I take it the book's fiction - when's it out?
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I take it the book's fiction - when's it out?
I know Tinks :0(. All I can do is pray for them. That family has had to endure so much loss & trauma & now this. They're all lovely people too. I'm in tears because I can't imagine the pain & shock Nigel & Lisa, his wife must be going through. A positive mental attitude is 100% correct but when it's a particularly brutal form of cancer I think perhaps, if possible & people can bear it, they can think about preparation should the worst happen, particularly if they want to do something personal for their children. So many cancers are different and thankfully nowadays many can be held at bay or in long term remission. It was just very unfortunate Nigel had the type that is so attacking xx.Nikki that is so sad. There always seems to be another heartbreaking "story" out there. Life is so blasted unfair and your friends have had more than their fair share.(
ThankYou Eric'sMum :heart: I didn't know about BloodPlateletDonation. I will enquire about my eligibility this week. I would like to help if I can. x Snarly
The moral of this story is that our money would be better spent on a health check than silly things from QVC and other shops. At 55 , Julia probably thought the tiredness was down to the menopause.
Me too Snarly - www.blood.co./platelets
Basically 17-65 if never given blood before, 17-70 if you have, over 50kg and in good health - they then take it from there.
DJ x