Daniel the new boy on today


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Darn,missed him,anyone know of an online video he may be in from yesterday. Thanks.
GAWD, I showed him to a unbiased friend of mine, personally I thought he was smarmy.

My friend said he was greasy.

IMO SACK ALL QVC PRESENTERS and start again, they have become so boring, I feel quite happy typing this, it will not affect anyones lives, lets face it QVC listened to shoppingtelly.com you would have go rid of BASSO ripping the flesh from living annimals to make a coat!!!!

IMO as a ShoppingTelly fan, QVC is the most boring channel in existance here in the UK

GAWD, I showed him to a unbiased friend of mine, personally I thought he was smarmy.

My friend said he was greasy.

IMO SACK ALL QVC PRESENTERS and start again, they have become so boring, I feel quite happy typing this, it will not affect anyones lives, lets face it QVC listened to shoppingtelly.com you would have go rid of BASSO ripping the flesh from living annimals to make a coat!!!!

IMO as a ShoppingTelly fan, QVC is the most boring channel in existance here in the UK


Sorry Graham but the only bit of your post that I agree with is that QVC should get rid of Basso the butcher. IMO we have hardly given Daniel a chance,we have only seen him for a few minutes. As for sacking the presenters, I think on the whole and with few exceptions they are very skilled people, now the most boring channel must surely go to IW...and a clearout there would be a very good thing.:33:
Just been looking at his web page - talented chap and all round nice guy
here's the link

and one of his nicest pics - no 7 on the motorbike

I haven't seen him live yet but i did look at the pics and if i was to choose one it would be the b/w first one row 3, obviously taken some time ago.....

But ANYTHING new, human or otherwise makes quite a change on these shopping channels, they are all pretty boring same old same old....
Sorry Graham but the only bit of your post that I agree with is that QVC should get rid of Basso the butcher. IMO we have hardly given Daniel a chance,we have only seen him for a few minutes. As for sacking the presenters, I think on the whole and with few exceptions they are very skilled people, now the most boring channel must surely go to IW...and a clearout there would be a very good thing.:33:
I so agree with you, the poor chap hasn't even presented yet! I have a w.w dvd with Claire Sweeney doing exercises and Daniel healthy eating recipes, he was a very chubby lad who lost over 4 stone, so now some are knocking him for his looks, seems he can't win give him a chance at the end of the day there's aways an off button.
I have to say that I think he comes across really well - very slick and polished and not smarmy at all. Seems like a nice enough chap to me! It's nice to see some more male presenters on there.
I have to say that I think he comes across really well - very slick and polished and not smarmy at all. Seems like a nice enough chap to me! It's nice to see some more male presenters on there.

You didn't view today's presentation then - lol
I didn't see him this aft, must admit hehe. Just was commenting off when I'd seen him before really - he's still gotta be a bit nervous bless him :)

Click the above post link to see today.
He may well be nervous but it doesn't show, what does though is he looks as if he hasn't had much training.
Maybe QVC think with five years shopping telly experience in the USA he doesn't need it.
Feel really sorry for him if he isn't getting much support because if today is anything to go by he needs it.
I don't think he did a bad job. He just needs a bit of time to settle in and learn the ropes properly. Mum thinks he's got gorgeous eyes :D and he's better looking than some of the others for sure ;)

As for QVC being boring, yeah, sure it is sometimes, especially when they're not showing anything you're interested in but it still beats the umpteen channels of American "informercials" about how excited everyone is that you can pump up your abs. Does anyone watch this rubbish?

And I know the fur trade is abhorrent, but can we stop bleating on about Basso? Once everyone here is a self-sufficient vegan eco-nut then fine, but I'm sure everyone eats or uses something that involves an animal suffering somewhere down the line. Besides, it's just not possible to find a coat of similar quality at a similar price - at least not round where we live.

And just out of interest, why have QVC bought in another presenter? and why so quiet about it too?
I saw him 'pop in' on the cooks essentials hour with Craig today. I can't say he seemed nervous - rather the opposite. He smiles a lot and seems very sure of himself. I watched a clip from his website (presenting shopping telly in the US) and he seemed reasonable enough at it. Sometimes slickness can come over as over selling and that is the style usually used on US shopping channels, so I'm hoping we won't be getting that. Doubtless QVC will iron it out of him!
On the appearance side of things. He seems groomed etc and, if you like that style of bloke (tanned, white teeth etc) then he's going to be very popular. Not quite my cup of tea, but then that's not what he's there for, is it?
Fegan Floop anyone?

....he's doing fashion at 5pm today....I hope he dresses appropriately.

Reminds me of Floop (Alan Cummiings) in Spy Kids...anyone...just me then! :30:


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Daniel Floop ejected from QVC Towers...

...by Charlie and Julia for out-charming and out-smarming them! :22:


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just spotted him on the repeat programme fron yesterday,think he looks very attractive,good luck to him,makes a chaqnge to see a new face

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