My set arrived yesterday and had a little play with it. I did the left side of my face only, and all I can say is "wow!" The blush looked really warm, even when I used the brown side mixed with the pink - I think the trick is not to be heavy handed. Then the high lighter - used under brow, inner corner of the eye, above the cheek bone and down the middle of my nose. It made me look like I was lit up, I can't even describe how good the effect was on my tired gave. Eye rimz, absolutley gorgeous when applied wet,and pretty long lasting. The mascara - literally did a couple of sweeps and it was enough, so again, less is more. It was tough getting it off with my usual A'kin clranser, but I didn't wake up with panda eyes, even though I applied some oil under my eyes before bed, so not too bothered. Also, I only wear mascara when dressing up. The only didapointment wad the lipstick shich, although lovely and moisturising, was a v. pale frosted colour on the lips.. All in all a gorgeous set, so I am well pleased.
Also happy that I got the In a NY minute set, with the Medium Deep concealer, as this is a much better match for me then the medium which I was using previously.