L'Occitane TSV 27/11/16


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I have ordered mine in the floral option as a present from my husband for Christmas. I do feel like I am regretting buying it a bit though, it is expensive for what it is really and there are a lot of sample sizes. I am thinking what else the best part of £60 could have been spent on!

I worked out it was worth about £108, so - as long as you think you'll use it all - it is still a good deal. I agree with all the criticisms of the TSV, though, and am particularly irked by the three hand creams (super, travel and mini sizes) when there's only one travel body lotion. Like you, I love all my bath / beauty products, one of my favourite luxuries in life, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
So glad I've read this thread, I was weakening but now I've come to my senses. I was going to get it because my mum loves all her shower niceties, but I've just remembered I got carried away with the last Elemis tsv, and bought two, I can give her the shower gel from that, as part of her pressies.....sorted!
Not going for this TSV, waiting for the Soap and Glory star gift. Now that is a bargain and a British brand to boot!
Yet again, another brand of over priced teeny tiny products, so not only would I not buy form this brand because it tests on animals but as a rule, I refuse to pay for testers.

On the plus side though, buying this brand will stop you panicking and rushing out the shops on the 23rd 24th of December, having to face the crowds, parking and feeling generally rubbish on Christmas Day, who knew. :mysmilie_14:
I am glad now that I bought the Philosophy TSV with 4 huge shower gels & EDT. Never bought the Philosohy TSV before but I thought it was good value this time. That splits nicely into extras for my daughter/daughters-in-law at Christmas and one for me. One of them or my sister might get the EDT as well.
I am glad now that I bought the Philosophy TSV with 4 huge shower gels & EDT. Never bought the Philosohy TSV before but I thought it was good value this time. That splits nicely into extras for my daughter/daughters-in-law at Christmas and one for me. One of them or my sister might get the EDT as well.

same here all the items are worthy gifts the edt (kept that) and the huge shower gels sell for £25 in john lewis, the problem with this tsv is its dam hard to give ANY of it away
I don't think it's qvc, usually Boots have it.

Yes, this is usually available iin Boots a couple of weeks before Christmas. I love Soap and Glory and a friend believes their foot cream is far better than L'Occitane's and she has real foot problems!
Not going for the TSV but I feel like having a sip of wine for every time Alexis says "literally".
I might have been tempted as it would have made a good gift for a family member and I particularly like the rose, but when I added it up and realised that I'd be adding an extra £14 just in rip off P&P charges, I thought "stuff it". That's far too much to be paying for overpriced soap. Imagine how much they've made on P&P excess alone on selling thousands of these. I don't care about the season and all that guff, I'm simply no longer prepared to pay for QVC's greed.
my mum is very happy & excited since i told her i got her the floral option & is going to be very very happy & if i can brighten up her day with a set like this then the postage pales in to sufficance (SP) as far as im concerned if the price with postage is better than what i can get it for anywhere else then its a even better deal
BLIMEY £6.95 postage??!! Well, I guess that's saved me some money because that ridiculous postage amount has put me off. I was tempted with the £12.50 easy pays, but with postage it's virtually £20 for the first payment so they can forget it.
When you buy quite a number of Christmas gifts then the p and p really does matter. Personally I have a husband, 3 sons all with partners, 2 grand children and my husband has 2 children and their partners plus 5 grandchildren. There`s no way I`d even consider buying that number of gifts from QVC even if they sold suitable items for men and children. That would be 18 gifts just for our immediate families and even at Q`s lower end of p and p (£4.95 per item ) it would be £90 just on p and p minimum. Bloody ridiculous and no need for it. I`ve shopped elsewhere and not paid a penny in p and p and the £90 will be spent elsewhere.
It`s ok for people to spout all things Q and be petty when others find better deals elsewhere but at the end of the day the retail World does not begin or end simply with QVC even if some people`s World does !
When you buy quite a number of Christmas gifts then the p and p really does matter. Personally I have a husband, 3 sons all with partners, 2 grand children and my husband has 2 children and their partners plus 5 grandchildren. There`s no way I`d even consider buying that number of gifts from QVC even if they sold suitable items for men and children. That would be 18 gifts just for our immediate families and even at Q`s lower end of p and p (£4.95 per item ) it would be £90 just on p and p minimum. Bloody ridiculous and no need for it. I`ve shopped elsewhere and not paid a penny in p and p and the £90 will be spent elsewhere.
It`s ok for people to spout all things Q and be petty when others find better deals elsewhere but at the end of the day the retail World does not begin or end simply with QVC even if some people`s World does !

Well said. P&P adds up just as much as anything else does.
The P&P cost bears no relation to the weight of the item. To bang on about the Philosophy one again, the 4 huge shower gels plus large EDT must be a lot heavier than the L'Occ one with the mini/sample sizes and that was £4.95. It now seems to be how much they think they can get away with.

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