Debbie Flint returning?


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Wasn't Debbie Flint involved with that "funny water" company? What happened to that?

The only "funny water" I can recall was the ill-fated 'Dasani' that Coca Cola brought out. It was just tap water at the end of the day, and they lost millions and a lot of face with it. Whilst I too would be pleased to see Debbie back, please not at the expense of Jilly Halliday, who is one of the better presenters in my opinion. She always comes over as a really pleasant girl. I love her smile, it is not 'put on,' it looks a genuine one.

Thanks Suzy x
I remember reading Deb's Diary (sad,I know)several years ago & she was forever singing the praises of this wondrous water :giggle:
Debbie Flint, Paul Lavers, Whatters and others were mysterious characters often being chatted about when I first found Shopping Telly - so when I heard that Debbie was presenting on Sit Up I made a point of looking out for her.

I've been disappointed, she generally looks under-groomed, and rather lack-lustre and uninvolved. Maybe she's uncomfortable on a cheapo outlet?

I'm looking forward to seeing how she scrubs up for QVC :happy:

I usually find that a trip down memory lane is better in the imagination then in reality. I wonder how she will work out? Things have changed, has her presenting style? Will she fit in with the new corporate image QVC has styled itself with? She obviously needs to work like all of us, but it must be hard to go back to where you have already left once, especially if there were reasons behind it, so good luck to her.
Debbie Flint, Paul Lavers, Whatters and others were mysterious characters often being chatted about when I first found Shopping Telly - so when I heard that Debbie was presenting on Sit Up I made a point of looking out for her.

I've been disappointed, she generally looks under-groomed, and rather lack-lustre and uninvolved. Maybe she's uncomfortable on a cheapo outlet?

I'm looking forward to seeing how she scrubs up for QVC :happy:


If I remember right Debbie didn't outshine any of the QVC Ladies in the scrubbing up department last time round. LOL
Debbie Flint, Paul Lavers, Whatters and others were mysterious characters often being chatted about when I first found Shopping Telly - so when I heard that Debbie was presenting on Sit Up I made a point of looking out for her.

I've been disappointed, she generally looks under-groomed, and rather lack-lustre and uninvolved. Maybe she's uncomfortable on a cheapo outlet?

I'm looking forward to seeing how she scrubs up for QVC :happy:


I usually find that a trip down memory lane is better in the imagination then in reality. I wonder how she will work out? Things have changed, has her presenting style? Will she fit in with the new corporate image QVC has styled itself with? She obviously needs to work like all of us, but it must be hard to go back to where you have already left once, especially if there were reasons behind it, so good luck to her.

If I remember right Debbie didn't outshine any of the QVC Ladies in the scrubbing up department last time round. LOL

It always fascinates me how we all see things differently/have different opinions about individuals - i guess thats what is called "our personality"?

IMO QVC's corporate image was stricter in the early days - thats what makes Debs and Lavers so special as they constantly pushed the QVC envelope which resulted in really funny shopping telly banter, that transfered over to IW in the very early days before the fire.

To me Debs was always down to earth and represented "me", the ordinary woman on the street who was not always pristine(although looking mighty fine if you dont mind!!) in her appearance but whose heart was in the right place and was a damed good seller resulting in her being a great shopping telly presenter - she used to buy one of everything on QVC herself resulting in a massive storage problem(now thats a problem i share with her!!).

Welcome home Debs - i for one am really looking forward to watching(and buying from) you in the near(hopefully) future - i know you wont disappoint,just stay as gorgeous as you are inside and outxx
Me too - I used to love Debs and will be glad to see her back - she was very good to watch. Not as far up herself as most of the current bunch of ladies on qvc. As long as she keeps that down to earth side she will be great.

And as for Paul Lavers - well he made shopping tv a good entertainment pogramme - the funniest tv ever. Please bring him back too qvc????
The sooner Debbie Flint returns to QVC the better. It's not been the same without her and her wicked sense of humour!
Is this fact or speculation?

Hi :hi:,

Is Debbie really coming back, or is this just speculation? I thought that once a presenter defected to another shopping channel, they had burned their boats with QVC and would never be taken back.

It always fascinates me how we all see things differently/have different opinions about individuals - i guess thats what is called "our personality"?

IMO QVC's corporate image was stricter in the early days - thats what makes Debs and Lavers so special as they constantly pushed the QVC envelope which resulted in really funny shopping telly banter, that transfered over to IW in the very early days before the fire.

To me Debs was always down to earth and represented "me", the ordinary woman on the street who was not always pristine(although looking mighty fine if you dont mind!!) in her appearance but whose heart was in the right place and was a damed good seller resulting in her being a great shopping telly presenter - she used to buy one of everything on QVC herself resulting in a massive storage problem(now thats a problem i share with her!!).

Welcome home Debs - i for one am really looking forward to watching(and buying from) you in the near(hopefully) future - i know you wont disappoint,just stay as gorgeous as you are inside and outxx

I liked her too, Princess, for all the reasons you mention. I do think though that the early days of QVC were the funniest and the best. I'm sure they've always had targets but they are much more slick and streamlined, now. It's like teachers, I feel sure they were more relaxed and taught with more feeling when they didn't have targets and endless paper work. Every organisation needs a bit of a shakeup occasionally and it's good to give people personal responsibility and structure, but it's led to a lot of soulessness. I liked JR much better then than I do now. I do hope Debbie hasn't changed too much, but I wouldn't put money on it.
Hi :hi:,

Is Debbie really coming back, or is this just speculation? I thought that once a presenter defected to another shopping channel, they had burned their boats with QVC and would never be taken back.


100% Fact :)

Hi :hi: Graham,

Thanks for the confirmation. Have you any idea when Debbie will be back? I thought she was hilarious when she was on QVC before and look forward to more of the same in the future.

I remember when Debbie used to bring her son Bradley and her daughter Lauren in to the studio at Christmas and New Year and they'd do karaoke. Debbie also got Lauren to model some of the jewellery and Lauren would pull funny faces at the camera! I used to really enjoy QVC back then as it seemed more friendly. Unfortunately QVC seems more business-like these days but hopefully the return of Debbie will change that. Other presenters I'd like to see return to QVC are Paul Lavers, Dean Wilson, Kara Tritton and Rob Locke. Anyone else agree?
I remember when Debbie used to bring her son Bradley and her daughter Lauren in to the studio at Christmas and New Year and they'd do karaoke. Debbie also got Lauren to model some of the jewellery and Lauren would pull funny faces at the camera! I used to really enjoy QVC back then as it seemed more friendly. Unfortunately QVC seems more business-like these days but hopefully the return of Debbie will change that. Other presenters I'd like to see return to QVC are Paul Lavers, Dean Wilson, Kara Tritton and Rob Locke. Anyone else agree?

Paul and Kara definitely :nod:
I remember when Debbie used to bring her son Bradley and her daughter Lauren in to the studio at Christmas and New Year and they'd do karaoke. Debbie also got Lauren to model some of the jewellery and Lauren would pull funny faces at the camera! I used to really enjoy QVC back then as it seemed more friendly. Unfortunately QVC seems more business-like these days but hopefully the return of Debbie will change that. Other presenters I'd like to see return to QVC are Paul Lavers, Dean Wilson, Kara Tritton and Rob Locke. Anyone else agree?

Paul Dean and Kara, but not Rob Locke, was not keen on him.

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