Has Chloe Everton left QVC?


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I got my hopes up that Chloe had left. But it seems my hopes are dashed!

While of course congratulations are due for their expanding family. Parenthood is a challenge for all who embark on it. Chloe and her wife have the good fortune that Chloe at least is working for an accommodating employer, or so Q seems to be. That must make it a little bit easier.
I don’t know how this all works with 1001 different genders, but I thought UK paternity leave was 2 weeks and maternity leave was 52 weeks. Does that mean if it’s two Dads they each get two weeks and if two Mums they each get a year? I get sooo flipping confused with all the gender malarkey.
Sorry to laugh but if it's true its incredibly short sighted

When I had my 2nd I was back at work after 12 weeks. At the time we needed the money so back I went :cautious:
When I had my second I was only entitled to 3 months, I'd just missed out on six months because I hadn't been with the company for two years. He's 29 next month.
Ann only appears occasionally . Perhaps she’s semi retired now, I’m sure she has other irons in the fire too. Spends a lot of time in Italy, where I think she has a home.
Neither did I, but I have noticed that Ann Dawson seems to have gone missing, any ideas on what's happened to her?
Probably had a disaster with a home colour and can’t be seen out.
Which reminds me of the time one of my sisters had a disaster with a home dye and phoned another sister asking “have you got a hat I can borrow”.
No children. No regrets.
There should be a ‘I have no children/grandchildren society’. There are many reasons why someone through choice or circumstances do not have children.How many times are you looked at with pity from those who think life without children is seriously lacking.Hats off to those who have and brought up their families but those that haven’t can have equally fulfilling experiences.This is from an elderly, but not lonely,with lots of memories, independent, non granny!
Yes, why do some people act as if there's something wrong with you because you don't have children? It doesn't mean you didn't want them or don't like them. I've been called incredibly selfish too (to my face!). There's no shortage of children in my wider family and I don't think I've missed out.

There should be a ‘I have no children/grandchildren society’. There are many reasons why someone through choice or circumstances do not have children.How many times are you looked at with pity from those who think life without children is seriously lacking.Hats off to those who have and brought up their families but those that haven’t can have equally fulfilling experiences.This is from an elderly, but not lonely,with lots of memories, independent, non granny!
Never wanted or had children. I too am elderly and in the past was considered strange/awful/wicked/queer for not wanting them. Everyone to their own. Bored senseless at times when work colleagues kept rabbiting on about their kids all the time.
A friend and I used to wind them up by talking about our cats and dogs!
Never wanted or had children. I too am elderly and in the past was considered strange/awful/wicked/queer for not wanting them. Everyone to their own. Bored senseless at times when work colleagues kept rabbiting on about their kids all the time.
A friend and I used to wind them up by talking about our cats and dogs!
It's a cruel world to bring a new life into.

Ann only appears occasionally . Perhaps she’s semi retired now, I’m sure she has other irons in the fire too. Spends a lot of time in Italy, where I think she has a home.
I'd like to ask her why she wants to spend a lot if time in Italy.
There should be a ‘I have no children/grandchildren society’. There are many reasons why someone through choice or circumstances do not have children.How many times are you looked at with pity from those who think life without children is seriously lacking.Hats off to those who have and brought up their families but those that haven’t can have equally fulfilling experiences.This is from an elderly, but not lonely,with lots of memories, independent, non granny!
Have you heard of a society called Ageing Without Children? AWOC was established in 2014 after an article written in The Guardian by Kirsty Woodard.

Mr. AE's parents talk exclusively about their great/grandchildren. Unless they're slating me, of course. They are so boring!

My daughter has done more for Mr. AE than any of his own family, including cooking for him (and different meals for me) when I've been too ill to cook for us. She's also taken and picked him up at work many times when our old heap of a car has been off the road (shift work, 50-mile round trip, all weathers, never accepted a penny for fuel). Yet his parents don't even acknowledge her when she's passing (we live opposite them).

She never gets invited to family events even though the girlfriends of the grandsons have been (some have only being going out with them a few weeks). Not that she's say yes anyway, but it would be nice of them to invite her occasionally.

I suspect I'm not accepted as Mr. AE and I never had our own children (despite trying).

We are so lucky these days that we can choose not to have children if we don't want them. My grandmother had no choice but to have 7 kids, 3 lost to diseases preventable by vaccines today. (Don't get me started on people risking their own children's lives by refusing vaccines for diseases that killed 100 years ago.)

Yes, we're very lucky but we should never forget that either. My cousin lives in the USA where contraception is no longer paid for by her insurance and is quietly being withdrawn from many health services even to women who can afford to pay.
Never wanted or had children. I too am elderly and in the past was considered strange/awful/wicked/queer for not wanting them. Everyone to their own. Bored senseless at times when work colleagues kept rabbiting on about their kids all the time.
A friend and I used to wind them up by talking about our cats and dogs!
Drives me up the wall when people witter on about their kids. One woman I worked with had verbal diarrhoea about hers, literally every aspect of their lives like what they were having for dinner etc!

It flipping drives me mad when people say to me how many kids/grandkids have you got? What a ****** presumption. I say none, I don't like children, I like holidays. That usually shuts them up.
My best friend never wanted kids, nor did her husband.
My sister in law has none.
Both content with their situation.
I have two grown up kids but looking back had they not happened I don’t consider my life as unfulfilled either.
If you get my drift.
I admit I've never been "challenged" as to my childless state or called selfish. Yes it was 'normal' for my generation to have children in the early 20s, but I seriously wasn't fussed, having helped Mum bring up two younger brothers, so I'd had my fill of dirty nappies, shoulder burping and screaming babies by the time I was 20 !

I also have mates who equally were happy childless to concentrate on careers, but it's always assumed that an elderly woman (76) has grandchildren. Everyone knows now that I'm far happier with a boxful of puppies than cooing over a baby in a pram (though I'm a great actress).

I would say that the childless are always expected to work through the summer and school holidays and fill the slack of child sickness emergencies. So parents should thank the childless not call us selfish !
I admit I've never been "challenged" as to my childless state or called selfish. Yes it was 'normal' for my generation to have children in the early 20s, but I seriously wasn't fussed, having helped Mum bring up two younger brothers, so I'd had my fill of dirty nappies, shoulder burping and screaming babies by the time I was 20 !

I also have mates who equally were happy childless to concentrate on careers, but it's always assumed that an elderly woman (76) has grandchildren. Everyone knows now that I'm far happier with a boxful of puppies than cooing over a baby in a pram (though I'm a great actress)
Cats and kittens for me!😻

I suppose I wouldn't mind so much if I were older, but that's my mum's age. I got asked about grandkids when I was still in my mid 40s, most of my friends didn't have kids until early to mid thirties so they were still at primary school.

It's the assumption that really does my head in though.
Yes, why do some people act as if there's something wrong with you because you don't have children? It doesn't mean you didn't want them or don't like them. I've been called incredibly selfish too (to my face!). There's no shortage of children in my wider family and I don't think I've missed out.

How rude of people to call you selfish.

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