Laughable Really, But I Knew This Would Happen!


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Registered Shopper
Oct 8, 2008
Heckmondwike, West Yorkshire
Last night I did 2 reviews on QVC, something I hardly ever do. One for some fab solar lights I bought last week and another on 2 owls solar lights I bought last year.

The 2 new solar lights I said were great, solid made of glass and threw a lovely light across the garden.

The owls, well I said I bought 2 sets last year, and QVC are still selling them and I did like them. But I went into Pound Stretcher and there they were, the self same owls for £2.99 each. So I kinda said in my review that QVC's price of £14.50 + £3.95 postage for 2 owls was extortionate considering I can get 2 for £5.98 from Pound Stretcher.

This morning I have 2 emails, one review accepted, one rejected. What's the matter with them, it was an honest review. It is funny tho. :)
Last night I did 2 reviews on QVC, something I hardly ever do. One for some fab solar lights I bought last week and another on 2 owls solar lights I bought last year.

The 2 new solar lights I said were great, solid made of glass and threw a lovely light across the garden.

The owls, well I said I bought 2 sets last year, and QVC are still selling them and I did like them. But I went into Pound Stretcher and there they were, the self same owls for £2.99 each. So I kinda said in my review that QVC's price of £14.50 + £3.95 postage for 2 owls was extortionate considering I can get 2 for £5.98 from Pound Stretcher.

This morning I have 2 emails, one review accepted, one rejected. What's the matter with them, it was an honest review. It is funny tho. :)

I remember someone on here saying that you can ask them why ur review wasn't accepted and then edit ur review from what they tell you and try again.
I wrote a review last year praising the product, but saying it could be purchased cheaper from Amazon.
They rejected the review because I had mentioned another company (and probably because it would have affected sales).
Last night I did 2 reviews on QVC, something I hardly ever do. One for some fab solar lights I bought last week and another on 2 owls solar lights I bought last year.

The 2 new solar lights I said were great, solid made of glass and threw a lovely light across the garden.

The owls, well I said I bought 2 sets last year, and QVC are still selling them and I did like them. But I went into Pound Stretcher and there they were, the self same owls for £2.99 each. So I kinda said in my review that QVC's price of £14.50 + £3.95 postage for 2 owls was extortionate considering I can get 2 for £5.98 from Pound Stretcher.

This morning I have 2 emails, one review accepted, one rejected. What's the matter with them, it was an honest review. It is funny tho. :)

I don't know if there is something about mentioning a price in a review that stops them being published. I remember doing a glowing review for something that was considerably more expensive on manufacturers own site and I quoted that price in my review and it was never published. I've never had an email telling me whether a review was accepted or rejected, unless it's a new thing, I haven't reviewed anything for a while.
I never do it, but on the website, you are given the option to read the guidelines for writing a review. I just write a factually truthful review based on my opinion/experience of the product. I have had more published than not but, when an offering is refused and you have written nothing libellous, it does make you rather hesitant to write another.
I never do it, but on the website, you are given the option to read the guidelines for writing a review. I just write a factually truthful review based on my opinion/experience of the product. I have had more published than not but, when an offering is refused and you have written nothing libellous, it does make you rather hesitant to write another.

once I had a very honest review rejected and was so mad I fought them tooth and nail until it was published as I felt it was within the guidelines. Up until then I reviewed most purchases to give as much info to others but since then I haven't bothered. It was the start of the end of my love affair with Q.

When they trot out the BS about the independant monitor I nearly have to be tied down!!
Could it be that the system is programmed to pick up key words, such as company names and ££ signs and numbers? Maybe it would be worth skirting round the subject with words like 'elsewhere' and 'could have purchased several for the same amount' - or somesuch. Another thumbs up for the forum because it's important that these discrepancies are highlighted. They make a nonsense of the review system.
Could it be that the system is programmed to pick up key words, such as company names and ££ signs and numbers? Maybe it would be worth skirting round the subject with words like 'elsewhere' and 'could have purchased several for the same amount' - or somesuch. Another thumbs up for the forum because it's important that these discrepancies are highlighted. They make a nonsense of the review system.

