Where are Debbie Greenwood & Julian Ballantyne?


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Spottybotty, don't hold your breath. They usually give them a big cake and a sorry to see you on their last show. Since they have both been gone since June silence will reign.
Sara Griffiths was OK. I'm glad she's coming back. She is quite a good actress too. Maybe the acting work has dwindled for a bit so she's covering for Pippa or Pipa or whatever it is she calls herself. The one on "sabbatical."
Yes she has. Her French accent is ok but noticably English in some parts. I always remember watching a Clogau gold hour presented by Sara G. She was joined by a male guest who had come from the gold mine to discuss the products. He was quite clearly TERRIFIED of being on TV. Sara G was extremely calm and professional in how she took control and dealt with it brilliantly. I'm glad she's returning. I always thought she was one of the better presenters. Just wish they would get rid of that wheezing scragbag Jill Franks!
A friend of mine was watching her last night and we were laughing at her relentless talking and wheezing. We decided to have a play a game where we both had to talk about an ordinary object for at least 10 minutes. I spoke about a biro pen and managed 9 minutes. My friend, Miroslav, spoke about a toilet brush for 8 minutes. So I won! hahahahaha. It was more exhausting than a workout at the gym!
I will be pleased to see Sara back on our screen.She is pleasant , lets the guest speak and doesn't screech at us.:wink:
Sorry to be the odd man out but I breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't come back after her baby.

I thought she was very wet, like Claire Sutton but very very slightly less sugary. Perhaps this might be a relief after the last few years of hard sell shouting

Mind you the Q style has changed (and not for the better) since then and I'm doubtful that she will stay for long without a major revamp of style
Be nice to see Sara back, she wasn't as excitable as some of the other presenters are and hopefully her style hasn't changed. Very silly though for QVC to be getting rid of presenters and then bringing someone back. You would have thought they would have kept at least one of the presenters who left around to cover for Pipa - a lack of joined up thinking!
Excellent news that Sara is returning, she was very normal with no airs and graces...I feared that it might be that dreadful Abby...the very annoying tech person....

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