Peter Simon


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I can imagine it now: The worry angel music in the background - "Aaaah aaaahhh", then Peter Simon starts swinging his Thomas Earnshaw pocket watch - "You are feeling sleepy...."

Now the worry angels appear to be flying out the door. By themselves.

(Great picture by the way!)
And I suppose if you were just flicking channels and happened to hear the designer names but didn't hear the 'NOT'


It's not Chanel it's not Chanel! You've got to admire his brain washing tactics - I bet he used to work for the CIA!
Oh Dear, Peter is back to saying plated metal is simply 'gold' again, 'This is gold, it is 24ct of gold. To delight, to entice, the magnificence of the most precious metal in the world'.

Tutt Tutt.
Oh Dear, Peter is back to saying plated metal is simply 'gold' again, 'This is gold, it is 24ct of gold. To delight, to entice, the magnificence of the most precious metal in the world'.

Tutt Tutt.

Unfortunately once that gets worn off (in about a day of normal wear if you're lucky), the "metal" underneath will probably turn your skin a strange black-green colour.

Anyway, isn't platinum more precious than gold? :wait:
It really infuriates me when he says "This is the larger of the xxxx". What utter tripe! The larger of the double sized duvet cover....well that's a bloody king-size one then Peter!!! The larger of something in a particular size is a nonsense! It's either that size or not. It can't be any bigger otherwise youR bloody duvet would be too small for it! IDIOT!!!!!!
Gold plated is rubbish.Also why is speed auction presenters on bid and price drop.About time speed was closed for good.
Peter Simon very strange man.
Gold plated is rubbish.Also why is speed auction presenters on bid and price drop.About time speed was closed for good.
Peter Simon very strange man.

I think Speed Auction has now been fully replaced by Bid Plus. It is mostly pre recorded but sometimes has a few hours of live programming early evening.

I know Simon Davies (who was on Speed) has been on Price Drop for a few days now, I quite like him but he concerned me earlier. He was selling the tiny £1 electric shaver and said that if you are in a rush in the morning you can use it in the car on your way to work.

He also said he has a casting call this afternoon and said he would use it on the bus to freshen up. Personally I have never seen anyone having a shave on the bus before, takes allsorts.
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I was watching a bit of Bid Plus the other day and the format is similar to other shopping channels. They were showing a recap of some jewellery stills. It was all a set price and free P&P.
The filthy old freak just farted on air. He is quite disgusting.

But even worse he just had the bare faced audacity to say 'i'm not just saying this because I don't do bull. If you ask me i'll tell yer'.

OK Peter i'll ask you this. Why do you repeatedly describe gold plated cheap base metal as simply 'gold', you were doing it just last night. And then you mumble '2.5 mic..... (insert any old incoherent splutter).

Go on Luv, tell us.
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It's lovely to see a presenter coughing, sneezing and farting on a Monday afternoon while trying to spot something voucherwise.

Couldn't he have stopped at 'ome'?

Jeez the man is foul, he was literally foaming at the mouth before. I wish he would keep his hideous viper tongue in his grid, licking and rolling it around his mouth, gross.

He needs to retire with his Bet (or Brian, whatever his/her name really is, if he/she really exists).
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It's lovely to see a presenter coughing, sneezing and farting on a Monday afternoon while trying to spot something voucherwise.

Couldn't he have stopped at 'ome'?

He should be put in a home.

Or a knacker's yard.
Oh good Lord, he's really on top form tonight... explaining the story of the "extraordinary space diamond", which he also referred to as "One singular mollusc of time"? :wonder:

(First post from a longtime lurker :hi:)
jesus h they've got St.Peter going so fast tonight he's getting all tongue-tied and flustered
'here weve got two of the errrrrrr not the hand towels and two of the hand towels' ha ha
also we heard.... 'weve got the Marla bag later with the delicious hand held handles' silly old git
o and buy the underwear and put it away for CHRISTMAS!
Is it as bad as last night when all you could hear were the rowdy crew laughing through most of his shift...

I heard that too, he started laughing too I remember but it felt very forced. It was like they were laughing none stop at Peters vain attempts to glorify the tat he was trying to sell. Everytime he used a descriptive word all you could hear was the loud laughing from behind the camera. It was very disrespectful.
The 'laughing' from the crew sounds terribly false to me, unless they are laughing at him.

The monologues are really painful to watch, in fact I find him painful to watch full stop. I only watch him to see what advertising rules he is flouting. He rarely disappoints.

However, I simply cannot watch him where food is involved anymore. He disgusts me, our late Dog genuinely possessed superior dining manners.
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Hear Hear...Just disgusting! I also think that with the exception of Elisa, who's a bit older (they also come across as being good mates), I can sense that the young girls he does shifts with are probably quite uncomfortable with him but are too frightened to say....I bet he makes their skin crawl!

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