Carmel returns.


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I love Debbie Greenwood, Catherine Huntley, Dale Franklin, Claire Sutton, Alison Keenan, Jackie Kabler, Kathy Taylor, Miceal Murphy, Julian Ballantyne, and Jilly Franks snd Jilly Halliday. So I like far more than the presenters I dont like, so I dont know why its levelled against ,me that I dont like qvc presenters. I actually like a far higher percentage than I dislike!
For what its worth I stayed at home when my lads were baby's , in them days you didn't get help with childcare costs , you would rely on a grandparent to mind baby's for you if you went back to work after the birth.

I didn't return to work until my youngest started school , so in a way i didn't pursue a career , so any work I did do was was unskilled stuff, i have lots of different things including cooking , cleaning , support worker , factory work . but it was hard to find stuff that fitted in with school drop offs & pick ups & holidays were a nightmare

At least now women can get help with childcare costs so they can carry on working , I almost feel a little peanalised at this stage in my life because I am fit for work & have a part time cleaning job which I have had for nearly 10 years ... but now I am single that part time wage isn't enough to really pay the bills , and its proving almost impossible to find part time work to fit in round my other job which is an evening job

So if I had known what I know now I would have seriously tried to calve out a career that I could have gone back to later in life & simply update my qualifications & at least be able to earn more than I do now
On a serious note that's tough Madge. You're a creative lady as we've seen by your lovely pics of animals on here so it must be hard and very frustrating as well as having financial worries. Heart goes out to you sweetie x.

Have you ever explored photography as a career? I'd imagine it's difficult to get into but you certainly have the talent for it imo.
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I agree. We can`t walk on eggshells just in case someone doesn`t like the fact we agree to disagree or just because we don`t click the like or thanks button for every post they write. If someone starts a thread then of course they have to be prepared for a cross section of opinions on that thread becuse otherwise why start it ? I`m talking about any thread, not just this one. The whole point of having threads is to read a wide variety of thoughts, to agree with some, disagree with others, perhaps learn a thing or two or perhaps rethink our own views. Threads aren`t written in concrete, just because someone starts off with a certain view doesn`t mean that`s the only direction a thread should take.
Working in TV (even just QVC) it's important to keep "known" as there are always others competing for your position. It's true in other walks of life. I was a system manager for a huge government computer installation when I got pregnant with my first child and I took a 5 year (unpaid) career break on the understanding I'd keep up to date with my area off expertise. Just after the birth my job was out-sourced and my post evaporated, the private company didn't want to be bothered with keeping me trained for 5 years. If we hadn't moved to the other end of the country I would have gone back to work for fear of my skills becoming obsolete.

No one knows the set up in Carmel's family so I don't understand the criticism of her return to work which is based on speculation.

Jude xx
On a serious note that's tough Madge. You're a creative lady as we've seen by your lovely pics of animals on here so it must be hard and very frustrating as well as having financial worries. Heart goes out to you sweetie x.

It is a little hard sometimes , I will be honest I could have played on a hip problem i have had since my teens , & probably get a disability benefit, but pride stops me doing that & i basically work for about 15 quid a week if i offset it against job seekers payment as an example

I appreciate what I have & i know that some day I will be able to sit back & think '' i did it'' it took blood sweat & tears to do it but i got there , i really dont blame anyone working or setting out to pursue a career , i am very positive by nature so I just get on with it

Photography seriously saved my sanity when my marriage broke down nearly 3 years ago

thanks for your kind words Nikki x
Madge I admire you for making photography your outlet. Many would have just done the pity me card and not attempted to make the best of their situation, or save their sanity amidst heartache, anger & sorrow. Your comments make all the judgmental assumptions on here about others going back to work with babies & why do women do it a tad shallow & ill founded really. Your situation is actual life, what happens, a serious reflection on what career choices you may have made if you knew then what you know now.
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Madge I admire you for making photography your outlet. Many would have just done the pity me card and not attempted to make the best of their situation, or save their sanity amidst heartache, anger & sorrow. Your comments make all the judgmental assumptions on here about others going back to work with babies & why do women do it a tad shallow & ill founded really. Your situation is actual life, what happens, a serious reflection on what career choices you may have made if you knew then what you know now.

