Alison O’Reilly of Diamonique


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I do hope she does well. My DH has had a terrible year and I’ve had probs too but he was in the system before covid and I was an emergency. I don’t know when Alison was diagnosed but I worry about all those who don’t want to bother their doctor at the moment. Every one of us has the right to fight our corner and hospitals are really trying to plough on this time. There’s a ghastly reckoning coming at the end of all this though. 😕
I want to know what the bliddy hell our GP’s have been doing this past 7 months as they are refusing to do appointments, nil, none, bugger all.

Yet they will all be there next month doing the flu injections all whilst rubbing their hands at the money they get for each injection (was a tenner per patient about 10 years ago when I found a note written by a GP to her fellow GP’s where she told them to inject all and sundry as it was very lucrative for the practice)

Lost all respect for GP’s during Covid.
Just flicked on and I see Alison is with Julia via video link.Good to see her back and looking good.She has obviously lost her hair with the treatment but she so suits her cropped look.Great to see you Alison.
Most people do in this situation, maybe it’s because they do their make up in a way which makes an impact.
I do hope she does well. My DH has had a terrible year and I’ve had probs too but he was in the system before covid and I was an emergency. I don’t know when Alison was diagnosed but I worry about all those who don’t want to bother their doctor at the moment. Every one of us has the right to fight our corner and hospitals are really trying to plough on this time. There’s a ghastly reckoning coming at the end of all this though. 😕

Love to you & DH, Bea. Kisses from The Cotswolds & hug from Obie xxx
I do hope she does well. My DH has had a terrible year and I’ve had probs too but he was in the system before covid and I was an emergency. I don’t know when Alison was diagnosed but I worry about all those who don’t want to bother their doctor at the moment. Every one of us has the right to fight our corner and hospitals are really trying to plough on this time. There’s a ghastly reckoning coming at the end of all this though. 😕
I'm so sorry that you're having such a difficult time; I read your post with a lump in my throat & rising anger, you're so right about the ghastly reckoning. Alison was diagnosed in early December & had endured a fair amount of treatment before national house arrest. I've followed her story since then & her descriptions of all the symptoms she had, & how she rationalised why she was feeling the way she did, serve as a warning to all of us not to dismiss things that don't go away & stay away. I know that many are diagnosed with an illness when they feel absolutely fine, or only have a hint that something may be wrong, but ignoring exhaustion or continuous pain is unwise.
I had to drop some paperwork to my GP surgery, we have to wait outside and ring the bell. This elderly lady was complaining that she has puss coming from her lower foot. you could see it as clear as day.
she was promptly turned away and told to phone and they will give her a call back chat then arrange for her to come down to see a doctor. I was mortified. since covid how many people have actually died of other causes it makes my blood boil!
I want to know what the bliddy hell our GP’s have been doing this past 7 months as they are refusing to do appointments, nil, none, bugger all.

Yet they will all be there next month doing the flu injections all whilst rubbing their hands at the money they get for each injection (was a tenner per patient about 10 years ago when I found a note written by a GP to her fellow GP’s where she told them to inject all and sundry as it was very lucrative for the practice)

Lost all respect for GP’s during Covid.
Couldn’t agree more. I never used to bother the GP but now I need them it’s nigh on impossible to speak to a medically qualified person. Then it’s only after a row with the people manning the phones.
I don’t believe people are scared to attend. I have been attending hospital with no problems but the GP forget it .
There was a readers letter in the D/Mail yesterday raising this exact question. The fact we can see dentists/hairdressers/osteopaths/chiropractors etc with all the necessary precautions its shameful we cant see the GP (IF you can get an appointment).

I intend to send this newspaper cutting with an accompanying letter to my surgery and ask WHY ??? suggesting they give a justifying reply in our village magazine. I shall do it anonymously because surgeries are notorious for 'blacklisting' patients if they raise "issues". BUT I feel they should be called out on this, and if enough people bombarded their surgery with this complaint then maybe something may change.
Just flicked on and I see Alison is with Julia via video link.Good to see her back and looking good.She has obviously lost her hair with the treatment but she so suits her cropped look.Great to see you Alison.
I had to drop some paperwork to my GP surgery, we have to wait outside and ring the bell. This elderly lady was complaining that she has puss coming from her lower foot. you could see it as clear as day.
she was promptly turned away and told to phone and they will give her a call back chat then arrange for her to come down to see a doctor. I was mortified. since covid how many people have actually died of other causes it makes my blood boil!
It’s heartbreaking when vulnerable elderly folk are messed about like that. It probably took huge effort for her to get there in the first place and then she’s dismissed while the doc sits alone making his sandwich last as long as possible. I find I’m becoming quite militant these days!
It’s heartbreaking when vulnerable elderly folk are messed about like that. It probably took huge effort for her to get there in the first place and then she’s dismissed while the doc sits alone making his sandwich last as long as possible. I find I’m becoming quite militant these days!
so am I x
I wish Alison the very best with whatever comes her way. I hope she receives plenty understanding, loving care, support and consideration.
I started to watch the show when a posted here she was on video link through to Julia in the studio which started off well.
But just to quickly explain from someone who lost all her hair due to chemo I really felt for Alison. When 13 minutes into the show I shortly afterwards turned off. As Julia proudly declared she has loads of hair and was flicking it back. Maybe I’m sensitive and others may not think as I do, but I just found it insensitive to Alison and totally unnecessary on her first show especially as her hair is only just coming back. Maybe there were likeminded ladies all so watching, I don’t know. But I likened it to breast cancer care shows with ladies who have had breast surgery and some quite recently faced with no thought presenters with their breasts on full view.
She kept saying that she liked dangley earrings as she has loads of hair.

Hopefully it was thoughtlessness rather than spitefullness

I thought Alison looked really striking with the short hair but then I like very short hair and heavy eye makeup and appreciate perhaps it’s a different matter if it’s not by choice.

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