I am so sick of Chloe Everton's aggression.


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I don't mind Chloe, yeah she's a bit loud but she's down to earth and gets the job done. She always explains things and I know where I am with her. Unlike Jackie Kabler the other day who was wittering on about her holiday too much to even say what the item number and sizes were.
Unfortunately we have all debated the whys and wherefores of Julian and Debbie's disappearance, but worst of all CHLOE Everton is presenting more.

I didn't mind her at first, but now I am getting very sick of her forceful aggressive way of presenting. I have just seen her on QVC Beauty presenting the Red Carpet Manicure with Linda and she was bashing Tanya's nails so hard with a key that I was waiting for blood. Tanya was still smiling, but had it been me I would have retaliated - on camera or not.

Please will someone on Q tell her to calm down. She is presenting products on a shopping channel, not reporting from a war zone. Please give us nice gentle people like Debbie and Julian.

She even has to have her name in capitals on the TV Guide.

stop being bitchy
stop being bitchy

If you think my observation is bitchy, then you have led a sheltered life. I have never been bitchy and never would be. My comment is an observation on her style of presenting which does nothing to encourage me to buy something.
chloe has a new pet I suspect she has to be all "shouty " or qvc will end her contract..
She looks a dam sight better than the resident beauty therapist Alison Young. I just wish she would improve her hair , its way too stiff and dry looking.

Surely not, not with all that Elasticizer she tells us she uses?
I'm watching her now. Can't say I'm that keen on how she comes across. I don't know if I would go so far as to call her manner aggressive. Her delivery is pushy in the way that other presenters are as well. I think the tone and timbre of her voice is not particularly refined or elegant, and this can affect peoples' perception of her adversely. She is not the worst presenter. I would much rather watch Chloe than Jill Franks or Alison Young.
I like Chloe, she seem nice and normal and I have never thought of her presenting style as aggressive. Imo She seem pretty good at knowing and explaining the products she presents....
I have never thought Chloe is aggressive. Aggressive implies threatening and slightly angry behaviour to me. Maybe she is "assertive" but I would have thought that was a necessary part of sales. A shrinking violet is not going to get anywhere.
Looool I sometimes wonder how I would do on there! I have the perfect voice for it for sure and I would look fine on screen but I am just not salesy at ALL. I did that Search for a Star thing back in 2007 and did quite well. (well I came in the final few hundred). They said that I had a great voice and confident delivery but that I wasn't sales-focused enough. I would completely avoid all the hype and not mention how things are selling / urgent unless there was a particular need to. I think you would find QVC would have me assassinated! I haven't written about the "Introductory Price" voice-over I did for QVC back in 1999 / 2000. I got to go to their production suite at Marco Polo House and recorded it in 2 takes! I should get my showreel out there and try an re-register with ExcellentVoice again. Don't think QVC would have me though :(
Looool I sometimes wonder how I would do on there! I have the perfect voice for it for sure and I would look fine on screen but I am just not salesy at ALL. I did that Search for a Star thing back in 2007 and did quite well. (well I came in the final few hundred). They said that I had a great voice and confident delivery but that I wasn't sales-focused enough. I would completely avoid all the hype and not mention how things are selling / urgent unless there was a particular need to. I think you would find QVC would have me assassinated! I haven't written about the "Introductory Price" voice-over I did for QVC back in 1999 / 2000. I got to go to their production suite at Marco Polo House and recorded it in 2 takes! I should get my showreel out there and try an re-register with ExcellentVoice again. Don't think QVC would have me though :(

Your not after Julian's job are you?
I would charge a lot less than him! I'm not sure my sarcastic comments would go down well at QVC though. I used to love Paul Lavers back in the day. Some of the things he said were so off the wall. I remember collapsing with laughter when one day he said "This ring could be worn on your pinkie finger if you're a homosexual man! Then there was this extended silence! hahahahaha! I remember he was off air for a few weeks after that!
Your not after Julian's job are you?
Ali Y has the bossy/bully approach. Chloe the more desperate approach. Less is more in my opinion.
She seemed to get on really well with Kelly Hoppen when she was on with her last week. K H seemed to really like her.

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