I think the other worry in this day & age is if theres only one wage being brought in & even if thats a terrific wage & is ample to support a whole family , the bread winner looses that job & your buggered , i dont think anyone can afford to put all there eggs in one basket today if theres 2 people who can work I think its vital given the situation here in the uk generally
I agree. We can`t walk on eggshells just in case someone doesn`t like the fact we agree to disagree or just because we don`t click the like or thanks button for every post they write. If someone starts a thread then of course they have to be prepared for a cross section of opinions on that thread becuse otherwise why start it ? I`m talking about any thread, not just this one. The whole point of having threads is to read a wide variety of thoughts, to agree with some, disagree with others, perhaps learn a thing or two or perhaps rethink our own views. Threads aren`t written in concrete, just because someone starts off with a certain view doesn`t mean that`s the only direction a thread should take.
I agree that once a thread is opened and an opinion stated we all have to expect, indeed welcome, comments that both agree and disagree with it. However, increasingly these days, and ever more quickly, threads on this forum turn into quite nasty arguments with insults and accusations flying all over the place (I am talking about more than just this thread). Yes, we live in a democracy, but this is no reason things should become tetchy and often rude. I'm all for debate and discussion, but perhaps it would be a good idea if people started treating other members, and their sometimes differing opinions, with the respect they would like to receive themselves? I'm sure I'm not the only one increasingly dismayed at this? I rarely post these days, and almost never start a thread, for fear of it turning so negative. I'm just not interested in arguing. Doubtless there'll be this scoffing at this post. Fair enough. Each to their own. I just hope that it never gets to the stage when only those that want to argue and aggravate are left here ...
I cant see what she could possibly have that would improve her presentation. It will all be focused on her and her new family. who she loves so much, she's coming back to bore the liver out of all the viewers of qvc after one of the shortest maternity breaks. Why worry about work when she has a lovely boy to cuddle and play with, I dont think she needs nappy money, her hubby, I guess from his exotic business travels, is not a local milkman!

What's your problem? Envious or what??
I went back to work when my son was 5 months old and had the absolute luxury of taking him with me. My boss and the team I worked with were very happy for me to do it. He came to work with me until he was 15 months old then he just got too boisterous for it to work. He had a fabulous time. Everyone loved him being there. It was wonderful because I didn't have to choose. At 15 months he was well and truly ready for a day nursery. I then worked part-time until he went to school.

I was so lucky but I worked hard for the company to repay their generosity. Oh and I went on maternity leave for six months on full pay! Some employers want mums to return to work.

But it's each to their own. It's no one else's business whether you choose to work for someone or stay at home and work your socks off just the same.
It only takes one bad apple... and I've noticed that this bad apple adds comments to aggravate on other threads too, best to ignore...
I really like Carmel and I look forward to her return.

She posted on facebook on Mothers day that she was really missing her late mother even more now that she has became a Mum herself.

I can't understand all the negativity about her returning to work. She's only working a few hours a day, twice a week-hardly abondoning her baby!

In a week when people with children choose not to work, raking in thousands in benefits have been all over the news, I find it quite sad that people would attack a working Mum. Seems you just can't win!
Godess what a lovely post. My sentiments exactly.

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She is not a favorite of mine but I wish her luck in her new role of motherhood. Yes she will annoy me talking about baby etc but what's new - I have to put up with it all day at work where I don't have the luxury of a remote control (oh the joy). I imagine returning will be harder than she can imagine but like many before and after she will have to comprise.

Personally, being at home all day would soon lose it's novelty value.
So true LovingallthingsItalian. I need to work at least part time for my sanity but want my babies as soon as I leave the house. On my days at home I love it but your post struck a chord with me. My children benefit from a happy mum, not a stir crazy woman who wants to strangle Mr Tumble.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
So true LovingallthingsItalian. I need to work at least part time for my sanity but want my babies as soon as I leave the house. On my days at home I love it but your post struck a chord with me. My children benefit from a happy mum, not a stir crazy woman who wants to strangle Mr Tumble.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2

Mr Tumble rules in our house along with Peppa Pig, Mister Maker, Mr Blooms Nursery and Co. lol :mysmilie_500:
Whether someone returns to work after a week, month or year after having a baby is none of our business. We dont' know their personal circumstances or child care arrangements.

Also - I quite like the presenters making it a bit personal in their presentations. It woudl be so boring if they just read out the sizes and product functions etc. Plus of course it#s all about making us feel part of the family sales pitch they rely on...
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