Just What Is She ,,,,,


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No no no ! I didn't mean that all people whom are childless are selfish. Of course they're not. In years gone by AY has positively shuddered about pregnmancy & babies & has given the impression that she really does not want them.

She comes across IMO & it is my opinion which I am entitled to, is that she is a very spoilt & selfish individual so maybe she has made the right decision & is actually being very responsible in not having children.

I NEVER SAID that she was being selfish NOT to have children. My comment has been totally taken out of context. What I said was that IMO she ( AY ) was far too selfish. I was basing it on comments she has made over the years. Nothing about any one else
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i know from what she's always said it's highly unlikely but seeing the third incarnation tonight - strappy - floppy bad fitting collar - strappy, with what appeared to be the same t shirt each time, i too wondered if she was pregnant cos i could think of no other reason she'd wear something so dire so many times. :wonder:
i know from what she's always said it's highly unlikely but seeing the third incarnation tonight - strappy - floppy bad fitting collar - strappy, with what appeared to be the same t shirt each time, i too wondered if she was pregnant cos i could think of no other reason she'd wear something so dire so many times. :wonder:

Don't forget the white leggings she insists on wearing, not sure if like the tshirt its the same ones?
And if I'm not mistaken she had Toe posts on in the Elemis hour!!!!

I like AY and I like the way she clearly doesnt give a damn what anyone else thinks she wears what she wants in fact I wouldnt be a bit suprised that if she ever read what was said on here and no doubt other forums she would just stick two fingers up and wear something even more "less stylish".
She comes across IMO & it is my opinion which I am entitled to, is that she is a very spoilt & selfish individual so maybe she has made the right decision

yes you are entitled to your opinion but for the love of god I don't get how you sumise she is "very spoilt & selfish" yes she can appear "loud" I agree, but I also think she has a very dry sense of humour which unfortunately some people just don't get

yes you are entitled to your opinion but for the love of god I don't get how you sumise she is "very spoilt & selfish" yes she can appear "loud" I agree, but I also think she has a very dry sense of humour which unfortunately some people just don't get

My opinion.
No no no ! I didn't mean that all people whom are childless are selfish. Of course they're not. In years gone by AY has positively shuddered about pregnmancy & babies & has given the impression that she really does not want them.

She comes across IMO & it is my opinion which I am entitled to, is that she is a very spoilt & selfish individual so maybe she has made the right decision & is actually being very responsible in not having children.

I NEVER SAID that she was being selfish NOT to have children. My comment has been totally taken out of context. What I said was that IMO she ( AY ) was far too selfish. I was basing it on comments she has made over the years. Nothing about any one else

Alison has mentioned many times that she does not want children. She has made many comments about babies and children , even made not very nice comments to guests and models that have been on with her and pregnant. She makes no secret of the fact that she doesn't like babies or children. I think she would be mortified if she found out she was pregnant. Not everyone is maternal. :flower: :flower:
Alison has mentioned many times that she does not want children. She has made many comments about babies and children , even made not very nice comments to guests and models that have been on with her and pregnant. She makes no secret of the fact that she doesn't like babies or children. I think she would be mortified if she found out she was pregnant. Not everyone is maternal. :flower: :flower:

I agree she would be horrified but that dosen't make her a bad person & I never implied that. A few years back, & I cannot remember which presenter it was ( ??? Pippa or Claudia ) who was pregnant at the time AY positively shuddered & said 'UGH you'll never catch me in that condition ''. I have never forgotten it as I thought it quite rude of her.
I agree she would be horrified but that dosen't make her a bad person & I never implied that. A few years back, & I cannot remember which presenter it was ( ??? Pippa or Claudia ) who was pregnant at the time AY positively shuddered & said 'UGH you'll never catch me in that condition ''. I have never forgotten it as I thought it quite rude of her.

I saw her a few years ago being quite rude to Alexis about being pregnant. :flower: :flower:
She does make a big thing about her aversion to pregnancy and children. It could be a coping mechanism if she's had problems. If she tells herself enough that she doesn't want a baby then she will convince herself maybe.
I don't think theres anything wrong with being selfish about not wanting children. Better to be honest and say that than to have them and make them feel unwanted, theres enough unwanted children in the world as it is!

