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  1. clevercat

    Happy New Year Guys Don't Buy Your L'Occitane Soaps from QVC Though!

    According to Alexis, L'Occitane guest, you can wash/shower with the liquid soap it is not only for hands. I use it for washing and it is brilliant, I am most impressed by how little scum and clouding of the washing water the liquid soap causes. I have sensitive skin and find L'Occitane products...
  2. clevercat

    Beading Show - why bother with presenter??

    Haven't seen the show but I can imagine Howard interrupting. I have turned off many shows because of this. It is a shame that presenters spoil such shows.
  3. clevercat

    What christmas presents have you bought from QVC

    Nothing. Like other folk a lot on Amazon, in Argos, some on the Bay and very little in the High Street. I feel a bit guilty not buying in local shops but who can afford to pay more and has the time to trawl round shops only to find what is in stock has been mauled by other shoppers?
  4. clevercat

    I know there is another Lola Rose thread but...

    I like the Lola Rose items I have seen in very expensive local shops. All the items were really sizeable pieces and very pricey. But I have been disappointed on the 3 or 4 times I have ordered LR items from QVC and have returned them all for a refund. I think that there is a quality for QVC and...
  5. clevercat

    Terrible camerawork (or selecting the camera by the director)

    So agree with all the OP's. If I am interested in an item the colourway I think I want barely sees light of day before it sells out. If I couldn't go to the website I would not buy anything, although this forum actually sells me most of the things I buy from QVC with all the tip offs etc.
  6. clevercat

    Did I hear right ?

    Surprised to see her with Charlie rather than the usual double act with AY. I thought Alexis came over better than she does sometimes with Alison apart from the when she said totally different things about products since the last show. Not sure about Charlie, he really entered into the spirit of...
  7. clevercat


    Well I was amazed to hear her say that the scented sheabutters in the crescent shaped tins does not smell flowery but fruity so it is suitable for men/women/children to use as the last time she was flogging it she said the opposite. She was at great pains to tell us then that you wouldn't smell...
  8. clevercat

    Amy on the Craft Outlet

    Not seen this today but I did record and watch the Tuesday show for the first time in ages. I thought exactly the same thing that Amy seems to manage to show samples, do a demo and talk about the products while verbally sparring with Julian. This is not a criticism of DB but an observation as I...
  9. clevercat

    Lola Rose TSV 23/07/11

    So disappointed! I am so disappointed I have wanted a LR necklace for ages but anything substantial is so expensive. I love the eyestone, ivory and montana agate stones amongst others. So with easypay the TSV seemed to be a dream come true. TSV finally arrived crammed in small plastic bag...
  10. clevercat

    Company in the corner of the room

    When my children were younger, elder now 16 and off to college soon, I used to do the same and many a sleepless night was very thankful for the shows on overnight. Even now if I am unwell I get up and watch until i can sleep. It is a good thing for many of us even if we do grumble at other times...
  11. clevercat

    Au Revoir Debbie Paver and Fly Flots!

    Recently I thought I was suffering Post Traumatic Stress disorder from watching Moira C in the past. My mother appeared to be wearing a scarflace but she doesn't watch any shopping telly and is almost housebound now. Turned out a brief trip to the local charity shops had unearthed the high...
  12. clevercat

    Bog Brush on a Hose Pipe

    Ooer Matron! I see what you mean.
  13. clevercat

    Julia's Top on B&W Show

    Yep, noticed that. Long pause and swift change of subject so no present for Ali then.
  14. clevercat

    Laura Geller Shows 27/28th April

    I managed to buy this after a lot of problems using the interactive service, son on computer so buying online my first choice wasn't available to me. It kept showing the P&P but wouldn't go through, after retrying the connection several times the transaction was completed without P&P. Being a...
  15. clevercat

    Tova, Literally!

    Well that deserves a red card on its own in my book. JR doesn't need any help on the self promotion front.
  16. clevercat

    Betsy mumsy whimsey pearly stuff...

    Liked the pink colourway but the style has been around for some time now and I am dubious about quality. Some very poor reviews with very specific complaints online, particularly quality issues. There are lots of comments about the bracelets being small, admittedly spread between complaints that...
  17. clevercat


    Same here I have really enjoyed watching the shows that he is on. Even the ones that don't interest me. He seems a lovely person and would be great to have as a friend or work with.
  18. clevercat

    Whose voice don't you like?

    Alison Young and Dawn Bibby, the top two on the nails on a blackboard chart. I agree with other posters comments and nominations but for sheer "I can't listen to this for a nano second longer" they are streets ahead.
  19. clevercat

    Alexis - modern wife?

    Just another view Oh my goodness I definately don't think you are far wrong either. That is so similar to my situation although he is helpful around the house when he wants to be but is unable to accept how hopelessly untidy he is. My mother treated my brother differently to me ie a little...
  20. clevercat

    JR could take a style tip from.........

    She looks lovely every time I have seen her. I have never forgotten her taking her make up off live on air with LE's Cleanse and Polish at the end of the show and smiling straight into the camera. Debbie looked amazing without a scrap of make up and said that was one less job when she got home...