Bliddy Furious!!!


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chat ban

Hiya i was just reading your post about the chat ban at rocks. I think its terrible. I am fairly new to rocks tv, but in the short time i have been there i have purchased at least 30 items. When i joined i thought the chat looked fun, but when i tried to join a conversation i was completely ignored! I thought most of the people on it are such a clique! I think they forget that chat is for all members not just them. They spend THEIR days WHINGING! SO HOW DARE THEY SAY THAT TO YOU! When i first joined i was
a little confused at how things worked and of course i asked the stupid question wondering what the qaulity of the products were like, ( as a consumer it my right to ask this) I was bombarded with rude remarks as if i had totally hurt all of there feelings! I mean how dare i ask such a thing!

Now i no longer use the chat at all which is a shame because they are usually alot of fun.
All I can say is the father and son "comic" duo are just not funny and they seem to enjoy the attention of their "adoring fans" they are in my eyes extremely rude. Rocks really need to pay more attention to chat and filter out the ones that REALLY offend! Time to stop the coffee morning and concentrate on some of the non attention seeking people for a change. Im sure they are all big buyers too but but they need to stop hogging the chat and giving others a chance to speak without being made to feel stupid.
I really hope you sorted out the problem and your ban is lifted and have a bit of fun yourself and "X" the idiot that got you muted.

LOL! look ive just had a long whinge! :)
Hiya i was just reading your post about the chat ban at rocks. I think its terrible. I am fairly new to rocks tv, but in the short time i have been there i have purchased at least 30 items. When i joined i thought the chat looked fun, but when i tried to join a conversation i was completely ignored! I thought most of the people on it are such a clique! I think they forget that chat is for all members not just them. They spend THEIR days WHINGING! SO HOW DARE THEY SAY THAT TO YOU! When i first joined i was
a little confused at how things worked and of course i asked the stupid question wondering what the qaulity of the products were like, ( as a consumer it my right to ask this) I was bombarded with rude remarks as if i had totally hurt all of there feelings! I mean how dare i ask such a thing!

Now i no longer use the chat at all which is a shame because they are usually alot of fun.
All I can say is the father and son "comic" duo are just not funny and they seem to enjoy the attention of their "adoring fans" they are in my eyes extremely rude. Rocks really need to pay more attention to chat and filter out the ones that REALLY offend! Time to stop the coffee morning and concentrate on some of the non attention seeking people for a change. Im sure they are all big buyers too but but they need to stop hogging the chat and giving others a chance to speak without being made to feel stupid.
I really hope you sorted out the problem and your ban is lifted and have a bit of fun yourself and "X" the idiot that got you muted.

LOL! look ive just had a long whinge! :)

Hi Gralexsam and a very warm welcome to the forum:1:

I am so sorry that you found your experience of rocks chat so horrid and that you felt you were ignored.Having been on Rocks from the beginning and being a fairly regular 'chatter' it pains me to think you thought you were not welcome.:(

The chat does move quite fast at times and it is sometimes hard to keep up with all the different conversations that are going on.I personally don't believe that you would have been ignored purposely by anyone as in my experience we are all a very friendly and welcoming bunch.As for feeling stupid I doubt anyone would think that,new people are joining all the time any many of those ask many questions which most of us are more than happy to answer.

Occasionally there is the odd 'iffy' comment but it is the exception rather than the rule in my experience and anyone who goes on chat to be purposefully rude does'nt hang around for long or gets dealt with is still a horrid feeling when it does happen though.

I hope you feel able to join in chat in the future and I know my point I will gladly welcome you,the more the merrier in my opinion.I am sweetpea on Rocks to so if you do join in just say HI:1:
Hi Gralexsam and a very warm welcome to the forum:1:

I am so sorry that you found your experience of rocks chat so horrid and that you felt you were ignored.Having been on Rocks from the beginning and being a fairly regular 'chatter' it pains me to think you thought you were not welcome.:(

The chat does move quite fast at times and it is sometimes hard to keep up with all the different conversations that are going on.I personally don't believe that you would have been ignored purposely by anyone as in my experience we are all a very friendly and welcoming bunch.As for feeling stupid I doubt anyone would think that,new people are joining all the time any many of those ask many questions which most of us are more than happy to answer.

Occasionally there is the odd 'iffy' comment but it is the exception rather than the rule in my experience and anyone who goes on chat to be purposefully rude does'nt hang around for long or gets dealt with is still a horrid feeling when it does happen though.

