Wow Alison Young


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

This one comes up with AY and her thyroid problems as an excuse. I had an overactive thyroid so sweating and shaking and heart pounding like mad etc. Thyroid problems are no joking matter.

BUT as Shopperholic as said will not affect your dress sense, AY as openly said her husband helps pick her clothes. As for makeup, it will not make you wear thick heavy black eyeliner which makes her eye bags look much worse or the highlighter which could attract low flying aircraft. They had and no doubt still have behind the scenes a makeup artist hair stylist she could use. It was mentioned the other year they now have these. Each TSV when makeup brands come they do her makeup and she looks really good this has been going on for years. Then, unfortunately, AY just goes back to the tried and tested thick heavy black eyeliner and tinman shimmer.
I have Hypothyroidism and take 150mg (have blood taken yearly sometimes it can be 125, 150 or 200) of Throxine every day, have done for the past ten years, it doesn’t affect my dress sense or make-up application in fact, I don’t really feel I have it because Thyroxine controls it so well. One bonus is you get your prescriptions for free and get an NHS exempt card.

I’m pleased to read your stable on your medication and long may it continue for you, take care Shopper.
A huge thanks too your post got me researching, I may qualify for free prescriptions, in fact could have been for 9 years.
I’m pleased to read your stable on your medication and long may it continue for you, take care Shopper.
A huge thanks too your post got me researching, I may qualify for free prescriptions, in fact could have been for 9 years.

This sounds as though your gp, & all those dispensing your medication, failed to advise you & that's so wrong. I'm aware of how lucky I am regarding my health & had never thought about the circumstances that would allow me to get free prescriptions, consequently it was a surprise last year, on my 60th birthday, when I was told that I didn't have to pay for my antibiotics. As for AY's love of black eye liner & shimmery tiger stripes I think these are two 'looks' that many women find impossible to give up. I suppose we all have our comfort zone & for me it's pearl studs & bobbed hair.
I’m pleased to read your stable on your medication and long may it continue for you, take care Shopper.
A huge thanks too your post got me researching, I may qualify for free prescriptions, in fact could have been for 9 years.

Aw thanks DG yes, if you have under/over active thyroid you get free prescriptions so make sure you claim, your GP should have the forms xx
Aw thanks DG yes, if you have under/over active thyroid you get free prescriptions so make sure you claim, your GP should have the forms xx

:mysmilie_3:Shopper my thyroid I think is one thing that’s fine :mysmilie_50: but need to get hubby to speak to the Drs receptionist and collect a form, he’s gone off to work happier with something we didn’t know about. :mysmilie_508:
:mysmilie_3:Shopper my thyroid I think is one thing that’s fine :mysmilie_50: but need to get hubby to speak to the Drs receptionist and collect a form, he’s gone off to work happier with something we didn’t know about. :mysmilie_508:

Hope it helps, they’re not cheap now prescriptions :mysmilie_3:
Any dispensing chemist and their counter staff should know not to charge for thyroid medication. I think enquiries are a must for a refund for some of the time charged at least. Showing an exemption card when picking up non thyroid meds may be necessary but have to say in 30 years I’ve been asked three times to show mine and one of them was from a snotty chemist who thought she could get one over on me when I was picking up thyroid meds. She should have known better.
At the moment she is on singing the praises of the Dyson and how she had to be convinced that she would recommend something that expensive. Sorry but her hair is like rats tails and if that is it after spending £336 she was robbed.

Mr L said that unless she is 90 none of the products are doing her much good!
Any dispensing chemist and their counter staff should know not to charge for thyroid medication. I think enquiries are a must for a refund for some of the time charged at least. Showing an exemption card when picking up non thyroid meds may be necessary but have to say in 30 years I’ve been asked three times to show mine and one of them was from a snotty chemist who thought she could get one over on me when I was picking up thyroid meds. She should have known better.

come and live in N.I. as we have had free prescriptions for years! Down side we don’t have much else!
Not liking today’s look with the high belted batwinged long tunic/shortish burnt red dress. Teamed with go faster striped denim look bottoms. As yet not caught a look of the footwear plus also back is the beach waved, straight ended hair.
How anyone interest in beauty can take her seriously is beyond me. No one says she has to be a glamour model but even I the most inexperienced beauty person on earth knows it’s not a good look, not only does she mot make the best of her unflattering bits she actually makes her good bits look terrible.
the government have really clamped down on people claiming free meds when they are not entitled. the fines are huge and regular not worth getting caught out. even dentistry. they are fining people hundreds of pounds for having extractions for free when they should have paid!
Not liking today’s look with the high belted batwinged long tunic/shortish burnt red dress. Teamed with go faster striped denim look bottoms. As yet not caught a look of the footwear plus also back is the beach waved, straight ended hair.

I'm sticking with my idea that she was going out for lunch yesterday after her stint at the coalface, maybe it was their anniversary.
I'm sticking with my idea that she was going out for lunch yesterday after her stint at the coalface, maybe it was their anniversary.

Going for an interview? Nah! Too cushy a number at Q just like the rest of them and she has the advantage of the items sell themselves.

I see a FB post saying that her “dress” is causing problems but too graphic to post photo (mind boggles posters TV must be different to mine).

Several replies correcting her re the tunic and saying it’s lovely! The fashion police may come for me now cos what the heck must I look like if that’s lovely.
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She seems to have been to the same hairstylist as Jackie K today? I cannot see why they think those kinky frizzy hair ends with straight at the roots is a good look.
I was expecting the awful Abbi when the Dyson was on but it was a Vennesa Feltz lookalike in fact I had to turn the sound up to hear her speak. Her hair was straight (not in a natural way) it reminded me of when I was 16 and ironing my thick wavy locks. This is another look I can’t really understand - clatted to your head and poker straight with lots of product so that you could move off and it would remain behind.
the government have really clamped down on people claiming free meds when they are not entitled. the fines are huge and regular not worth getting caught out. even dentistry. they are fining people hundreds of pounds for having extractions for free when they should have paid!

Yes the GP can’t issue you things that you can buy over the counter now, like antihistamines or anti inflammatory tablets, I suppose in that way if you need to pay for prescriptions it’s better because antihistamines and anti inflammatory tablets are only about two quid, cheaper than if the GP would’ve written a presentation. To be honest, although I’m in no way knocking it and I’m really grateful but because I have Hypothyroidism, I get an HHS plastic card with my NHS number on, date of birth and get all my prescriptions for free prescriptions. :mysmilie_3:
All prescriptions are free when on thyroid meds lati, thankfully, as I’m on a shed load thanks to various chronic illnesses.

I’m sure you all would rather be medication free whether paid for or not. Health problems are a real bugger but there is always some soul much worse off isn’t there?

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