Debbie Flint returning?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Sorry to intrude, but are you a personal friend of hers, or can anyone ask to be her friend to have news from her ? I have always loved her and was devastated when she left QVC.

I don't know her... I sent her a friend request on face book and she accepted :)
Ido hope Debbie returns, at least she was some fun and was professiomal unlike some of them who over use the word literally and cool.You could actually be physically sick at the antics of some of them.Especially Ally Young whem she is with LULU.I actually thought she was goimg to kiss Iwill be polite derrier.
On Sunday 18/10/2009, there are 3 hours marked "Sara Griffiths / TBC" in the QVC TV guide.
Maybe TBC could mean... Debbie Flint ? :angel::flower::flower:

The 3 hours marked "Sara Griffiths / TBC" have been removed and replaced by other presenters !
So disappointing ! :sad:

I guess we'll just have to wait for the 24th to see her back as Fallen Angel said. Can't wait ! :clapping:
Ido hope Debbie returns, at least she was some fun and was professiomal unlike some of them who over use the word literally and cool.You could actually be physically sick at the antics of some of them.Especially Ally Young whem she is with LULU.I actually thought she was goimg to kiss Iwill be polite derrier.

Hello and welcome to ST fast gran :wave2:
Ooh, that's quite exciting. Not sure how she'll fit in now, but she was huge fun when she was on QVC before. And so pretty. Can we get Lavers back next, then? :cheeky: (We'll give Rob Locke a miss - he was a bit emotionally self-indulgent, I thought)..
Hello !
I'm new on this GREAT forum !

I was very happy when I learnt here that Debbie Flint will be back on QVC.
Can't wait !

...And I'd like to see Paul Lavers back too !
So would I. :angel:

Welcome to ST.

Great to talk to you, Fallen Angel !
I read this thread and thanks to you and Gracie T, I had the courage to send a friend request to Debbie Flint on Facebook !
Now I'm "awainting friend confirmation".
I hope she will accept cause I'm a big fan of hers.
Hello !
I'm new on this GREAT forum !

I was very happy when I learnt here that Debbie Flint will be back on QVC.
Can't wait !

...And I'd like to see Paul Lavers back too !

Hello and Welcome to ST Baby Love :wave2:
it is a great forum and I am sure you will have a great time here.
I cant wait for Debbie to come back and Paul Lavers would be great too :up2:
:sun::sun: Now it's official : DEBBIE Flint IS in the TV guide ! :sun::sun:

Saturday 24/10/2009
1pm Hanna's Candles
2pm Honora Pearls

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