Alison Young


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Aging ex wag(yes she is both, but nothing wrong with that),BUT AY seems to wear whatever is on TREND whether it suits her body shape or not. We have seen the dress over the leggings look which was big whenever. Trouble is it was aimed at the young(no punt), slim girls, yet AY insisted on wearing. Other fashion faux pas to many to mention.

The real problem is, and I have said this recently too. AY was trained what 30+ years ago, she needs to get out there and read the beauty bloggers who have more insight into what is really happening in the beauty world. The brands which are really big, the no backside licking of certain brands, if a product is not all that saying so. Hell a well known blogger recently dissed MAC!!!!! Yes MAC the sacred cow of makeup, she said the product were just not good enough. AY now just pushes whatever brand QVC chose to sell, yes it is her job. But who remembers after years of saying she used X, when Prescriptives launched on QVC suddenly AY informed us she had used the serum for years!!!!! She bought it in a department store:mysmilie_466:
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I only started watching QVC last year, I'm 28 and I like Alison. I actually think she looks good for her age (take a look around you at other women nearing 50!) and the "bags under her eyes" don't mean she isn't qualified to know her stuff about beauty products. As a 28 year old its refreshing to hear someone on TV telling you if something ISN'T for you. I've also found her tips and advice really useful. If you have heard the same things over and over then it may well be annoying, but she does exactly what she needs to do to sell products appropriately and meet her sales figures, I don't think you can really expect any more of a sales person. Sorry to say something against the general tone but I think she's far more honest than most presenters about what is right for different people!
Guess your post is aimed at me WG because I used the term "sell-by-date" but I did also comment that I enjoyed her when I first 'found' QVC. I will immediately hold my hands up and admit that I wouldn't look any better than her on TV but, at the end of the day, she's the selling point and I don't feel she's always a good advert for the products she's demonstrating.

Was not aiming at you BL as I would normally quote someone directly. It was more the overall tone of the thread as a whole and "sell by date" is a phrase that I would use normally.

I agree AY shreiks and sometimes makes poor choices with what she wears but my point was that neither would be enough to replace her because a) she makes sales and b) it clearly does not matter what they wear. Many of the presentes have made shocking choices with what they wear on air but I just have a chuckle about it rather than make it a hanging offence.

I like AY's sence of humour- I know many don't. As a QVC viewer from the beginning I would miss Alison as she is part of the furniture there now. From memory her dress sense has always been a bit "out there"!
The world of TV is generally pretty cut-throat and contracts aren't renewed once popularity dwindles. I don't have any doubt that QVC would replace any presenter if they thought someone else would generate more sales. I've been watching Q for 18+ years and AY really hasn't told me anything new for about a decade...some of the beauty guests have, but not Miss Ali.
Have ever seen her applying make up (she's a make up artist don'tcha know)? She's no better than you or I would be. I think the "past her sell by date" comment can be accurately applied to her sales patter, and her dodgy "style" just reinforces this. I doubt she'd get a job on a department store beauty counter with her preferred "look". It isn't "right" and might be shallow and superficial but that's kind of the industry she's in
AY is venerated as the font of all knowledge at customer events and while she's still cranking up the sales she'll stay on QVC.
I have absolutely no problem with women/men of any age working on TV or wherever but, at the end of the day, AY is THE selling point of the bulk of their beauty products and she seems to get the look so wrong these days. I'm a great believer in growing older gracefully so I'm not suggesting for one minute she should go down the road of botox and the like but I do feel her make-up could be applied more subtly on occasions. Personally, I feel she would look much better. Also, her hair is another talking point which has been discussed many times on here over the years.......why doesn't it look in much better condition if ALL the brands she pushes are the best thing since sliced bread?

Yes, she has a wealth of knowledge and it's much appreciated along with her hints, tips and advice but she is THE beauty face of the No 1 Shopping Channel (so they keep telling us!) but her appearance needs improving. Perhaps it would be better if she moved back to the traditional Beautician Uniform but then we wouldn't have anything to discuss! :cheeky:
I agree 100% with the idea of putting Ali in a Beautician uniform, imo that was one reason why Mandy on IW really did look the part, no idea what could be done about the Ali's high decibel voice and obviously the hair piece doesn't work. But I seem to think that her job on QVC is safe for a long time yet, she certainly seem to shift lots of products......
I like AY & although have to mute her at times.She gets her hair/makup/clothes very wrong at time & gets some 'stick' ( from me too) but I like they way she can take a joke against herself especially when the camera gets in close. Of course it is all sell, sell, sell but we know that!
I really don't like her and will be relieved once she is gone. I am astonished at her longevity.
Also, her hair is another talking point which has been discussed many times on here over the years.......why doesn't it look in much better condition if ALL the brands she pushes are the best thing since sliced bread?

Having great hair isn't that simple - it's not just about buying the right products and everything will be perfect again.

Hair is a product of the chemical, biological and hormonal processes in our bodies and can sometimes be way beyond the individual's control. Having thin, lifeless hair does not equal a lack of care... You can spend all the money in the world and use the very best BUT it won't give you great shiny locks if your 'hair factory' (your own body) cannot produce the right quality in the first place.
Having great hair isn't that simple - it's not just about buying the right products and everything will be perfect again.

