Daniel the new boy on today


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I will reserve judgement on him for the moment but did think he came over a bit 'smarmy' and posh with it - sort of person you would have working in a saville row tailors. I noticed he is scheduled to do in the garden with Richard Jackson - that would be worth watching.

It did strike me funny on his first full show he said 'intro' and I had to think for a moments what he was talking about then obviously realised he meant introductory price. That's the first time I ever heard that jargon - does the QVC company manual allow such expressions?
no you dont!

Not quite following you here ...

I know everyone keeps talking about his accent - I don't mean that it is supposedly 'posh' - but that it has a slight americanization and that this is not at all surprising for someone who 'hasn't been in this country for five years'. That's what I meant.
since when has anyone been too posh for tv. it grieves me to see people who can hardly string a sentence together become presenters too many unatractive thickos on the tv already. maybe some people cannot identify with a bit of class.

I agrree with you, but some people can only identify with a bit of rough and get acclaimed for it, and I am not just talking about presenters. :54:
I will reserve judgement on him for the moment but did think he came over a bit 'smarmy' and posh with it - sort of person you would have working in a saville row tailors. I noticed he is scheduled to do in the garden with Richard Jackson - that would be worth watching.

It did strike me funny on his first full show he said 'intro' and I had to think for a moments what he was talking about then obviously realised he meant introductory price. That's the first time I ever heard that jargon - does the QVC company manual allow such expressions?

Given he maybe nervous and all that or not used to QVC etc. he's worked in the US five years.
As he doesn't appear to have been given the QVC manual regarding presenting at all to me.
He spends most of the presentations talking about items being on great deals, price being honoured using slang terms and clearly stating you'll pay more else where and clearly stating you'll not find this item cheaper.
He clearly talked about where he worked before saying how they gave a thirty day offer too, never been heard that be mentioned so clearly on QVC regarding other channels.
He doesn't start by reading the item no plus the discription.
Which I noted so clearly on the Preserve jewellery case, when he didn't realise the product had the anti tarnish lining when it clearly stated it in the title.
He pressure sells by adding all the time how much time you have left to see item and that an item is going to sell out in the hour.
He's for ever saying that the call centre is so busy I've never known it be so busy all the time I've watched QVC, sales in his hour must be rocketing lol.
How many times does he say ex number of pounds and change or not fully giving the item price.
I'm not going to comment on his look or personality etc don't want to go down that route.
Ask if I find him watchable or likeable or if I believe what he says well no.
All I can say is I posted the live link to where he'd worked previously and I understand from that his style.
Maybe I have the wrong impression but what I understood about QVC is that they set themselves above the hard sell pushy buy this now presentations.
I thought they prefered that their staff were fully trained and adopted QVC'S own style regime.
One of the best guys is of course Julian how likeable is he ?
I guess he's working too much behind the camera to impart that excellent way he has,that's why we don't see enough of him.
Makes me laugh when he talks about the US channels selling a combine harvester and that every family should have one .................
A long working member of the team but they got it right at the start.
Don't think he's right for QVC. Nothing to do with being posh he just comes over as ingenuine and pretentious. QVC is meant to be all warm and friendly with people we can trust - I don't think I'd buy a used car off him put it that way! Hope they dab some powder on him, he's far too shiney.
I know what you all mean. He definitely has the smarmy factor going on, however we all have to start somewhere !!!!! so I think we need to give him a chance.

I still think Simon is the cheesiest with Daniel now a close second !!!.
i hope that he does not read some of the things said on this post. some of it is so unkind. he would automatically say things that he has got used to saying for so many years and his style would be change over a peroid of time to suit qvc and its viewers.
all the presenters have had to settle in. and lets not pretend that they are not sales people- they are.
No one in the retail trade at the moment can miss making sales whilst waiting for it's sales assistant to settle in and follow the regime.
i hope that he does not read some of the things said on this post. some of it is so unkind. he would automatically say things that he has got used to saying for so many years and his style would be change over a peroid of time to suit qvc and its viewers.
all the presenters have had to settle in. and lets not pretend that they are not sales people- they are.

I think he's doing a good job so far - all those little habits will soon get ironed out.
Claudia just doesn't step up to the mark as a presenter.

All that giggling and hysteria makes her look silly on camera.
I think she needs to calm down and realise that the vast majority of QVC customers are not living a champagne life style and don't want to hear all about hers!
i hope that he does not read some of the things said on this post. some of it is so unkind. he would automatically say things that he has got used to saying for so many years and his style would be change over a peroid of time to suit qvc and its viewers.
all the presenters have had to settle in. and lets not pretend that they are not sales people- they are.

