...says the bear who's got his hands in his pants. I think James is hot. :nod:
Those pants look remarkably white, BB.
Saw him presenting the other day with a low cut t-shirt under a jacket and thought he was part of Take That.
Quite a good presenter but he does get carried away a little, not a patch on his Dad but better than some recent tech guests.
Definately eye candy for the ladies¬ lol
especially seeing as ive been wearing them for about 6 years.l iu usually just turn them inside out :bear:
and not just the ladies. slurp.:nod:
You are such a tart!
James Lavers is a good looking boy and pleasant to watch, but at moment is presenting an Acer laptop with so many of his shirt buttons open I can almost see the fluff in his belly button.
Button it James. It's not classy.