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  1. 1

    Alison's Hair Percy & Read

    That's so true - my gran had one. Brought back memories !!!
  2. 1

    Alison's Hair Percy & Read

    Brill - couldn't put it any better !
  3. 1

    Alison's Hair Percy & Read

    :mysmilie_504:Hahahahaaa...... gone to lie down. No, change of mind, have to watch rest of show. It's car-crash TV. :mysmilie_505: Just heard the guy say "It's got marshmallow in it..." Explains a lot methinks - and no, I don't believe him when he says not the sweet/cake type marshmallow...
  4. 1

    Now isn't this just phenonemal^339828,navlist^339828*339778*339775*339834*,cm_scid^dtlr Yipes - that should come with a warning! B&W obviously taking Hallowe'en a tad seriously !!!
  5. 1

    Shut Up Alison!!

    There's only one way to stop her = Stop buying. I pretty much have, since having to give up work the budget has diminished considerably so am much less inclined to buy just to see if I like stuff. I have to actually need it, and be able to afford it - or willing to pay the postage. I...
  6. 1

    L'Occitane TSV - 23/10/11

    Ooohhhh, thanks Donna. Any particular time of year, or do you know if there's a mailing list for them? I'm on the L'Occ mailing list but in the small print the offers always seem to exclude Belfast so I generally don't bother going in to check.
  7. 1

    Hermes delivery rubbish or what?

    I believe it depends a lot on the individual making the rounds of your area. The guy who covers our area is great, and in the past couple of years since he's taken over I have had no problems; parcels always left in a safe/clean/dry area with a notice to advise, and collected really quickly...
  8. 1

    Had to laugh !

    SCD = Strictly Come Dancing. Haven't been watching yet this year, don't fancy any of the celebs much. Is it worth having a peek or will it be bad for my blood pressure (eg, when Bruce is on-screen, the judges start fighting like 5yr olds & Aleeeeesha says anything about their dancing as though...
  9. 1

    Is this the most expensive thing on QVC?

    Table presents ??? (Though personally I've never understood why anyone would buy gifts for a table ....)
  10. 1

    Lulu - pillow face!

    Aaarrgh - my eyes, my eyes. Feet like that should never be allowed out in public naked :mysmilie_505:
  11. 1

    Elemis Mini Series, New Guest and the demise of Keeley -at last!

    Okayyy ... all the personal stuff aside - can anyone tell me what the point of the Tri-enzyme facial wash is? Thinking (foolishly) that it was a cleanser, I had it on my 'must try next' list, but only discovered from this thread that it's not a cleanser. So my translation is 'it doesn't...
  12. 1

    L'Occitane TSV - 23/10/11

    Ahh, another set with their 'liquid soap' - not to be confused with handwash. Is it just me that hates it?? I do like L'occ but can't be doing with their liquid soap, my hands don't like it, and never found one that I like the smell of.
  13. 1

    Another Honora Pearl TSV on the 2nd of October

    They can't have had that much stock - JR told us black was below 300 and silver 150 before the Limited Stock sign showed up.
  14. 1

    Happy 18th Birthday QVC - Now, Always Remember This...

    Make your presenters learn the basics of English grammar ! (Sorry for being so boring - loved the "don't whistle with a mouthful of custard" tip )
  15. 1

    Another Honora Pearl TSV on the 2nd of October

    Is he really saying he's worked for them for 65 years - if so, I want to know what skincare he's been using !!!!
  16. 1

    Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate

    I don't remember Secrets but the walnut whips - yum - and they did dark chocolate ones too. M&S did some with choc sauce in the bottom for a while but haven't seen them in ages. Did anyone try the Flake Allure - it was a special edition out for a few months over the summer but seem to all be...
  17. 1

    Elemis Mini Series, New Guest and the demise of Keeley -at last!

    I don't think AY did blank LE in the early days - I remember hearing her recommend LE products on a number of occasions. That was back in the days when she used to give good, straightforward advice. As someone said earlier, advising on simple routines to calm down reactive skins or for those...
  18. 1

    Wow A Pack Mate TSV

    Not to mention the polka dots .... :sleepy:
  19. 1

    Judith Williams - what does anyone think??

    Thanks everyone. Donna, sadly I suspect you're right. Would really have liked this to work. May summon up the courage to do a few days testing on my forehead (hidden by fringe) then at least I'll know for sure. Oh well, managed to keep out of as many photos as I could and at least we got a...
  20. 1

    Swab N Change Jobs At Le Q

    If it's the one I'm thinking of, AY asked her age and it was her 30th birthday that day. She did look about 18 or so though.