Bliddy Furious!!!


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Jun 24, 2008
I requested a couple of items this afternoon and I missed one as I had to check my basket out.

So tonight I sent an e-mail requesting the item I missed. I was told by person manning the help desk that it couldn't be done as the item was not in the studio. Well it had been done this afternoon so why did it suddenly become a problem?

Carol did an item that they didn't have in the studio so I mentioned in the chat what I had been told. Carol straight away picked up on it and said she hadn't been told not to do items off the picture etc..... various chatters chipped in that it happens all the time which it does.

So I gave the item number in the chat and in all fairness to Carol she did put my request on. However she only dropped the item to £27 and I have been it as low as £18, in fact I bought it at £18 so I said thanks to Carol in the chat for putting it on but wasn't paying that price.

Next thing I know a member (they have similar name to someone else) on the chat who suddenly reappeared tonight said to me "Sazza: you do whinge a lot"

How dare they??? I barely say much in the chat at all normally but was bit annoyed at the mixed messages Rocks were giving out tonight so I politely mentioned the issues, I was never rude yet I get told I whinge. Anyone who reads the Rocks Chat regularly will know there are plenty who whinge a lot!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway I tried to reply to this person, twice in fact, by telling them I thought they were being rather rude, what I said did not explitives, just said I thought that was rude, next thing I know I have a message saying " you may not post at this time" So it is quite clear I have been censored and banned from the chat. :hump:

I am furious :mad:
Sazza that's terrible! No wonder you're furious I would be too if it was me. I turned the chat on today for the first time in months but didn't stay long. I kept away for a very long time because of the chat and the problems it caused particularly by one person who shall remain nameless but you probably remember who!

Anyway, just sending you a big hug from me x :BigHug:
You're JOKING right? Someone tells you you whinge a lot and you get banned from chat?

I'm incredulous Sazza and if I were you considering you buy lots from Rocks i'd take my money and shop elsewhere, I mean an explanation wouldn't cost anything would it?

Any luck on the 'lost' refund yet as well?
You're JOKING right? Someone tells you you whinge a lot and you get banned from chat?

I'm incredulous Sazza and if I were you considering you buy lots from Rocks i'd take my money and shop elsewhere, I mean an explanation wouldn't cost anything would it?

Any luck on the 'lost' refund yet as well?

I wish I was joking Darls.

Missing refund is a work in progress, Katherine has been dealing with it and has been fantastic at keeping me updated about it but even with her wonderful help to then be treated the way I have tonight................I am lost for words.:11:

The fact this person said what they did was bad enough but I was unable to respond so others will be thinking I have gone off in a huff.
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:hump:That's absolutely disgusting Sazza - I agree with that sort of attitude I would be taking my custom else where, how long have they barred you for! omg I feel like going on and giving them a piece of my mind, then they would have a genuine reason for chucking me out :stare:
That's not good at all Sazza. I can't imagine that you would ever write anything that would be interpreted as rude, either.

I haven't bought from Rocks for ages and I don't think I am tempted anymore.
:hump:That's absolutely disgusting Sazza - I agree with that sort of attitude I would be taking my custom else where, how long have they barred you for! omg I feel like going on and giving them a piece of my mind, then they would have a genuine reason for chucking me out :stare:

I have no idea how long for Alladin as they have not actually told me anything, just blocked me.

I did see the comment but having just got back to my pc I must admit I did not take much notice of what was said before and after.....I can't even remember who said it tbh,I think I must have thought I read it out of context...........obviously not!!

I am so very sorry that someone could be so rude and upset you in this way,it really isn't on :(

I have,on a few occasions, thought things but have not posted my thoughts because, to be quite honest, it could have cause some upset to someone who I only know as a name on the screen.Some things are best thought and not posted!!!

May I hasten to add that it has never concerned a member on here!!!

I am more shocked that you seem to be banned from posting in chat,that is disgraceful,you have done nothing wrong and I hope that this is sorted by Rocks personnel as soon as possible.
Censorship rears it's ugly head on Rocks! Bad show, that's not on at all. Don't buy from them again Sazza unless you receive an explanation and apology!
I requested a couple of items this afternoon and I missed one as I had to check my basket out.

So tonight I sent an e-mail requesting the item I missed. I was told by person manning the help desk that it couldn't be done as the item was not in the studio. Well it had been done this afternoon so why did it suddenly become a problem?

Carol did an item that they didn't have in the studio so I mentioned in the chat what I had been told. Carol straight away picked up on it and said she hadn't been told not to do items off the picture etc..... various chatters chipped in that it happens all the time which it does.

So I gave the item number in the chat and in all fairness to Carol she did put my request on. However she only dropped the item to £27 and I have been it as low as £18, in fact I bought it at £18 so I said thanks to Carol in the chat for putting it on but wasn't paying that price.

