Peter Simon


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i honestly believe that if simon is to survive on bid he needs a firm co-host with him to keep him in line (or as close as they can)

elisa USED to do this quite regularly correcting his mistakes and mentioning costs e.t.c

Last few months she has given up doing it which quite frankly i dont blame her
Have to laugh Peter is selling the Spode limited edition Queen figurine and said last week she was gravely ill and a nation was preparing and rehearsing obits etc but she has recovered
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Have to laugh Peter is selling the Spode limited edition Queen figurine and said last week she was gravely ill and a nation was preparing and rehearsing obits etc but she has recovered
He really will stoop to saying just about anything to get those sales won't he! Not quite as easy as it was tho' is it?! Last time I flicked thru to Bid they were only selling handfulls & loads left. It's always so clearly toot when ever I watch nowadays.
caron perfume

Loads of 'No P+P' items now aren't there?, I suspected that's what they would do.

I have to switch off when I suspect he is going to get too excited. I cannot bare looking when his fangs coming out, accompanied by the involuntary slobbering.

Lord knows what other involuntary movements occur during one of his episodes.

He really will stoop to saying just about anything to get those sales won't he! Not quite as easy as it was tho' is it?! Last time I flicked thru to Bid they were only selling handfulls & loads left. It's always so clearly toot when ever I watch nowadays.

He is going completely mad over some manky two fivers perfume which is mesmeric and not agent provocateur
It's now patently clear Peter Simon either thinks he is above any guidance given by the ASA, or he is simply incapable of following simple instructions. He has all but forgotten about P+P charges.

Oh well, we'll have to offer even more of a helping hand. But don't you worry though Peter my Luv, we're here for you :happy:
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he was selling a wooden effect barrel water feature last night (delicious) and he actually said you can keep your goldfish
in it, he was quite serious, and then went on to say you could also keep your tadpoles in it and when they turn into frogs
they're gonna love it! the blokes a friggin nutcase....
he was also selling a delicious set of 3 stainless steel bins when he said 'all you do is just put your bin liner in it like so, thats
all you do, job done, i think thats a great idea cos all you do is just pull it out when its full, teriffic idea'.
thanks for that insight into the workings of a ****** bin, peter i never knewhow they worked before....
he was selling a wooden effect barrel water feature last night (delicious) and he actually said you can keep your goldfish
in it, he was quite serious, and then went on to say you could also keep your tadpoles in it and when they turn into frogs
they're gonna love it! the blokes a friggin nutcase....
he was also selling a delicious set of 3 stainless steel bins when he said 'all you do is just put your bin liner in it like so, thats
all you do, job done, i think thats a great idea cos all you do is just pull it out when its full, teriffic idea'.
thanks for that insight into the workings of a ****** bin, peter i never knewhow they worked before....

I am quite amazed at this new fangled Bin invention, why didn't someone think of these sooner?

A word of caution though. They're certainly not Stainless Steel but do supposedly have a 'chrome finish'.
Helen Bates looking top notch tonight.

Peter on top form too, is selling herbs including "chiver, teriyiaki". Think he meant chives & taragon LOL

Wayne is on later too ha ha
Peter trying to sell a handbag by describing one of the colours in it as 'Bovril chocolate' colour... erm, well I was on the fence about it before but that description's sold it to me! :grin:
Why is he wearing a pinny and holding up pictures of strawberries does he think we don't know what they are bet there delicious. Helen looks very classy tonight.
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Just caught him selling some Elvis stamps-thought I would watch until he made a factual inaccuracy.
In the very first sentence he got Mississippi mixed up with Tennessee and immediately followed up by saying that Elvis was born in !935 and died in 1977 'at the tender age of forty six.'
He was forty two.
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you cant beat a night with St.Peter can you (that dont sound right does it).... anyway he was trying to say...
'you've then got the most wonderful SIGHT STRIDED... SIGHT, STRITE, STRITE SIDED MUGS with these as well'
ha ha what was that again peter?
Helen Bates looking top notch tonight.

Peter on top form too, is selling herbs including "chiver, teriyiaki". Think he meant chives & taragon LOL

Wayne is on later too ha ha

When he was talking about herbs he said growing them is so easy so why not try to grow your own Rosemary, Thyme, Tarragon and CINNAMON!
I absolutely howled with laughter last night when chef Wayne was demonstrating a multi cooker thing.
He'd cooked curry (and I use the term 'curry' loosely!) in one and rice in another. He dished up the rice first and it was completely brown and burnt underneath but in true Wayne style he went on to say 'there, lovely fluffy rice'! He then dished up some curry sauce with it. It looked revolting, burnt rice accompanied by a brown sloppy substance.
Now, I don't often feel sorry for James Russell, but I did last night.........Wayne handed him a spoon and asked him to try it. I'll give James his due, he tried a little bit of curry sauce but not before wiping all the rice away first! Poor James! Chef Wayne does it again!!
Maybe Wayne can't stand Russell either?

Go Wayne, my opinion of you has just gone through the roof! Next time give him some of your delicious omelette or mushroom soup :giggle:

Don't give him any raw chicken though, that would just be wrong :tongue:
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Wouldn't it be lovely if Wayne tossed an omelette and it landed on Russell/Sally Flapjack or Ms. Simon's head? I'd wet myself :D

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