Does My Bum Look Big In This?


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I should add that Photobucket has a whole load of editing functions too so you could stay with just one programme.
I'm just used to IrfanView
And then ask DS when he's down what all that means he he and try and get him to show me
I know exactly what you mean Barbs lol.
21 showed me around IrfanView and 27 uploaded Photobucket & set up an account for me. She insisted that I use a hosting programme so that my computer could not be identified.
Both girls WROTE DOWN the 'destructions' for me.
I'm so used to using the programmes now that I can do it without crib notes ..... ta-dah!!
Jess is a sweetie. I feed my neighbour's wee girlie cat sometimes and every time I do I'm reminded what whoppers my two boys are. Alf has just gone up to 8kgs. I was trying to slim him down a bit but the new vet says he wasn't fat so now he's eating for England.

Alfie prefers wet food and Harvey prefers the dry. I originally thought that was because Alfie had teeth problems but they both have the same problem and both have had all their molar teeth out. Alfie still prefers wet food and Harvey dry food. Harvey does have four canine teeth though and Alf only has three so perhaps that's summat to do with it ... lol
oh dear, same here Barbs! I've got Picasa on mine but heck of a job today, had to figure out how to downsize it to get it uploaded at all, but yours Min are great shall have to sort meself out!
She is a pretty little puss Carol. Has she brought any mice in lately? I still laugh about the one your daughter found in her boot!

Oh Itchy that was a morning that was - reminded DD earlier and she went pale! Poor little meece tho - that nasty puddy tat musta chased him round the kitchen and he found refuge in the boot, but nine parts dead poor thing, he'd have been better hiding under the washer but then if he'd have run out while I was in on my own I'd have been stood on a chair like those daft cartoon women! I don't dislike them as such but I'd have heart failure if one ran up me trouser leg!:eek:
oh dear, same here Barbs! I've got Picasa on mine but heck of a job today, had to figure out how to downsize it to get it uploaded at all, but yours Min are great shall have to sort meself out!

Thanks Carol.
We've got more programmes on this computer than you could shake a stick at. I don't know what half of them do!
Ditto Min! New camera for Xmas too so I've also got Samsung Intelli-Studio (obviously designed for beings with a modicum of intelligence when it comes to techie stuff, which doesn't include moi!). The snowy pic one from the other day uploaded quite easily, but this one today wasn't having it at all ...there's an easier way I know there is, I just have to find it!
I use the forum on my phone so just upload photos from there but I don't seem to have much control over the size they appear. I've got a photo editing app on my phone but I don't really do anything other than crop pics.
All gobbly guck to me, i've pages of stuff written down for me from DS and DD but all i can do is change the photo of Hopey, havent worked
anything else out. DD showed me how to put things up on e bay to sell, and ive done that, so i can learn, its just getting them down here to
show me how LOL
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this is the pic (I hope!) of Jess on the Cat Rescue website, looking a bit thinner, unloved & unwanted, we couldn't resist!
30g barbs?? louis munches his way through 100 - 125g plus a spoon of canned. is this why he's getting porky? dried is supposed to be better for their teeth but dylan only ate dried - hated wet food and he always had manky teeth and gums.

lovely new pic of her hopeyness :sun:
janie we checked the back of the packet and got a small jar to measure her food, think its 30 or 40, but then she does have her butter,
but she doesn't exercise much. Her favourite thing is lying on the pouffe , or the bed, or the window sill. Lazy cat OH calls her LOL
barbs - i go by the back of the bag as well but this is his prescription stuff. 65 - 97.5g i think. they do spend a long time sleeping don't they - lou's been in the wardobe since about 1pm. i dragged him out for his injection - he was a really good boy, laid down and kept still while i did it, then ran straight back in again.
He's probably getting used to the injections now, and knows they have to be done. The wardrobe must be his
favourite place, and where he's happy and got his own space, and thats good. Hopey never bothers about
the wardrobe, funny how they have their own places to go to, i can always find Hopey :)
For their age the kittens are allowed 130 g between them. I weigh out the correct amount at bedtime to ensure DH doesn 't overfeed them. Our dear old mog used to get far more than she needed because he would always fill up her dish if it was empty.
He's probably getting used to the injections now, and knows they have to be done. The wardrobe must be his
favourite place, and where he's happy and got his own space, and thats good. Hopey never bothers about
the wardrobe, funny how they have their own places to go to, i can always find Hopey :)

louis had never been in there before all this happened. i think he needed a safe haven when he came home from hospital. ignores his beds - and mine - and heads for his little den in the wardrobe. on my lap at the moment with his motor running :sun: trying something with pics that didn't work!


well that's me fiddling with Photobucket but it's still small! Keep trying! Just call me StubbornMum!
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