Daniel the new boy on today


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I've just been watching him and I really like him. Yes, he's nice to look at, granted....but in addition to that he seems very confident and competent. There are one or two on QVC who could learn from him!

Give him a chance - he's only been on a day or so!
I think he's very impressive given that he's been thrown in at the deep end on Gold by Request. He hasn't even got Jan Springer to help him tonight. (Guess Jan is snowed in along with Charlie...well, not exactly along with Charlie...bad mental image).
I think he is very impressive, at least I won't be switching him off like I do with some of the other presenter's.
Daniel the new boy

Not sure if he is right for qvc.Only watched him for a couple of minutes but seemed a bit cheesey and repeated himself about the Kipling bags.Imagine him on a game show.Time will tell.
I saw him on the kipling show and thought he was okay but two words sprung to mind.........

I think he's very impressive given that he's been thrown in at the deep end on Gold by Request. He hasn't even got Jan Springer to help him tonight. (Guess Jan is snowed in along with Charlie...well, not exactly along with Charlie...bad mental image).

QVC are fortunate that he has a lot of shopping telly experience, having worked in the US on the same thing for several years, so he's used to live tv, hearing voices in his earpiece, taking calls from viewers etc. I hope they let Debbie go home by now! The poor woman was on for hours (and very well she did too!)
Apart from saying 'the Call Centre' instead of 'busy on the phones', and revealing how long he had on each item, I think he coped remarkably well under the circumstances. Nicky, I agree that Debbie did very well. She's one of my favourite presenters because she's always cheerful and never seems to take herself too seriously. Personally, I'd collapse into a froth if I had to present (live) a bunch of stuff I'd barely seen. A bit like lovely Kathy (at the best of times).
I'm so very sorry I don't agree you can tell he's had experiance in shopping tv but five years he doesn't seem that polished for that length of time.
As for being suited to QVC I didn't think they went in for all this is the deal of the hour stuff, grab it while you can, have to move off the item in the next minute.
Seems more suited to an auction channel - thought I'd switched on Bid Up at times.
I'll give him a chance but right at the moment I'm stuggling to watch, which I don't usually have a problem.
Apart from saying 'the Call Centre' instead of 'busy on the phones', and revealing how long he had on each item, I think he coped remarkably well under the circumstances. Nicky, I agree that Debbie did very well. She's one of my favourite presenters because she's always cheerful and never seems to take herself too seriously. Personally, I'd collapse into a froth if I had to present (live) a bunch of stuff I'd barely seen. A bit like lovely Kathy (at the best of times).

I agree that Daniel did really well. Those Kipling handbags in so many colours must be a nightmare to present without lots of preparation and handbags probably aren't the easiest thing for a bloke to present.

I also agree about Debbie, she is always bubbly and is very attractive but still "real".
Fancy giving the poor guy a fashion show for his first live show, I only watched for a little while as the fashion was way out of my price range, and what I saw I wouldn't want even if I could afford it. I didn't watch much QVC today as I am not a fan of Debbie G, I find her extremely irrtating.:54:
Gonna get shot for this, but he reminded me a bit of the late, lamented Steve Watteley, and that cannot be bad, as he was the best presenter QVC ever had. He was always immaculate in his appearance too. Give the guy a chance girls, please, lol ! Now can us blokes PLEASE have a sexy new female presenter ?! Or bring back Katy John - she was lovely !

I almost never post - don't know why - oh, yes, now I remember. It's the nasty, bitchy, negative and mostly personal comments about the presenters on this channel.

Daniel is doing a great job. He's professional and coming across well...he must be nervous as hell.

He's been on air half an hour and already the nastiness.

OK, swap places. Could you do it? I couldn't. Ever. And I sell high value services to bosses of companies, which is pretty terrifying sometimes as I have to stand up and present in front of lots of senior folks. Not to big myself up (although if I don't, nobody will!) but honestly...try walking in another person's shoes, perhaps

(yeah, yeah, we all have reason and the right to judge on people selling us stuff, we're only giving our honest opinion, we have the right, blah blah blah).

Give the buy a break.

It's not about giving the guy a break or not. I blame whoever does the hiring at QVC for hiring a sickly sweet ,oily ,too self satisfied ( it seems to me) bloke to do a job for them.The guy can't help how he is, so I absolve him from any guilt.
Never mind walking in another persons shoes either. The viewers /punters are entitled to pass an opinon on a person who comes into their living rooms regularly.Nobody is saying he's the anti-christ ,or Dr Evil.He's just a shopping telly presenter who I personally won't be watching at all because he rubs me up the wrong way . It's no biggie.Just peoples opinons and critcism.. about a guy on televison.
I haven't seen anybody on here who claims they could do a better job. Thats not even an issue.
Just a poor choice by QVC. They have enough ,twee ,and smarmy presenters as it is.Some really good ones as well I should add.
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It's not about giving the guy a break or not. I blame whoever does the hiring at QVC for hiring a sickly sweet ,oily ,too self satisfied ( it seems to me) bloke to do a job for them.The guy can't help how he is, so I absolve him from any guilt.
Never mind walking in another persons shoes either. The viewers /punters are entitled to pass an opinon on a person who comes into their living rooms regularly.Nobody is saying he's the anti-christ ,or Dr Evil.He's just a shopping telly presenter who I personally won't be watching at all because he rubs me up the wrong way . It's no biggie.Just peoples opinons and critcism.. about a guy on televison.
I haven't seen anybody on here who claims they could do a better job. Thats not even an issue.
Just a poor choice by QVC. They have enough ,twee ,and smarmy presenters as it is.Some really good ones as well I should add.

totally totally totally agree..... smarmy was just the word i was looking for.

and too "posh" aswell..

and he does that thing of looking to the camera while the guest is speaking as if to say "this is just me and you the viewer, we're this together... whats she on about?". its really disrespectful to the guest. Anthony used to do it all the time but has improved.

cant abide him already.

e need a new female presneter with some 'kin attitude for gods sake
For those who watched search for a presenter will have a good idea what QVC looked for in their presenters.
Also how they were shown how to present an item and also what things they were expected to say.
It just seems not Daniel's fault I add, that he's been brought in with all this experience from the US but doesn't appear to have had his approach modified to QVC'S way.
Maybe that's because head of presenters Mark West has now left QVC to run his BB.
It could be this is the new head of presenters stamping his mark on who he's managed to snipe from the US.
Maybe it will work or maybe it won't doesn't look like it at the moment, only time will tell.
Another thought is that perhaps the new head has a much different approach and wants the presenters to be more geared to a business hard sell, that being so I won't be watching.
All I know is this was Mark West's philosophy on appointing a new presenter.
"I want somebody who is hard working, focused and passionate about our products.
Above all, I am looking for somebody with warmth, sincerity and credibility - the same qualities you look for in a friend."
IMO search for a presenter was such a waste of time, we ended up with a sure cure for insomnia. I still say give Daniel a chance he has got to be better than Craig.:54:
I was watching him yesterday, I thought he was good and he did very well, I am not keen on his hair though but if he took the gel of I think he might have flyaway hair.

Over all I think he will be an great presenter.

Craig has grown on me too and I quite like him now, although he did take a while to calm down.

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