Bliddy Furious!!!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I'm glad it's sorted Sazza. It's a horrible feeling when you haven't done anything but are made to feel as if you're in the wrong.
Well I have spoken to Rachel and she doesn't know why I am getting the "you may not post at this time" on my chat.

She has confirmed that I am not banned from the chat and in fact I am not the only one who is getting that message, she has had a couple of others contact her thinking they had been banned.

But obviously no-one else who posts on here. :rolleyes: Sounds like a feeble excuse to me. :22: :pPC:
I'm glad it's sorted Sazza. It's a horrible feeling when you haven't done anything but are made to feel as if you're in the wrong.

Well I know I am not is still broke though!! :laughing:
Sazza you are very patient, if it were me i would be in live help asking what the hell was going on. I would email Katherine tonight so this can be dealt with first thing in the morning. We should all stop buying until Sazza's chat box is reinstated.

I wouldn't. i'd tell them where to go and walk away and shop elsewhere
Sazza, just logged on to send a couple of emails and have just caught up with this now.

What a horrid evening you've had. I'm glad it's sorted out now and sorry I wasn't about earlier to give you some moral support!

I think the crux of a lot of misunderstandings is the lack of continuity about whether auctions can be done from just a photograph or only if the item is physically in the studio. Some of you may remember that I lost out on an item some weeks ago as I had been told it couldn't be auctioned from a photo and it would be taken out the vault and aired for me at a specific time. I popped out the house for 15 minutes and when I returned , the item had been auctioned and sold.

In a similar vein, I am confused by the "Oops, I can't auction that one as it's the last one in the world so has to be left for the CR website"! Yet, how many times have we seen a last item ("this is your last chance to get it......ever") being auctioned or the last 5 of an item being auctioned in one go. It really is very hit or miss at times and not a little confusing.

Sazza, chin up and don't dwell on it...obviously a misunderstanding. The website has been giving various people problems all weekend. (I've never been able to log in if I use my normal browser..I have to switch to IE or Firefox and it's a bit of a faff to be honest!)
Hi Sazza, belated support coming from me too. Glad to see that it seems to be technical as it would be ridiculous if you were actually banned !

I don't chat much now as OH was getting ratty at being ignored, so have rocks on lappy and just 'lurk'. Hope your refund issue gets sorted soon too.
Hi Sazza,

That's awful I can't believe you were the one to get censored!!! There are a lot of people who are stopping chatting as much as they used to and not buying as much as they used to and this type of treatment only serves to fuel the fires so to speak. Really sorry you've been treated like that xx

I would just like to set the record straight, if this person is the one with the similar screen name to me, it wasn't me! I've asked them to change their name before to avoid confusion, but they've obviously taken no notice. Whilst I make jokes in chat, you all know that it is that, a joke, and I wouldn't deliberately offend any of you.

Hi Sazza,

I'm so glad that the unpleasantness has been resolved, it always surprises me how such spats on the internet can upset one, so at least you can free your mind of any banning issues.

I wasn't watching last night so didn't see the event, but having just seen Mad's post, I have now worked out who the offending party is - she has come across badly before. At least now you know that if she starts again, you have your ST gang behind you :12:

Argey x
I would just like to set the record straight, if this person is the one with the similar screen name to me, it wasn't me! I've asked them to change their name before to avoid confusion, but they've obviously taken no notice. Whilst I make jokes in chat, you all know that it is that, a joke, and I wouldn't deliberately offend any of you.


Hi Mad,

I'm sure Sazza will be along soon to tell you she knows it was nothing to do with you. I think I can safely speak for us all when I say that no-one here would confuse this person with you, particularly given her attitude. We all make jokes, how boring it would be without them, but I think the majority know what's a joke and what isn't. So even if you should have a moody one day in the future, nobody is going to take you seriously in any event :18:

Hey can anyone be offended by you???:11:

You show us yer bling in the nuddie:20::4:

Seriously hun,I don't think anyone on here or on Rocks chat thinks for one moment that you could upset or offend anyone,so take that thpught right outta your head :40::40:

Thank you to everyone for all the lovely posts of support, they mean a lot. Sorry for the delay, I wanted to post earlier but had an appointment to get to.

I had a good chat to Katherine this morning. She had spoken to the techy guy and he has found that for some reason the system had blocked a few people last night, we have all been unblocked now and he is looking into why it happened in the first place.

