Carmel returns.


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I don't see that it's anyone's business but hers and her partners when and if she returns to work
It wouldn't be, but she cant have it both ways, she was always harping on about the hubby, bored everyone ridged she did!
Well as this discussion was about returning to work when you have a young baby, clearly not in this case. May have helped if you'd checked the context of what I was replying to :)

you didn't mention returning to work EE you said about if you waited till you could afford a baby you wouldn't have one..did I miss something?
'This would be good for chopping up my baby food'

'This would be good for new mums like, me I always have my hands in water now with my baby'

'I could do with this, Im so tired with the new baby'

'This would help me with the dark circles under my eyes, with being up with the baby'

etc etc etc. God help us!
It wouldn't be, but she cant have it both ways, she was always harping on about the hubby, bored everyone ridged she did!

I don't watch at lot of QVC so don't know this presenter but what has this got to do with when and if she chooses/decides to return to work?
'This would be good for chopping up my baby food'

'This would be good for new mums like, me I always have my hands in water now with my baby'

'I could do with this, Im so tired with the new baby'

'This would help me with the dark circles under my eyes, with being up with the baby'

etc etc etc. God help us!

Carmel sounds like a "BusyMum" Tri!
It wouldn't be, but she cant have it both ways, she was always harping on about the hubby, bored everyone ridged she did!

Sorry but she can have it both ways if she wants. You don't seem 'bored' to me digging up everything she's said. Many people talk about their husbands, kids and how wonderful their life is, sometimes I listen with interest, sometimes I only pretend to listen and other times I wish they would just shut up! However, I never got worked up about it all and now I'm probably the same since my daughter came along!
Yes it appears you have missed reading quite a bit of the thread Carol. Some people return to work because they have to - many reasons. No one except for your post has implied about being funded by the state. As it has been said its no ones business why Carmel has chosen to return to work except for her and her partner/husband.

Do try and keep up eh Carol :)

I've read all the thread my dear - YOU are the one who brought up finances by way of saying if you waited till you could afford to have a baby you wouldn't have one..I have replied to what YOU said..
There were several posts on here during the run up to her wedding and after, saying that every show she presented was full of details of the wedding, and every guest she presented with was told 'I'm getting married soon' - as if they didn't know that!

she did go on a bit didn't she Itchy..just a little bit..!
she did go on a bit didn't she Itchy..just a little bit..!

Just a bit! I am friendly with one of the checkout operators in Tesco, but she doesn't give me a running commentary on her personal life.

P.S. Who's Capri?
Hands up who is lucky enough to be a parent and not have to work? ... oh just you then, lucky you.

I have to and have for 19 years, when I'd have much rather been at home with my children and no money worries :(

How can anyone express such thoughtlessness saying things like 'it seems like greed. She has a beautiful bouncing baby, why the rush to come back'. No one except the immediate family can know all the reasons why. Perhaps she just wants to come back part-time and hubbie is able to do the childcare??????? We don't know do we.

Leave her alone, enough of the delving into personal stuff me thinks.
Just a bit! I am friendly with one of the checkout operators in Tesco, but she doesn't give me a running commentary on her personal life.

P.S. Who's Capri?

no..? at my Tesco I often get the personal history of whoever is checking out my shopping!
You know when I came back, I came back as me. No hiding, Why do people play games. Anyway, re Caramel, yes she will harp on, and on and on, and then one of the presenters or guests will say something, and then another opportunity to inform of the baby, the hubby, the wedding day!
Carmel has said on her blog that she will be coming back to work for two days a week, she's hardly abandoning her baby. Anyway look on the bright side Tristar, every hour Carmel works is one fewer for Chloe.
Anyway, re Caramel, yes she will harp on, and on and on, and then one of the presenters or guests will say something, and then another opportunity to inform of the baby, the hubby, the wedding day!

Why shouldn't she talk about her life... it is a full life and she is happy with her new husband and baby... let her have her moment. Is her talking about her life on the tv any different to Julia talking about hers? Or Julian talking about his granny?
Well thanks for the heads up re Caramel, no doubt she will have a mumsy baby talk kind of voice now, before we go the saccharine 'I just got married in white' kind of thing. The hubby this, the bubby that, the hubby the other, wonder if Hubby will get less mentions now!
She is a presenter on a shopping channel! It's not going to affect me whether she goes back to work or not! I'm not bothered one way or another!
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