Wiggy Lee or Sniffy Lee?


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Simon Sims

Registered Shopper
Dec 22, 2008
I wish 'Wiggy' Lee would stop the sniffing all the way through his product demonstrations - i was always brought up not to sniff but blow my nose!

I don't think he has a cold, as he is always doing it and last night's demo was just so annoying with him sniffing his way through the show.

Perhaps a name change is in order now his hair piece is less noticeable :thinking:
sniffing is a pet hate of mine. Bad enough when someone has a cold but some people do it all the time. It drives me crazy and it is at times like that when I understand how people snap and loose it.
Not that I'm an expert - but there are other reasons why people constantly 'sniff', and its not because they have a cold !!!
I think someone mentioned that he has sinus probs. Having had sinusitis for the 1st time this winter he has my every sympathy. Altho' the infection has gone my sinuses are still not right & probably won't get fully ok until the warmer weather.
I think someone mentioned that he has sinus probs. Having had sinusitis for the 1st time this winter he has my every sympathy. Altho' the infection has gone my sinuses are still not right & probably won't get fully ok until the warmer weather.
I have sinus problems all year round - allergic rhinitis (sp) and it doesn't make me sniff. I'm looking forward to the nice weather too. Had a Thai curry has night and that helped. Given up taking antibiotics for it as if I get too used to them they won't work when I need them really. Was in hospital recently and they gave me antibiotics which unblocked the sinuses. Told the nurse and she said 'bonus'. I use a steroid spray every day but I think that has ruined my sense of smell that was once really good.
sniffing is a pet hate of mine. Bad enough when someone has a cold but some people do it all the time. It drives me crazy and it is at times like that when I understand how people snap and loose it.


Mine too!!!! When did it become acceptable to sniff? People on the tube....at work, it's everywhere & it's vile!

Another pet hate of mine is people who constantly clear their throats.

Never watched the guy the thread is about so can't comment on him.
Since having chemo the hairs in my nose haven't grown back - which makes my nose run more. I try not to sniff but is happens so quickly I have to have a tissue at hand all the time x
I have sinus problems all year round - allergic rhinitis (sp) and it doesn't make me sniff. I'm looking forward to the nice weather too. Had a Thai curry has night and that helped. Given up taking antibiotics for it as if I get too used to them they won't work when I need them really. Was in hospital recently and they gave me antibiotics which unblocked the sinuses. Told the nurse and she said 'bonus'. I use a steroid spray every day but I think that has ruined my sense of smell that was once really good.
I had no idea that once infected, sinuses are so delicate & take so long to heal until now having had the problem myself. My nose regularly feels a bit blocked and I try to breathe quietly since having the infection. Sounds silly but I'm conscious of it, Jeez please lets have a decent warm summer to help clear it all up! Very sorry to hear about your issues ILS & Poppy. Breathing is something we all do 24/7 obvious statement I know, but anything to do with our ability to breathe effortlessly is always a constant nagging ailment isn't it.

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