Why would anyone be jealous of someone that had lost so much weight (intentionally) that their previous attractive, pretty look had become hard and harsh? Far too many people I see that looked lovely have Ozempicked their way to bony, hard features and skinniness. OK you're a size 8 but take a real look in the mirror. Do you REALLY look better? It's not up to me, people can do what they want but I think it's a one way ticket to ageing faster than you need to.
I saw Jenny Blackwell [edit - oopsy I thought that was who the thread was about, sorry!!] presenting an hour of Phase Eight partywear the other evening with Debbie Flint (who was unbearably bossy and pushy. I suppose she always was and I’ve just not witnessed it in ages!)
She didn’t look as thin as I was expecting but has evidently lost a significant amount of weight.
I’m around a size 12 (bordering 14 on my hippy hips!) the past 18 months.
But before that had lost a lot of weight and was a size 8 (and I’m 5’10” and I’ll so looked and was v drawn).
Since the weight’s gone on (not intentionally, was v happy at size 8 but had no appetite), none has gone back on my face sadly.
I used to have some padding to my cheeks - not chubby - but now still quite sunken.
And of course none goes where I would like more such as ****age!
All over a bit but mainly my “pear”!!
It’s been said here and everywhere before but as you age weight on face etc is flattering…
But you can’t control that!
And lower weight - so long as not too thin - is associated with longer life so it’s a complicated picture…
But certainly for looks and for some aspects of health, agree not going too far with weight loss is probably preferable. And especially via weight loss injections!
No idea who sanctions them for people not in genuine need.
Even used to get cross with slimming clubs letting people set/go below target weights and seemingly “go too far”. Harder to keep off and people get obsessed…