This is what I dislike about Daniel and some of the other presenters on QVC. I dont want some automatic spiel that just tumbles out of thier mouths.....I want considered, truthful and clear descriptions of the products.

So many fill in the time the item is on air with phrases like...I would love this...and....think of your aunty, your mum, your sister...etc. I want details of fabrics/ingredients and in the case of clothing, I want sizes at the start of the product and again as they are speaking about it. The stock phrases are no help to me when I am trying to decide whether to buy.

i hope that he does not read some of the things said on this post. some of it is so unkind. he would automatically say things that he has got used to saying for so many years and his style would be change over a peroid of time to suit qvc and its viewers.
all the presenters have had to settle in. and lets not pretend that they are not sales people- they are.

That was always going to have happened since as he said, he only arrived here from the states last week and has then appeared on air more or less straight away.
It is why QVC should stick to what's previously happened and not employing presenters who have previously presented on pressure selling shopping channels.
How many times does Daniel refer to working for the biggest shopping channel in the states, what they did and their 30 day guarantee, as he puts it.
Sorry QVC that makes not one bit of difference as to whether I'm going to buy an item that's being presented or not.
over the years as mentioned many times qvc have given us less and less info regarding products. we never hear what fabric compositions are sizes are an afterthought. key acitve ingredients in beauty products. jus lots and lots f sales talk. they seem to forget thays what made descerning shoppers shop with them. that is why people are fed up with qvc. it seems thats the way that qvc want the presenters to present.
" thats lovely tha coat isn't it. really lovely."
over the years as mentioned many times qvc have given us less and less info regarding products. we never hear what fabric compositions are sizes are an afterthought. key acitve ingredients in beauty products. jus lots and lots f sales talk. they seem to forget thays what made descerning shoppers shop with them. that is why people are fed up with qvc. it seems thats the way that qvc want the presenters to present.
" thats lovely tha coat isn't it. really lovely."

This bit made me smile as I imagined someone like Claudia or Kathy trying to pronounce the components of beauty products. Love to see that one!:32:
I'm not being funny but i bet all of you that make these 'snide' remarks about the Presenters are either really unhappy or not very attractive and possibly both otherwise why would you chose to say some of these things?. Why would you waste your precious time bitching about other people in this world. I don't think you realise how it makes you sound. These people are doing a 'job' just like you in your 'job'. So what if it happens to be in the public space, that doesn't mean they are trying to be 'better' than the rest of us. They are not newsreaders, they represent real people, so who cares if they might mispronounce somethings, they are real. QVC entertains me and if i want to buy something as a result of that then thats my choice. I think each and every presenter on the show represents a different part of all of us and over the years i've got to know and trust them all, it wouldn't work if they had a turnover of presenters, the fact that they are all longterm presenters works really well for me. Their quirky ways add to the interesting make up of the shows.

As for commenting on Daniels hair if you don't like it, switch over if it offends you that badly. You must be one of those people that automatcially look for flaws in people. Have you not thought that his hair style makes him happy, just the same as yours does for you. I think they are all great and i agree about them getting a bad time on this board for no reasons.

As for the people slating Claudia on her giggles, just think about it for a moment. You are complaining that she smiles and laughs and if you see what she laughs at, its funny things, lightness and celebration of life (and i will point out that at least she shares everything with us thats funny so we can share in it too, my husband laughs along too and he doens't always laugh) and she always treats her guests with perfect manners.

I met Claudia three years ago at a customer event and she sat with me for about an hour as i couldn't walk around the room like everyone else. Her warmth and humour was an absolute delight. I asked her about all the other presenters and she had a warm word about everyone even the people we dont see on the screen, she said it was really like a family, like an extended family and i can see that now. After the event my dh went to get the car and bring it round the front of the entrance, Claudia said she'd stay with me until he came back even though i said i'd be ok. All the others were leaving and i know it was a long day but she just stayed with me and helped me to the car and with my chair and made me feel really special. She has three little children and i think she's just a very positive person, what is wrong with that ? unless you can cope with that thought... It makes me shake my head in disbelief at what some people think is a bad thing, happiness is not a bad thing.

I love my jewellery and have bought countless pieces of gold jewellery amongst other things and if its shown to me in the fullest way possible and with their cameras they do a great job and happens to be shown by a sales person who clearly loves their job then it makes my purchasee even better. I would not want to go into a store to be met by a miserable assistant, so why should QVC be any different. Plus the fact that Customer Services back up their friendly approach too. I think we should change our way of looking at people and just give them a break, unless of course theres a lot of jealously flying around then i understand it can be hard to control. Daniel is doing a good job too, go on Daniel you keep going.... Anne

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