Hair is a product of the chemical, biological and hormonal processes in our bodies and can sometimes be way beyond the individual's control. Having thin, lifeless hair does not equal a lack of care... You can spend all the money in the world and use the very best BUT it won't give you great shiny locks if your 'hair factory' (your own body) cannot produce the right quality in the first place.

I hear exactly what you're saying but I always feel it never looks great even when the stylists in the studio have done it which perhaps doesn't say much for the brands when they harp on about them giving volume, bounce, shine, etc.!! Of course, none of us are perfect and I wouldn't want it any other way but we can't get away from the fact that AY is THE face of the Beauty Department and, as I said in an earlier post, she is not always a great example of the items she's pushing!
Lol maybe they should put her in a dominatrix uniform with a whip. She could go on air saying: "I've got a Prescriptives preeeeemyem product for yeeeew! You WILL buy it or you will find my crow-like voice reverberating in your head for yerrs!" Lool maybe she could make a few videos on the side!

Seriously though she does sound like a crow. Here is a cartoon I watched when I was a child. Look out for the crow in it and realise how it sounds like her!

I agree 100% with the idea of putting Ali in a Beautician uniform, imo that was one reason why Mandy on IW really did look the part, no idea what could be done about the Ali's high decibel voice and obviously the hair piece doesn't work. But I seem to think that her job on QVC is safe for a long time yet, she certainly seem to shift lots of products......
Having great hair isn't that simple - it's not just about buying the right products and everything will be perfect again.

Hair is a product of the chemical, biological and hormonal processes in our bodies and can sometimes be way beyond the individual's control. Having thin, lifeless hair does not equal a lack of care... You can spend all the money in the world and use the very best BUT it won't give you great shiny locks if your 'hair factory' (your own body) cannot produce the right quality in the first place.
I think what you are saying is true but according to QVC if we buy all their expensive products then all our problems will be solved.
I think what you are saying is true but according to QVC if we buy all their expensive products then all our problems will be solved.

That's marketing for you. They want to sell you a dream... like if you buy Bisto gravy then you'll have the perfect family... if they told the truth, would we be so eager to try?
The problem is not AY's age - as many women older than her manage to look well-groomed and stylish - it is that she looks like a thrown together bag of spanners most of the time. She hasn't a clue about clothing, hair or make-up. (Can't judge on skin care as that's largely down to genetics).

"I'm your beauty expert." Really?
Get rid of:

1) Lulu.
2) Jill Franks
3) Alison Young

Bring back Paul Lavers and get that beauty expert from Ideal World. Maybe bring back Katy John and some others.

Make Suzy Adams a presenter rather than just a guest. I think she would do really well.

Ditch the "safe" programming and ridiculously upper middle class depicted in the promos.

Pair up presenters and guests that don't really get on!

Ban the chronically ill, bereaved, sycophantic telephone callers.

Ask interesting, probing questions of guests. For example if Lulu must be on discuss her plastic surgery and ask questions to test her knowledge of product ingredients.
Ask Ultrasun Abby about the adjudication from the ASA and why her products do not have any UVA star ratings. Also ask her why the products are said to contain no emulsifiers when in fact they do, and why they contain aluminium.

Ban hours like "taboo health solutions." Trust me - nobody who has false teeth is going to be interested in having a jar disguised as a candle.

Show on screen a real time update of how many items are left / not left so that the presenters can shut up saying how limited everything is.

Ban ridiculous phrases like: "The phone lines have LITERALLY just melted!"

Bring back the old "Q VEEE CEEEEEE!" jingles!
I do like the idea of having a stock counter on screen so we can actually see how many are sold, and it was stop the presenter having to constanly interupt the guest but giving stock updates. Id also like to get rid of twitter and bring back the txts on the bottom of the screens, as they were always actual questions that have relevance to what was on air at the time, not praising the presenter on there new book or hair cut.
If they insist on keeping AY then send her for retraining in the latest brands and procedures. Nobody minds an older woman on TV if she oozes class, makes the most of herself and is a prime example of beautiful maturity and living proof of tasteful makeup application. None of which applies to AY in my opinion. Stop all the screeching and allow us to listen, watch and learn but in order to listen, watch and learn, it all needs to be worth listening to, watching and learning from and sadly it aint !
Where's the in-house fashion expert GC when you need him? What he doesn't know about fashion and style isn't worth knowing - he'll guide her in the right direction of dressing things up or down!! :wink:

Perhaps that's the problem!!
I like Alison, but not her voice. I wish she would see a speech therapist to be taught how to tone down her voice or something. I turned the sound right down when she is on, but I like to hear what she is saying.
There were so many complains about her talking over guests, she used to do, but I watched her at the midnight launch of Elemis and I thought she did very well, I think Keeley ,Alison and the model worked as a team, it was good to watch them, there was no screeching.

Alison is helpful if anyone rings in for advice, so she is doing her job. I think she is a kind person in her own way. I think she , what so many think of talking over, is Alison trying to say something that she found about the product(she tries almost all the beauty products beforehand) and I think she talks because she has got a time limit during presenting stuff and is trying to get all the important points across.
About her hair, most probably some of the people in the studio might have told her how well the wig looks on her. We have all fallen for that many times.......if someone says that we look lovely in something, we wear it more often:sad:
So it is the stylists at fault here, same thing goes for her clothes too.
None of us would purposely go in front of the camera, wanting to look a what QVC wants is a good stylist who will do his/her job properly.
And Alison needs good friends around her who will not falsely compliment her.

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