Bliddy Furious!!!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Bloomin 'eck, Saz hon!!! Which wee blighter said that to you?? Point to them....I'll take them out for you!!!!! ;)

'ey up PR - bin missin' ya.

Perhaps me 'n you could take offending party to naughty step and deal with her privately. You know I have the necessary equipment. :28:

Argey xx
I do think it's about time that Rocks took ownership of the whole requests issue, yours isn't the only complaint I've heard about it - consistency is the least we should expect on issues like selling the last item, selling from the photograph, requests in the chatbox etc etc etc. Requests are such a brilliant interactive idea, it's such a shame that trying to help people ends in tears so often.

Hi Sazza
I do think that consistency does appear to be one of rocks problems but I guess it's just the price to pay for low prices. :p
Hopefully it won't let it affect your buying too much & you'll be buying lots of lovely gems as usual! :D xx

Hopefully things will be more consistent now as Katherine intends to make sure that all the help team and the presenters all follow the same rules. If item is not in studio or able to be got out the vault and brought to the studio then it cannot be done off the picture.

I just want to say thank you again for all your support :)
Au contraire, my lovelies, I am still here...just working far too many hours at the moment and haven't had a day off for, like, a fortnight!!! Poor me!!!!

Ah well!!!!

Loving you suggestion, Argey....beating people into submission for saying bad things about our pals at the Naughty Step...

...very good for venting pent up frustration as well as a tremendous work out, so not only do we help out Saz and sort out 'The Offender', we get to promote healthy living at the same time!! Don't you just love multi tasking?!? :)
I have been away and just caught up on the thread so not sure when all this happened
so i was wondering when this not being allowed to auction off the picture is gonna start because i just seen Barry do a 18k white gold ring off the picture just before 9 o,clock tonight (tues)i do agree its time this was sorted out as many of you have said already
I'm being really thick cause i dont know who the offending party is but sorry to hear that you have been upset Sazza
Just caught up with this. Sorry for the problems. I'm a newbie and joined in chat yesterday about jewellery etc. Some of them seem to use the chat to air their own problems. They were missing things as they were talking rubbish. As for the money problem I had a problem with another jewellery channel. I got an appology and compensation in the end so stick with it. ( I don't use other channel anymore )
Just caught up with this. Sorry for the problems. I'm a newbie and joined in chat yesterday about jewellery etc. Some of them seem to use the chat to air their own problems. They were missing things as they were talking rubbish. As for the money problem I had a problem with another jewellery channel. I got an appology and compensation in the end so stick with it. ( I don't use other channel anymore )

Hi Ruby,

Try to be patient Ruby, Rocks chat contains a lot of friends and relatives who are inevitably going to take an interest in one another's well being. Others may simply be lonely and unable to tell their woes to anyone else. Yes, a lot of it seems like rubbish, particularly in the struggle to keep up with several conversations all running together. However, what's rubbish to you may well be a hilarious joke to someone else. My opinion is that it's just the type of behaviour that Sazza had to face that is objectionable.

I think Rocks chat is an excellent source of friendship for many of us with a love of jewellery in commion but possibly not much else, particularly for the housebound and jewellery mad. I watch quite a lot, and if I'm bored with the conversations, I just sit back and watch a combination of auctions and telly.

Having said that, your opinion is as valid as anyone else's, so I hope that doesn't come over as a lecture, as it's not meant to be, particularly as I would also like to welcome you. Hopefully, when you "know" the people better you will have a greater understanding and interest.

All the best<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>
What a lovely post Argey. You're such a kind person! Although I'm technically not 'housebound', looking after mum 24/7 means that I can't get out much and having left my job to care for her, my horizons have shrunk somewhat. I've only been on rocks chat a couple of times , but I appreciate it's a source of friendship and fun for people. It can be very lonely stuck in the house day after day and a good old chat is sometimes what's needed to raise spirits.

Welcome to the forum Rubytuesday (one of my fave songs!).
What a lovely post Argey. You're such a kind person! Although I'm technically not 'housebound', looking after mum 24/7 means that I can't get out much and having left my job to care for her, my horizons have shrunk somewhat. I've only been on rocks chat a couple of times , but I appreciate it's a source of friendship and fun for people. It can be very lonely stuck in the house day after day and a good old chat is sometimes what's needed to raise spirits.

Welcome to the forum Rubytuesday (one of my fave songs!).

Are you sure about that Petpixie <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>

I've been glad of its comfort myself from time to time, as with this site too.

Are you sure about that Petpixie <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>

I've been glad of its comfort myself from time to time, as with this site too.


BIG doubts now!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, Arge, see that avatar.....have you considered getting an automatic one of those attached to your Halo??? You wouldn't even need to move to whip derriere!! hee hee!!!

...sorry to have gone off topic!
Hi PR - me halo would probbly fly orf takin' me scalp wiv

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>
I have been away and just caught up on the thread so not sure when all this happened
so i was wondering when this not being allowed to auction off the picture is gonna start because i just seen Barry do a 18k white gold ring off the picture just before 9 o,clock tonight (tues)i do agree its time this was sorted out as many of you have said alreadyI'm being really thick cause i dont know who the offending party is but sorry to hear that you have been upset Sazza

Items still being auctioned from photo only!!

I did notice Barry doing a couple last night and Carol has done several in tonights 8pm speed hour and the item is not in studio.

Hopefully the rule will be enforced soon.
seems like rockstv often say stuff but don't do it, as with the not auctioning off picture thing. i don't watch rockstv often, but i remember the last time i did, a good while ago now, there was talk of themsorting a proper system for requests, but from what i've read on here doesn't sound like thats happened. Forgive me if i am incorrect in this, as i said, i don't watch often. :)
Hi guys,

Just a quick update. Our lovely Warehouse Manager is currently sorting out all of the designs, to ensure that there is one of each design in the studio that is eligible for auction.

As you can appreciate, this is a mammoth job, so in the mean time we are allowing the Auctioneers to sell items from the picture, providing there is enough in stock.

Once the Studio has been sorted, it will be a lot easier for requests as there will be a greater variety avaliable. We are also awaiting lots of new designs to arrive, so this should be with us in the next few weeks!

Hope that clears this up and things will be back to normal shortly. If anyone has any queries, please feel free to contact [email protected]

With very best wishes,
Thread catch up.

Sorry you were stressed out Sazza but glad it is sorted now. It must have been really annoying for you at the time. xxxxx
i,m sorry to hear about whats happened i have chatted to you for a while now and have never seen you winge on the chat always had good laugh with you on lots of subjects some you agree some you dont thats what chat is about

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