I wish Alison the very best with whatever comes her way. I hope she receives plenty understanding, loving care, support and consideration.
I started to watch the show when a posted here she was on video link through to Julia in the studio which started off well.
But just to quickly explain from someone who lost all her hair due to chemo I really felt for Alison. When 13 minutes into the show I shortly afterwards turned off. As Julia proudly declared she has loads of hair and was flicking it back. Maybe I’m sensitive and others may not think as I do, but I just found it insensitive to Alison and totally unnecessary on her first show especially as her hair is only just coming back. Maybe there were likeminded ladies all so watching, I don’t know. But I likened it to breast cancer care shows with ladies who have had breast surgery and some quite recently faced with no thought presenters with their breasts on full view.