I've still got some prologene and system corps from last time so this will be a no from me. I need to use what I have and stop topping up when I still have products as I know there will always be another TSV not too far away.
I've still got some prologene and system corps from last time so this will be a no from me. I need to use what I have and stop topping up when I still have products as I know there will always be another TSV not too far away.
........ not bothered about micellar water. After reading about it on here and seeing a Decleor show I bought a bottle from Boots, just to give it a try. I find it quite drying so was glad I only spent a few pounds!
DD and I love the Garnier Micellar water, it's always worth checking for offers at Superdrug, Boots or supermarkets to get it even cheaper, and there's no drama if the bottle falls into the wash basin and you lose a few ml down the drain.