Foundations that are yellow based tend to suit people better who have warm undertones to their skin. Foundations which are pink based suit people with cool undertones. You can find your undertone by looking at your wrist. If your veins are green you are likely to have a warm undertone, if it is more blue than green than you are likely to have a warm undertone. If it is a mix of both and you can't see one more than the other than you are probably neutral. Foundations that are neutral usually have a mix of pink and yellow in them. Mally's foundations are yellow based, but would also suit neutral undertones as well. I don't think it would be so good for pink but not sure as I don't have any pink in my skin. My skin is fair and has yellow/neutral undertones. If you tend to look better in silver jewellery, it may be cool undertone. If you look better in gold, you are probably a warm undertone. If you look good in both you might be a neutral. Fair porcelain skins - think ginger hair, usually have pink undertones to skin and burn very quickly when sunbathing. Slightly darker skins usually go red, then tan. May be yellow or neutral. Any darker skins might go brown straightaway. Not fool proof but. usually the case.
You can find your undertone by looking at your wrist. If your veins are green you are likely to have a warm undertone, if it is more blue than green than you are likely to have a warm undertone.
Good stuff, although in the US it was a 7 piece set not 6, so we are losing something! Although, from the look of the picture it is just the foundation brush? :mysmilie_59:
Having now watched the video on QVC's website for the foundation (, it appears we don't need the brush because we are to use our fingers to apply the foundation! I must say, I'm not a fan of this at all. I struggled changing to a brush recently (from a sponge), I definitely can't change to my fingers.
Does anyone use this foundation? How do you apply it?
From what you have said you should go for the Fair option. I use Light in Bare Minerals and Light in this one from Mally and the 2 are exactly the same on me.![]()
Don't know if it's been there a while but only just spotted on the website £19.95 plus postage of under £3 individual item-eyeshadow sticks in various shaded including TAUPE! I have a stash of these as it's just the best colour and texture for me. I have used some of my ebay money. Back to being in 2 minds about the TSV lol. If the Taupe is in the duo that's meant to be coming up soon then in all likelihood I will order that too but we shall see![]()