunds now.. Has she done the I must order this item she wouldn’t give house room to routine yet?
Yes, she is ordering one for her daughter as she can't believe the price (why not Den it is just a standard price) and it will be xmas present but she won't tell her it was only £80 no no no

Her daughter already has an air fryer but she will love this
I think they are overwhelmed by people taking the pi…ones. You can see by their reaction, most of them, they can’t read out. Interesting to know just how many people are actually watching outside of this forum? You wonder also, why the presenters are being handed a red plastic handset from a 1970s’ GPO phone in that awful promo?
I think they are overwhelmed by people taking the pi…ones. You can see by their reaction, most of them, they can’t read out. Interesting to know just how many people are actually watching outside of this forum?
Apart from the hours they piggyback onto the main channel/feed, I would imagine very few

Again like when Ideal World "tried" interaction it is all so forced then again if nobody is watching not a lot they can do on that front
Ideal World used to read my faxes out when they started. I remember pretending to be David Van Day, faxing in outraged that Marshall and Ryan I think it might have been, were suggesting he ran a burger van…and watching them squirm and apologise.. He did actually run a very successful one on the south coast…
Ideal World used to read my faxes out when they started. I remember pretending to be David Van Day, faxing in outraged that Marshall and Ryan I think it might have been, were suggesting he ran a burger van…and watching them squirm and apologise.. He did actually run a very successful one on the south coast…

In for a dollar.....

That will never be beaten
How ironic drones with wyan,tv husband to my name is den I’m one hundred and ten,droning on for hours.
By the look of the transmission yesterday I don’t give it long,picture quality is awful along with the products.
Looks like not many people are pressing the red button,serves them right what comes around goes around.
You launch a channel all smug and non apologetic,people don’t forget selling expensive goods right up to the moment IW went bust😡
Like Ideal World, it is at times hilarious to watch. Unfortunately, a small group of people who see shopping television as serving a different purpose to the rest of us, isn’t going to sustain the venture, as we are watching to laugh, not to buy. The people who they do need, who may buy something, probably don’t know the channel is even there. It is difficult to find on Freeview without its own channel number and swops around within the options it does have with the main craft channel. It is being broadcast in a tiny studio with limited workspace and graphics, and is failing to even do the broadcasting basics by making its viewers what is live and is not. I suspect the people behind the scenes who started this venture, hope the already established craft buyers will become buyers of both. I have my doubts that will automatically happen, as crafting products attract a dedicated audience and buying base that isn’t necessarily easily interchangeable.

You come back again to the underlying problem all shopping channels are facing - a dying off audience. Promoting values like family, friendship and fun is language and values that are very much the domain of older shoppers in the way the channel expresses them, and older shoppers aren’t going to sustain a business long term. The younger ones, who, in the natural scale of things, would become old and replace them eventually, don’t want to shop this way. They want ‘Instant’ ‘Instant’ and ‘Sick’.. Facing facts, if Ideal World had launched in 2023 and not 2000, most of its target market would have been dead by about 2015. Bring in yoof presenters, acid music under the verbals, and presenters whizzing around the goods on e-scooters and you’d still struggle to sell to a market that is comfortable and happy buying in the modern way. In 20 years time or so, it will be interesting to see if this type of shopping by television even exists any longer?
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IW was hugely mismanaged. The new CEO proudly proclaimed ‘shopping TV is dead’ and then proceeded to overpay ‘celebrities’ to appear with 0 talent or training. With Sports Direct, they wanted the channel to sell their products, with no knowledge of how the industry works and what items sell and don’t (as expected, their leftovers did not). Eric Knowles was widely known as a bad idea but the CEO would fire anyone who said no to him, leading to many resignations and firings in the final months.
His ‘strategy’ was to get big on social media and replace those he deemed ‘too old’ with fresher faces who couldn’t sell and led to poorer sales
Was that what Sally Jacks constant references to follow me on face book, see my latest youtube carp was all about.
i confess I have looked at her content since Ideal closed but had zero interest before that.
My personal impression from what I’ve seen is that she has a determined ambition to become a top influencer. Her numerous holidays,since Ideal ceased trading, used basically as a daily fashion show, certainly seem to support that.

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