JR's diffucult year???


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Spooky, could you try hrt,Rosemary Conley swears by it. Julia's hair looked really nice today,I think she uses Aveda as she has mentioned it in the past.

Docs will only do HRT as a last resort cause of my age, I am 25 years younger than Rosemary Conley you see, so they don't like you going on it too young if they can possibly avoid it. Depending on test results I will perhaps try homeopathy first, Red Clover and Black something is meant to be very good. Thanks for the Aveda tip, I've just found out a bottle of Clove I had upstairs, will give this a bash in the morning :eek:))
Docs will only do HRT as a last resort cause of my age, I am 25 years younger than Rosemary Conley you see, so they don't like you going on it too young if they can possibly avoid it. Depending on test results I will perhaps try homeopathy first, Red Clover and Black something is meant to be very good. Thanks for the Aveda tip, I've just found out a bottle of Clove I had upstairs, will give this a bash in the morning :eek:))

Black Cohosh Spooky. Best wishes to you and rainbowdottie.
Ah Spooky that's rotten. I have to take a bucketload of drugs a day and one of the side effects is that it dries out my hair, skin and nails. My skin isn't too bad but I have to use body lotion pretty much every day - Garnier do a great 7 day one that is very good and £2 or £3. My hair got thinner than I would ever have admitted to myself let alone any one else and my nails were ridged and horrible. What really made a difference was Boots Hair, Skin and Nails Supplement. Took about 2 or 3 months.

I hope you find ways to cope.
To be honest I find it quite irritating when people hint at things but don't actually say very much. it all seems like attention seeking to me. If someone wants to keep things private then that's fine but why arouse people's curiosity like this? For example people on Facebook post that they feel awful but don't say anything else, which makes me think they want people to ask what's wrong, but despite being a nosey cow I won't ask out of principle.
Awwwwww Hyster Sisters I feel for you :hi:
I had mine a year ago to the day. I also get broody when I see babies...but then I was having loads of problems too so I'm glad to be over them.

Make sure you're getting minerals in your diets. Zinc and Magnesium supplements will help bones, nails, and many other things including the brain/moods. Often a calcium imbalance can cause all sorts of problems and Magnesium will regulate this.
Have Epsom/Radox bath salts too as they are a good source of this and pamper yourselves :clapping:

It takes time, but hopefully you will be feeling better in the long run even though it might not feel like it right now.
i'm finally starting to feel "normal" again...I even came downstairs the other morning yelling "I'm alive, I'm alive" :mysmilie_500:

My son thinks i'm losing the plot, but for the first time in years I actually feel like I am able to cope again - so there is hope. :mysmilie_480:
Black Cohosh Spooky. Best wishes to you and rainbowdottie.

Fantastic, thank you!!, they reminded me of the name again today at the docs but I instantly forgot, will look it up on Holland and Barrett etc. I'm only 42 so too young for HRT, hoping this and Red Clover will help, never heard of either of them mind. Black Cohosh sounds like its out of Harry Potter, lol.
Awwwwww Hyster Sisters I feel for you :hi:
I had mine a year ago to the day. I also get broody when I see babies...but then I was having loads of problems too so I'm glad to be over them.

Make sure you're getting minerals in your diets. Zinc and Magnesium supplements will help bones, nails, and many other things including the brain/moods. Often a calcium imbalance can cause all sorts of problems and Magnesium will regulate this.
Have Epsom/Radox bath salts too as they are a good source of this and pamper yourselves :clapping:

It takes time, but hopefully you will be feeling better in the long run even though it might not feel like it right now.
i'm finally starting to feel "normal" again...I even came downstairs the other morning yelling "I'm alive, I'm alive" :mysmilie_500:

My son thinks i'm losing the plot, but for the first time in years I actually feel like I am able to cope again - so there is hope. :mysmilie_480:

Thank you so much for the support and prompts for what to try. Will look them all up and see what I can do. Had "odd" cancer biopsies so had no choice but the operation, but its fab to know that things will improve in time. And I know I'm not telling the GP anything he hasn't heard hundreds of times over.

Going back to the original point raised I just thought that perhaps Julia was maybe going through the menopause as some of her comments were similar sounding symptom-wise. Good luck to her if she is, but she is also mentioning her eyes a lot recently and my eyes are fine so I could be barking up totally the wrong tree. I don't think its partner-wise as she actually mentioned Chris several times yesterday so things are obviously ok on that front.

Whatever it is, I hope she is ok.

Thanks again for your kind words!!!! xxxxx
Fantastic, thank you!!, they reminded me of the name again today at the docs but I instantly forgot, will look it up on Holland and Barrett etc. I'm only 42 so too young for HRT, hoping this and Red Clover will help, never heard of either of them mind. Black Cohosh sounds like its out of Harry Potter, lol.

I was 42 when I 'stopped', and was put on HRT, so don't worry about being too young ! I was only on it for 6 months and felt great, HOWEVER, due to other issues I was taken off it as it exacerbated the symptoms of Lupus, which I now suffer from.
Hi Babes...had my complete op when I was 35. Have M.E. too. MSM and Spirulets help, I find. Waleda skincare is great for their purity. Their Skin Food balm is sooo nourishing for my dry skin and Linsanoh lanolin is great for my chapped lips. £9 each, Boots. Hey what I know, I pass on ....
To be honest I find it quite irritating when people hint at things but don't actually say very much. it all seems like attention seeking to me. If someone wants to keep things private then that's fine but why arouse people's curiosity like this? For example people on Facebook post that they feel awful but don't say anything else, which makes me think they want people to ask what's wrong, but despite being a nosey cow I won't ask out of principle.

i agree 100%

(and that fb thing drives me nuts)
Fantastic, thank you!!, they reminded me of the name again today at the docs but I instantly forgot, will look it up on Holland and Barrett etc. I'm only 42 so too young for HRT, hoping this and Red Clover will help, never heard of either of them mind. Black Cohosh sounds like its out of Harry Potter, lol.

don't know if it's any help but dr phil's wife robin, has written some interesting articles on natural menopausal supplements. she gives a lot of advice on dose etc. if you could, it would be good to see a herbalist who can advise rather than taking willynilly or else, maybe try what robin (mcgraw) says. :wave:
my gp was saying the fact i am a bit overweight is a good thing as my fat stores hold on to my hormones
I have heard Julia mention that her age has been causing her certain problems with sensitivity allergies etc., but I wouldn't personally say that this alone would constitute "a very difficult year"!!!
There's been loads on the news recently about breast implants. Maybe she's been having problems. I'm convinced she's got them because they didn't diminish when she lost all her weight. Mine are like spaniels ears now I've lost weight. Very attractive!
I am not saying she has marriage problems but the other week she was presenting an eternity ring. She said Anna Cookson had described it like a relationship that goes round and round, sometimes good and sometimes bad. She laughed and said words to the effect of 'I should know about that one believe me'
So Julia has, health issues, menopause related problems, sensitive skin and nails, her daughter has moved out, she has money related problems, leaky breast implants, and marriage problems (she isn't married). No wonder she said she was having a bad year.

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