You're right there May, despite casting directors telling agents what they want someone to look like and agents send their people that fit the ask, sometimes they walk into a room and are told, too tall, too short, too blonde, too dark, too fat, too thin,too young, too old,even though they fit the description the casting director requested.
Two of the worst reason for cuts before even opening their mouths or warm up were, ' nice suit, where is if from?, oh Top Man?, well if that's your standard?....." And I'd like you to stay but I don't think I could work with you and stay professional"!
People wanting to go into the business have to have tough skin, be able to take put downs, shouted at, dropped, be prepared to hang around for hours and hours just to get to say/ sing/ a couple of lines before being cut off and told" we will be in touch" each time they have to brush it off, stay focused and go on to the next audition and believe in themselves that they can succeed at the next audition.
For every one that gets on TV or stage there are thousands that don't.
It's very tough and very expensive.