Next thing I know a member (they have similar name to someone else) on the chat who suddenly reappeared tonight said to me "Sazza: you do whinge a lot"

How dare they??? I barely say much in the chat at all normally but was bit annoyed at the mixed messages Rocks were giving out tonight so I politely mentioned the issues, I was never rude yet I get told I whinge. Anyone who reads the Rocks Chat regularly will know there are plenty who whinge a lot!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway I tried to reply to this person, twice in fact, by telling them I thought they were being rather rude, what I said did not explitives, just said I thought that was rude, next thing I know I have a message saying " you may not post at this time" So it is quite clear I have been censored and banned from the chat. :hump:

I am furious :mad:

Sazza, I seen the comment and it was definitely uncalled for, about 10-15minutes before they had been moaning about the lack of new mens items, they went on and on about it. I very rarely join in chat now because i know i'll end up saying something and i'll be banned. Have you tried emailing help to ask why you can't chat. Hope you get it sorted soon.
Very shoddy treatment Sazz. :mad: Take your custom elsewhere, their jewellery isn't that remarkable anyway imho. :rolleyes: :pPC:
Sucks to be banned for a misunderstanding or word(s) that should not offend.

But out of curiosity if you're banned from the chat does that mean you're banned from buying on their website? If not I wouldn't really worry about not being able to post in the chat unless you need to ask the presenter to auction a particular item. Though I rarely buy I do look on Rocks regularly and usually watch some of the convos. Hilarious to say the least and on one or two occasions I've felt sorry for the presenter as the chatters sometimes don't even appear remotely interested in whatever is being shown. It's just a place where some - not all - go to publicly discuss their aches and pains.

Btw I watched the chat one evening and someone in there showed up posting words like penis and other rude things. They weren't banned. Maybe they were one of the clique.
Sucks to be banned for a misunderstanding or word(s) that should not offend.

But out of curiosity if you're banned from the chat does that mean you're banned from buying on their website? If not I wouldn't really worry about not being able to post in the chat unless you need to ask the presenter to auction a particular item. Though I rarely buy I do look on Rocks regularly and usually watch some of the convos. Hilarious to say the least and on one or two occasions I've felt sorry for the presenter as the chatters sometimes don't even appear remotely interested in whatever is being shown. It's just a place where some - not all - go to publicly discuss their aches and pains.

Btw I watched the chat one evening and someone in there showed up posting words like penis and other rude things. They weren't banned. Maybe they were one of the clique.

The "buy" button is still there not that I will be buying.
Sazza, I'm really disgusted this has happened to you..obviously it shouldn't have! Its such a shame Rocks didn't and do still not feel the need to ban/censor the people who really do cause the problems on the chat box.
Sucks to be banned for a misunderstanding or word(s) that should not offend.

But out of curiosity if you're banned from the chat does that mean you're banned from buying on their website? If not I wouldn't really worry about not being able to post in the chat unless you need to ask the presenter to auction a particular item. Though I rarely buy I do look on Rocks regularly and usually watch some of the convos. Hilarious to say the least and on one or two occasions I've felt sorry for the presenter as the chatters sometimes don't even appear remotely interested in whatever is being shown. It's just a place where some - not all - go to publicly discuss their aches and pains.

Btw I watched the chat one evening and someone in there showed up posting words like penis and other rude things. They weren't banned. Maybe they were one of the clique.

Totally agree with you Keisha.
The "buy" button is still there not that I will be buying.

I understand it's a matter of principal now, but at least email Rocks explaining the situation and tell them that if they ban buyers just for disagreeing in a polite manner to other chatters, then their auctions will eventually attract less buyers. Their loss in the end.
I understand it's a matter of principal now, but at least email Rocks explaining the situation and tell them that if they ban buyers just for disagreeing in a polite manner to other chatters, then their auctions will eventually attract less buyers. Their loss in the end.

They should be contacting me, they should be telling me why I have been blocked and how long for. I shouldn't have to crawl to them to find out.
Hi Sazza,

I'm so sorry to hear that this has happened to you, I know how badly such things can affect a person. It can be surprisingly upsetting, particularly when you know you were not in the wrong.

I did wonder if perhaps that person "x'd" you, which may then have caused your chat posts to be removed whilst a member of staff checked back on the past chat to see what was happening. Might be worth a quick try now just to see if you're in again.

I won't say "don't take it to heart" because, having been in a similar situation myself (something I said on chat was repeated but misquoted on here, and unfortunately a few members jumped on me without knowing the full facts, nor even having seen the chat themselves). It is upsetting and impossible not to take personally, but I would be very surprised if you have been banned without warning. If you do a tester and get in, even if you don't want to chat, it may make you feel a bit better.

Although I never forgot (obviously), I did get over it, and hope you will too (no more knotted stomach and racing heartbeat).

All the best.

Argey x

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