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That was bit below the belt and very hurtful comment.

I had assumed that as a man you would be uninterested in yummy mummy products much in the same way girly girls would be uninterested in saws especially since they do not like the presenter.

but if this is not the case I apologise.
I had assumed that as a man you would be uninterested in yummy mummy products much in the same way girly girls would be uninterested in saws especially since they do not like the presenter.

but if this is not the case I apologise.

I think I give up. I think my contribution here may have been a little controversial but some of my threads have been popular, quite popular, my closed thread on a presenter was popular and I cant even use my nickname Alice Cooper it seems, and I thought it was funny, coming from me. I do feel very much out on a limb, I guess if I just plod along with tame things I may be given a few more days! my contribution isn't valued but yet it some of my threads have had views into the thousands, still the boss and moderator would like me to leave then they have that decision.
I think there are quite a few people waiting quite silently from the sidelines, waiting until they have what they want, then they will come back, smirking and suddenly posting instead of thanking anyone who says anything about my posts. What a shame I think that is. Seems like this is getting to happen again. I came back here for the same reason I joined, because tv shopping is important to me, but its very cliquey and no matter how many times that can be said not to be the case my the moderator, I think it is a real problem here that needs addressing properly.
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I think I give up. I think my contribution here may have been a little controversial but some of my threads have been popular, quite popular, my closed thread on a presenter was popular and I cant even use my nickname Alice Cooper it seems, and I thought it was funny, coming from me. I do feel very much out on a limb, I guess if I just plod along with tame things I may be given a few more days! my contribution isn't valued but yet it some of my threads have had views into the thousands, still the boss and moderator would like me to leave then they have that decision.

have you ever heard of "quality not quantity'
I think the moderator needs to address the issue of silent members bullying from the sidelines. Come on, the moderator should be here to protect us all, not just the select few. Address the bullying, for heavens sake.
Tristar, please, please, please just get rid of that persecution complex, get a bit more upbeat and stop thinking that many are waiting to pounce. Sorry, but it's bordering on the ridiculous now.
I think I give up. I think my contribution here may have been a little controversial but some of my threads have been popular, quite popular, my closed thread on a presenter was popular and I cant even use my nickname Alice Cooper it seems, and I thought it was funny, coming from me. I do feel very much out on a limb, I guess if I just plod along with tame things I may be given a few more days! my contribution isn't valued but yet it some of my threads have had views into the thousands, still the boss and moderator would like me to leave then they have that decision.

I am not a boss or a moderator, but just a recent contributor to the forum. I don't think that your contribution isn't valued, it is just a bit controversial. You have only been on here a short time the same as me, so maybe taking it gently at first is not a bad idea?
Tristar, please, please, please just get rid of that persecution complex, get a bit more upbeat and stop thinking that many are waiting to pounce. Sorry, but it's bordering on the ridiculous now.

It isn't, its real because Im feeling it. There are a lot that are doing silent bullying, Im not talking of those who are posting. I know because I am being bullied, in a very crafty way though but its obvious to anyone who looks under the surface of things. People who are not posting because I am here unless to thank people who say anything that disagrees with me.
I think the moderator needs to address the issue of silent members bullying from the sidelines. Come on, the moderator should be here to protect us all, not just the select few. Address the bullying, for heavens sake.

Tristar you and I had a PM discussion about this the other day, I suggest you go and read it again.

Please show me evidence as to where you are being bullied?
I am not a boss or a moderator, but just a recent contributor to the forum. I don't think that your contribution isn't valued, it is just a bit controversial. You have only been on here a short time the same as me, so maybe taking it gently at first is not a bad idea?

But holmca, I was here once before and felt bullied to an extent I left but really I was pushed and I came back, and same thing is happening!
Tristar you and I had a PM discussion about this the other day, I suggest you go and read it again.

Please Sazza, investigate, do a proper investigation. I think you have friends but you should be truly impartial, that's your job!
I think I'm going mad I cannot work out how a silent member can be 'bullying' from the sidelines. Is it me? Perhaps some sane person can explain please!!
I think the moderator needs to address the issue of silent members bullying from the sidelines. Come on, the moderator should be here to protect us all, not just the select few. Address the bullying, for heavens sake.

It isn't, its real because Im feeling it. There are a lot that are doing silent bullying, Im not talking of those who are posting. I know because I am being bullied, in a very crafty way though but its obvious to anyone who looks under the surface of things. People who are not posting because I am here unless to thank people who say anything that disagrees with me.

Do you know how utterly ridiculous this sounds?

YOUR reality is not necessarily THE reality.

Bullied by those that aren't posting? How?

It's all in your head and it's getting really tedious now.
Please Sazza, investigate, do a proper investigation. I think you have friends but you should be truly impartial, that's your job!

I am impartial!

As I said show me where you are being bullied.

People do not always agree with your posts, many of your posts are antagonistic so you are bound to get people disagreeing that does not mean they do not like you and nor does it mean you are being bullied.
It isn't, its real because Im feeling it. There are a lot that are doing silent bullying, Im not talking of those who are posting. I know because I am being bullied, in a very crafty way though but its obvious to anyone who looks under the surface of things. People who are not posting because I am here unless to thank people who say anything that disagrees with me.

You need to rise above all of this but you obviously have a very big issue with the 'likes' and 'thanks' buttons to the extent you have become a little paranoid. I mean this in the best possible manner so please don't take offense - just take a step back for a little while and consider the content of your posts BEFORE you press the 'post' button. Yes, express your opinion but you must be prepared to acknowledge that not everyone will agree with you...that's forum life I'm afraid.
This is getting a bit too hysterical for me now. I'll be back in a couple of days.

... And this is the reason it is becoming like a ghost town here... The emotive posts are getting beyond a joke now.
I am impartial!

As I said show me where you are being bullied.

People do not always agree with your posts, many of your posts are antagonistic so you are bound to get people disagreeing that does not mean they do not like you and nor does it mean you are being bullied.

Sazza I am sorry but I do not feel I can trust you enough. Im up against it here and Im not a weakling or a coward, that's why I came back as me, maybe I should not have come back. couldn't handle it last time, same now, I cant handle it all. Shame because I really want to be included but I wont be a timid, tame poster, it just isn't being true.
If you want to talk about bullying, what about the persistent attacks on Chloe? They are never ending and ridiculous to say the least. I'm sure she doesn't read this forum but if she did, I'm sure she would be terribly upset. Or Keeley, or whether they are 'allowed' to own a property abroad. Or poor Carmel, a new mother that you seem obsessed with.

I have no opinion of you either way, I don't know you. I have however argued with your posts on the above as they are hurtful, obsessive and irrelevant. Yet when posters argue with you, you claim you're being bullied. I've had three different posters have a go at me for standing up to your 'I don't like this presenter' threads yet they all seem to have gone quiet now. It's shameful.

Oh come on Eleanor, you have had it in for me from word go! These posts are just a nice way of being nasty.
People who are not posting because I am here unless to thank people who say anything that disagrees with me.

I often read a post and click on the likes or thanks button, without contributing to the thread. It doesn't mean that I'm 'getting at anyone' by agreeing with someone else's point of view. It's not a prerequisite to being on a forum that you have to reply to every thread/post. Just because someone holds a different viewpoint to your own, it doesn't mean that there is bullying going on. It would be a pretty boring world if we all agreed with each other.

As far as I'm concerned, Sazza does a brilliant job on here and I'm sure that if she thought that anyone was legitimately getting at you, silently, then she would act and stop it happening, just as she would with any other member.
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