Excellent post BeaFrugal. I once had a positive review rejected and even now I am certain that I did not break any rules except perhaps to compare the product FAVOURABLY with another brand! From that I glean that they must use keywords of some kind in an automated system. As a consequence I don't bother wasting my time writing reviews anymore. Funny though I have seen many negative reviews posted with the heading "poor value for money" or "too expensive" so those seem to get through.
Hahaha! I would like to write some joke reviews! I think they are obviously more inclined to support the flattering, positive reviews. You should be able to say that you saw the same owls for less elsewhere. You are only stating a fact! I would love to call in as a telephone caller and be all fawning and sugary and then quite the opposite on-air! Hahahaha I personally LOVE the clip of the guy that called in about the Lock and Lock with Malcolm Harradine and Simon Biagi. I watch that clip whenever I am down! Hahahaha!
Hahaha! I would like to write some joke reviews! I think they are obviously more inclined to support the flattering, positive reviews. You should be able to say that you saw the same owls for less elsewhere. You are only stating a fact! I would love to call in as a telephone caller and be all fawning and sugary and then quite the opposite on-air! Hahahaha I personally LOVE the clip of the guy that called in about the Lock and Lock with Malcolm Harradine and Simon Biagi. I watch that clip whenever I am down! Hahahaha!
Pls post link to the clip I haven't seen it
You should be able to say that you saw the same owls for less elsewhere. You are only stating a fact!

QVC see it that you should be reviewing the product - not what it costs elsewhere.

Seems fair to me that they would not want that in a review.
Funny how they wont let people say you can buy things cheaper from elsewhere in reviews however they often tell us on air that a product is cheaper that buying straight from the company amongst other places. Works both ways Q .
No it isn't fair! Isn't "value" one of their under-pinning "values?" So why can't people review this aspect?
QVC see it that you should be reviewing the product - not what it costs elsewhere.

Seems fair to me that they would not want that in a review.
Last night I did 2 reviews on QVC, something I hardly ever do. One for some fab solar lights I bought last week and another on 2 owls solar lights I bought last year.

The 2 new solar lights I said were great, solid made of glass and threw a lovely light across the garden.

The owls, well I said I bought 2 sets last year, and QVC are still selling them and I did like them. But I went into Pound Stretcher and there they were, the self same owls for £2.99 each. So I kinda said in my review that QVC's price of £14.50 + £3.95 postage for 2 owls was extortionate considering I can get 2 for £5.98 from Pound Stretcher.

This morning I have 2 emails, one review accepted, one rejected. What's the matter with them, it was an honest review. It is funny tho. :)
There is nothing funny about that at all.They're happy to put reviews up as long as they aren't too denigrating ???What kind of BS is that??They 're mutton dressed as lamb.Upmarket and classy my arse.Do you think if you walked into or spoke to customer services at John Lewis or Selfridges and complained about a product you bought from them ,they would turn you away because it was a negative comment?I loathe what QVC has become .WaaaaY TOO up itself.Its nothing more than a shopping channel and customers deserve to have all opinions..good ,bad And indifferent.Thanks for highlighting your experience.QVC are full of ****.
QVC guests are known internally as "yum yums." They are there to enthuse about the product. The reason they didn't publish the review of the overpriced owls is that it would have been ultra-embarrassing for them. QVC are being extremely unfair. How can you review an item properly without commenting on its value? The "V" in "QVC" stands for "value" and yet they won't allow people to comment on it! Forget "quality, value and convenience." More like "questionable, vapid channel!"
amazon have a really good system for reviews and you can add to it over a period of time. say something broke down after few months you can update it. I do think qvc is not much fun these days I like the drunk t-callers and the props falling down life is not perfect qvc neither are you

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