I have no desire to be a mother, my friends all have children and as much as I coo over their babies there is very very little chance of me having any myself. My reasons are a few but the main one is that I am one of six children, I grew up happy but without alot that many take for granted. I am now relatively ok financially (as long as my boss decides to pay me!) and I would not wish to give up certain parts of my life in order to have a child.

Yes, selfish I may be but I dont see anything wrong with that at all, and my fiancee is of the same mind.

I like babies I just couldn't eat a whole one!

PS not having a go at anyone here, just throwing my personal view into the ring.
I don't think theres anything wrong with being selfish about not wanting children. Better to be honest and say that than to have them and make them feel unwanted, theres enough unwanted children in the world as it is!

I have no desire to be a mother, my friends all have children and as much as I coo over their babies there is very very little chance of me having any myself. My reasons are a few but the main one is that I am one of six children, I grew up happy but without alot that many take for granted. I am now relatively ok financially (as long as my boss decides to pay me!) and I would not wish to give up certain parts of my life in order to have a child.

Yes, selfish I may be but I dont see anything wrong with that at all, and my fiancee is of the same mind.

I like babies I just couldn't eat a whole one!

PS not having a go at anyone here, just throwing my personal view into the ring.

Thanks for that. I'm sure you don't make disparaging remarks to your pregnant friends either.
Thanks for that. I'm sure you don't make disparaging remarks to your pregnant friends either.

I do joke alot about it and the horror of childbirth etc etc but I have never been horrible about babies to my friends or more especially horrible about their babies! lol

My friends all know my feelings, some hope that they can encourage me to 'see the light' others just know that I am far happier being an 'auntie' than a mother! I tend to spoil their wee ones when I visit, which is something Aunties can do!

I can take or leave AY, I do sometimes think she's a bit overkill on the baby thing but then I think thats just her sense of humour! Her more annoying traits are the shouting over the guests and giving us stock updates every 10 seconds!
Thanks Ilovelulu I was beginning to think it was just me!!

People do tend to give you strange looks or patronising smiles if you say "No, I don't have children".

I chose not to have children because I have had quite a few issues to deal with in my lifetime to do with depression, anxiety and so on and didn't feel it was fair to bring a child into that kind of unstable environment.

I have never made any disparaging remarks to my friends who have children. It's what makes the world go round after all!

I have my cat and am quite happy!!!
Thanks Ilovelulu I was beginning to think it was just me!!

People do tend to give you strange looks or patronising smiles if you say "No, I don't have children".

I chose not to have children because I have had quite a few issues to deal with in my lifetime to do with depression, anxiety and so on and didn't feel it was fair to bring a child into that kind of unstable environment.

I have never made any disparaging remarks to my friends who have children. It's what makes the world go round after all!

I have my cat and am quite happy!!!

Catkins - your a woman after my own heart! lol I too have been like you and I always figured I needed to get my head 'in check' if you know what I mean before I would want to put a child through that! Decided I would always struggle through the years so best not to go down that route at all!

PS your cat and mines could be siblings, I will really need to sign up and get my baby's pic up! Well when I say baby, only when she wants to be! I seriously think she believes me and him live in her house and are there to do her bidding, but thats the life of a cat owner!

Furry babies are the best! xx
My youngest daughter is exactly the same. She has a house full. Two dogs,a cat, & she shows & breeds guinea pigs & rabbits. She has health issues with her immune system & at the moment she feels she does not want children. However she does not make negative remarks to her friends that do have childred.
I'm another one, Catkins and Ilovelulu, and I'm in my forties now and not going to change my mind. I love animals (especially cats! We have two and they are fabulous) and have a seriously time-consuming career, as does my O.H. Having children is wonderful, but it's not for everyone, nor does it need to be. There are many other ways of living a meaningful and generous life, which is what I aspire to, even though I am frequently side tracked by my weaknesses including QVC...!

I love cats, dogs, kids...anything with 2 or 4 legs mainly 'cept crocs & lizards etc..! I didn't have kids during my first marriage, didn't want any, but second time around I did..I was 30 by then...and I had my daughter. Each to her own I say...and I'd say it's more selfish to have kids just as insurance for your old age than anything else!

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