Laura Geller TSV - 06/08/11


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Mine came on wednesday via the courier. Hope yours turns up soon & isn't like my last LG TSV. Ordered that one at midnight, waited & waited & eventually had to notify that it hadn't turned up, faffed for the refund then went on waitlist at TSV price again but of course never got it, was right fed up.

On the mascara- Boots Fragrance Free Eye Makup Remover didn't shift it, nor did the Boots No7 hot cloth cleanser so don't waste money on those.

Well we ARE all diff and i found the Boots eye makeup remover and hot cloth cleanser DID remove mine, also I had a facial an eye mask treatment at E'spa and their products just didnt shift the mascara at all .....just goes to show how diff we all can be x
I tried the mascara today and it's quite nice but the only eye make up remover I have is a two tone one from Garnier. You shake it to mix the two different liquids. It's slightly oily when you use it. And bingo! Shifted it without too much problem. I think it's about £3 a go and it says it's for sensitive eyes. I can't remember when I bought it or why as I use c&P which shifts my normal mascara. Anyway if anyone can't shift the mascara then try this Garnier stuff.

Applied less B&B today and was happier with the result. Think I may just have used too much yesterday. But then again I found I needed to redo it mid afternoon which I didn't yesterday. Perhaps a bit more practice and I'll have it right.
mine arrived weds. apparently and shipped on the monday if that is any help.
i have had a couple of days to play with my goodies and so far its all a bit hit and miss. admittedly half of that may be my fault as i forgot my make up stuff at home so i am using emergency brushes (suddenly i am starting to get annoyed at the fact that the TSV dont come with brushes anymore lol)
lipstick... nice shade, pale but livened up with lip liner of any shade. not a strong banana smell but basically the same colour as the riviera lipstick.
mascara... kak. i feel the same as most of you it seems. i have used it twice now and it isnt half fiddly, sticky and a swine to remove. btw j&j gentle (even removes water proof) remover worked a lot better than all of the other stuff i have tried. it did seem to melt it and hardly any panda eyes this morning. i think i will be donating it to someones daughter
eyeshadow... lovely colours but i do wish she would stop putting in the big lumps of glitter in the eyeliner mix
blusher... havent had too much of a play with this on my cheeks but it is a great eye shadow set for day time use. i had to go to a luncheon yesterday and used that instead of the full on glitter show and it was great.
B&B... great as per
all in all it is a good set but there is usually some things that are used more than others in these sets
out of all of the stuff i bought this time i think my best buy was the NY minute set. i love the blusher
To be honest I would email Laura herself(she has a store so must be online even if they don't ship to the UK), and ask what she recommends. There are brands Kanebo and some other Japanses ones which will only come off with hot water. Yes really hence called things like 38o no makeup remover takes them off only hot water. Has anyone tried using just hot water?

The two tones ones are oil and water usually. Mascara long term will dry your lashes out and no doubt over time they might start breaking. I can't see the point in making one that you cannot get off.
Still nothing here! I'll be making a stern phone call tomorrow if it's still a no show! I ordered the tan to use as a blusher for my hols at the end of August so I'll be miffed if they can't deliver in time :wonder:

Jude xx
Mascara long term will dry your lashes out and no doubt over time they might start breaking. I can't see the point in making one that you cannot get off.

Well I applied this mascara on Wednesday - and despite keeping my skin as clean as I always do, the mascara is still there today, admittedly it's almost off, just flaking - but still there. I've lost a few eyelashes in the process too. Very unimpressed with it. It lets - for me anyway - an otherwise outstanding kit, down.
The Garnier stuff really does do the trick. I removed mine last night and no trace of panda eyes this morning. And I had gone overboard with the mascara because I'd topped it up at least once during the day so I had either two or three coats of the stuff at least. My eyelashes feel quite soft this morning but that could be the oily remover and nowt to do with the supposedly conditioning mascara.

Might save the mascara for when I genuinely need waterproof though as I found it gave great length and curl but not much volume. And I have long quite curly lashes but they're a bit sparse. My son of course has eyelashes that are long curly and thick as a ruddy paintbrush!
I use lancome bifacil eye make up remover and the LG one came off without a problem. It's my fave eye make up remover. It used to be Floracil but this is just as good (if not better!) and easier to get hold of.
Due to a glitch a month or two back, I got 4 x 125ml L'Oreal Absolute Eye & Lip Make-Up Remover from Boots for £5 - just tried it and the LG mascara came right off and very easily.
Mine is on the way, lord knows how long it will take to get to Australia! It seemed to get to my sisters in Ireland in no time at all and she posted it it straight away (after taking off what she described as a 'ton' of excess packaging!). Knowing the Aussie post it'll have to be customs checked and re-checked 17 times before it gets delivered, just hope I'm not charged for it. I've only been here two weeks so not sure how it all works yet!! Looking forward to trying everything though :sun:
Finally! It's arrived. I've already got make up on so I'll have a play tomorrow! The lipstick looks good, it has more or the darker pink swirls and less of the honey colour.

Jude xx
Can anyone tell me if the head of the mascars is meant to be bent or if its just mine. I have straightened it and it seems easier to use that way.
Its meant to be bend so you can get into the little lashes at the inside, I prefer it straightened too though, so have bend it straight as well :happy:
well i went to boots and bought the new lash adapt today and i love it, sorry laura but for me the mascara is a dud

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