M4G, please don't worry, I know you would never be rude to me and I am sure the regulars know the difference between yourself and the person with a similar name, whom you now don't have to worry about.

I also spoke with Katherine regarding the issue of items being done off the picture. As far as she and the help team are concerned this should NOT happen, they spend their day running back and forth to the vault to get items that people request so that they can be shown. She is going to have a word with the whole team so that everyone knows that items must be in the studio to be auctioned. She agrees that everyone needs to follow the same rules and she intends to make sure that happens now.

As I said before my refund issue is a work in progress. Katherine and the finance guy are working at getting the issue sorted but you know what banks are like, always want to blame someone else eh? Katherine once again assured me they will get to the bottom of the issue.
I've belatedly caught up with this thread and I'm so glad it has all been sorted out for you Sazza, but it must have been really upsetting last night. All of us on ST know that you would never write anything to warrant a ban, so you know you always have support on here.
I've hardly logged on recently (I think I'm all blinged out), so don't know who the person is you're all talking about, but I must admit I pretty much stopped going into the chat months ago because there so often seemed to be someone who upset the apple cart. Hope your refund problems are sorted soon as I'm sure their CS is still outstanding.
Awww Sazza what a palaver you've had sweetie. the timing of the "ban" was really unfortunate and no wonder you took umbridge over it. I'dve been perplexed and mad as a hornet if it had been me - you've been so patient.

I hope your refund materialises very soon and you're given a wee something for the inconvenience it has caused you. It sounds like someone out there has mysteriously got an extra £60 on their card to spend or the money is floating around in the ether unclaimed cos of incorrect details having been lodged.

Am very glad that we don't have to start a "Free the Sazza One" campaign for you sweetie!
Oh dear Sazza, just caught up with this. So glad it all turned out to be a bit of a mistake rather than an actual ban for you, and that things are being sorted out on your refund too.
I do think it's about time that Rocks took ownership of the whole requests issue, yours isn't the only complaint I've heard about it - consistency is the least we should expect on issues like selling the last item, selling from the photograph, requests in the chatbox etc etc etc. Requests are such a brilliant interactive idea, it's such a shame that trying to help people ends in tears so often.
As for the person with madwoman's name, I did think they were the same person. Was only lurking and not reading avidly last night (and totally missed your spat with them) but I saw what I thought was "our" Mad complaining they wouldn't buy again till there were more gents items, thought it wasn't like her but really didn't see it was actually someone else! Guess I'm the only one confusing them though!
Awww Sazza what a palaver you've had sweetie. the timing of the "ban" was really unfortunate and no wonder you took umbridge over it. I'dve been perplexed and mad as a hornet if it had been me - you've been so patient.

I hope your refund materialises very soon and you're given a wee something for the inconvenience it has caused you. It sounds like someone out there has mysteriously got an extra £60 on their card to spend or the money is floating around in the ether unclaimed cos of incorrect details having been lodged.

Am very glad that we don't have to start a "Free the Sazza One" campaign for you sweetie!

The refund thing is not that it has gone to anyone else. It is a problem that occured just on one day and the bank blames payment system and payment system blames bank so that equals lovely headache for Rocks finance guy.:54:
I am so pleased everything is sorted Sazza. Sorry I had to log out yesterday after posting here.
Hi all,
im a newbie so i hope no one minds me adding my 2 pennies worth. Just wantede to say i am glad it is all sorted Sazza. I don't think rockstv's jewellery is all that great really, and certainly not worth the hassle of thinking your banned and having to find out whats happening etc.
I'd go elsewhere :)
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Hi Sazza
Glad you got the prob sorted but just a shame you were upset to begin with.
I personally haven't been on chat for a while & tend to lurk most of the time now - lots of newbies n chat moves really fast so tend not to participate.
I did see some of the chat & in my opinion for someone who hasn't been involved in chat much - I have only seen the person in question a few times but not sure how long exactly they have been around - to say something that could be misconstrued or cause offense was a little inappropriate. But that's just my opinion.
I do think that consistency does appear to be one of rocks problems but I guess it's just the price to pay for low prices. :p
Hopefully it won't let it affect your buying too much & you'll be buying lots of lovely gems as usual! :D xx
Bloomin 'eck, Saz hon!!! Which wee blighter said that to you?? Point to them....I'll take them out for you!!!!! ;)

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