I hope you feel able to join in chat in the future and I know my point I will gladly welcome you,the more the merrier in my opinion.I am sweetpea on Rocks to so if you do join in just say HI:1:

You chose the correct username for yourself sweetpea, thank you for your comments and welcome, i have seen you in chat many times and you do truly come accross as a sweet nice person, please dont think i was assuming all ppl that use the chat are the same , because that is untrue. I think my point was that new users do feel intimidated by SOME of the regulars and there over use of the exclamation mark which can be construed incorrectly by anyones standards. I will say hello in future :) :)
Hi Gralexsam and welcome!!!

Just like Sweetpea, I have been on Rocks since the start and am reasonably regular in the chat...although in fairness I am more of a regular of the Rocks Naughty Step...its amazing how quickly I seem to get banished there by the other chatters!!! hee hee!!!

I am so sorry that you didn't find people more welcoming when you joined in the chat!! That really sucks!! Like SP said, it can move pretty quickly at times, and there have been tons of times when people have asked me something and it has seemed as though I have totally ignored them because I just didn't see their comment.....I would really love to think that this is what happened in your case!!!

I know what you mean about sometimes it comes accross as a wee bitty cliquey, it can do being me though I just barge my way in and if anyone doesn't like it, then tough do do!!! hee hee!!!

....and any time you have any questions, feel free to ask.....honest to goodness they can't be any dafter than some of the ones I asked at first!!!! ooo and feel free to say hello!! I will yelp a hello back from my naughty step (I am PrincessRacer on Rocks as well, by the way!!) hee hee!!!
Hi Gralexsam and a warm welcome from me too. Really sorry to hear how you feel about rocks chat and us all in general. I have been from the beginning too on rocks and would hate to feel that we made you feel that way. I agree with SP and PR and hope that no one ignored you just the case of chat moving too fast.

Do pop in and say hello! You will atleast get 3 hello's back lol I am gemlover by the way on rocks - name says it all :)
Hi Gralexsam and a warm welcome from me too. Really sorry to hear how you feel about rocks chat and us all in general. I have been from the beginning too on rocks and would hate to feel that we made you feel that way. I agree with SP and PR and hope that no one ignored you just the case of chat moving too fast.

Do pop in and say hello! You will atleast get 3 hello's back lol I am gemlover by the way on rocks - name says it all :)

Make that 4!! :1:

I agree with everything that Sweetpea, PrincessRacer and Bargainhunter have said. Come on in, we're a friendly bunch really! (I'm moops over there btw)
Hi to Gralexsam and anyone else I don't know yet! I haven't been in the chat for some time due to connection problems and the fact that the live stream seems to send my PC even more doolally. I did have a dabble a few weeks back and was ignored too as non of my 'chums' were around. I honestly think it's not worth worrying about, if we feel that we don't 'fit' in it's because people don't know us. The more we join in the easier it will become. It certainly doesn't take long for some of the 'good' guys to make an appearance. I wouldn't take offence, just persevere if you think it's worth it. It's also a good idea to ask questions on the forum here as you may be more likely to get a sensible answer as most of us have considerable experience *cough* of Rocks and their goodies. :whistle:
hi and welcome from me 2 ,im an oldie there from day 1 to, dont be put off at all you will find every day the chat is never the same at all and just come in and say hi .ill be another reply scorpio there
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience with Rocks chat. I try my best to welcome all newcomers when i'm around in the is intentionally ignored, as others have said, more likely a case of fast moving chat.

Please feel free to shout hello next time your there and if i'm there i'll definately yell hello back! I'm Tigerlily on Rocks so you know :)
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Hi Gralexsam & welcome!!

I dip into chat every now and then and they are truly a really friendly bunch in there now. When it first started there was a definite clique but I have noticed over the months that people generally come and go with just a few good stalwarts remaining. Friendships have most definitely been formed but please don't feel that you are excluded on purpose - the chat does move so fast sometimes. Even though it's a public chat room, you do tend to get involved in people's lives.

One thing I will say, though, like texting, without seeing or hearing expression it is very difficult at times to judge how a particular comment is made, whether it is tongue in cheek or not and nine times out of ten, it is all given and taken in good humour.

Please do try again - I'm sure you will be made most welcome.
Hi from me to . I'm on rocks chat quite often so please say hello if you come in to the chat and i will gladly welcome you as well.
I have noticed on the occasions I have dropped in during the afternoon (which is'nt to often )I think because there's fewer people in the chat they do tend to chat amongst themselves quite abit but I'm sure no-one meant to make you feel unwelcome or at least i hope not but you know that lots of us will welcome you if we see you I'm Milly on there as well as here

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