Why is Ali Keenan so orange?


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Ali K is a fan of tanning and has said several times Alison Young tells her off because of the skin damage,but she loves the sun.
I'm not convinced that it is fake - sorry Ali if you wanted to be tangoed you could have done it by safe fake.

She has a young pretty face but quite honestly she badly needs a makeover her look is so old fashioned. This in no way is saying anything about her illness as I thought this years ago.

Alison Keenan has clearly had plastic surgery. Either that or she's been on Lulu's "Youth Juice" (which as we all know is tantamount to the same thing) for her visage sports the same tambourine tautness as seen on the 66-year-old Shout singer.
Im not sure AK has had plastic surgery but her look needs updated. Personally when she had the choppy hair do just after her treatment I thought she looked good whereas now she is verging on the Jilly Cooper look.
Those of us who've been around a long time will know that Ali K has always been a sun worshipper. She has never made any attempt to hide that, and has often said that she gets her hands smacked by Ali Y for it. We also know that she has had cosmetic work done. It's not news. Personally, I find her one of QVC's more watchable presenters.
Those of us who've been around a long time will know that Ali K has always been a sun worshipper. She has never made any attempt to hide that, and has often said that she gets her hands smacked by Ali Y for it. We also know that she has had cosmetic work done. It's not news. Personally, I find her one of QVC's more watchable presenters.

I agree Picallili! But she's still an oil boiler trying to be a spring chicken and it ain't cutting the mustard. Tambourine face, opal teeth and pumpkinny skin makes her look like an extra in Sissy Spacek film! I like her voice though.
Praps we should leave her alone. She's had a tough time and she probably couldn't give two hoots how tangoed she looks!

I actually really like Alison Keenan. I think she's a brave lady who has a nice manner and a pleasant voice. The whole point of this thread is that she does look like a burnt orange toaster from the 1970s. Keenan has acknowledged this herself to a degree. We were just discussing the state of the orangeyness of the various peeps on Q, just as we'd be discussing their milk white limbs if they hadn't bothered to slap on the ol' gravy browning. Alison Keenan seems to pride herself on having a classy appearance and demeanour, and her leathery looks just seem a bit at odds with this. She has gone an old skool deep brown like people used to favour before the awareness of skin cancers increased. I don't know if you read about the "tan monster" in the press? She was on Jeremy Kyle as well (which kind of says it all re: classiness). Well Alison Keenan hasn't gone that far, thankfully. Her appearance is her business of course, but she's on the telly and telly is about appearance, really so I think she's fair game.
DD, exactly right - I saw her and thought she looked like his sister, same skin tone exactly, courtesy of the fake tan bottle. Not much of an advert for the product she used - or has nobody told her you don't actually fill the bath with it and then climb in? I like the lady herself, and do wonder where the backroom people are at Q.....there are often occasions when presenters do not do themselves any favours (Mr Biagi's need to expose his chest hair, for example - please put it away, 'cos we've all seen it), and surely someone should give a gentle hint when something 'ain't a good look in front of a camera. Not nice or easy to have to tell someone, but Isn't that part of what these backroom people get paid for? Letting people look ridiculous isn't nice, either.
Rather David Dickensonesque.

Whatever makes her feel good about herself I suppose.
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Normally I get the impression that all of the presenters do their own wardrobe hair and makeup unless there's a hair or makeup show, in which case, they will sometimes have their makeup/hair done by the brand. That leaves them free to do their best or worst.

Honestly, I would say the person who does the best makeup is actually Debbie Flint. Her hair is rather bizarre, but the makeup is flattering and not iridescent or too heavy on the eyeliner.
I think most of them are attractive but they don't always make the most of themselves. But they must also think that they're attractive enough to be in the public view, which makes them fair game in my book.

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